We had several decking and stairs projects that needed to be redone or repaired. We live on a very difficult hilly site with limited parking, neighbors that do not like noise, and my husband and I are very particular when it comes to quality craftsmanship. We had been searching for years for a company to either repair or rebuild our stairs and decking that we use to get to the lake from our house. The stairs are situated on a steep slope and change directions as they are intermingled with landings and decks and landscaping. We wanted a company that would assist us in choosing the best materials and had the expertise to discuss design possibilities. The company also needed to comply with local ordinances as well as strict neighborhood guidelines regarding road load limits, work hours, noise limits, parking, etc. In addition, we wanted a company that would not damage other structures or landscaping on our property or others.
After interviewing several companies, it was clear that the owner of Gatz Construction was knowledgeable with fresh ideas relating to both material selection and design, and had similar ideas to ours regarding how to proceed in an orderly fashion that would limit neighborhood complaints, damage to our property, etc.
My husband and I both had careers in the home improvement industry and had a considerable amount of knowledge so therefore we needed a company that would meet or exceed our expectations. Because we are "hands on" type clients, knowledgeable and expert craftsmanship were essential. In addition, the location of the project was difficult, to say the least, as it was located on the side of a steep hill. We had decided for the old stairs and decks to be disassembled (starting at the bottom with one section at a time) and then reassembled on the same footprint, for the most part, using new material when needed. Unfortunately, most of the 4x4 posts (approx.80), all of the steps, decking, railing, risers, toe kicks and some of the stringers had to be replaced. The substructure seemed to be useable, but since the posts had rotted, each section had to be re- squared which was problematic since the rotten posts caused most of the landings and flights of stairs to move. We also asked that everything that was disassembled be removed from our property at the end of each day. Since they started at the bottom, the crew needed to carry up the old lumber by walking up approximately 100 steps! Of course, the number of steps decreased as the crew made their way to the top of the hill. However, this was very labor intensive.
The Gatz crew did a good job of keeping the work site tidy, There were no loud radios, no cigarette butts, no long lunches, and best of all, they showed up on time.
Gatz's best quality lies in the area of communication. They returned phone calls and emails in a timely manner; crews were on site on time; quotes, invoices, etc. were professionally submitted; samples and prototypes were supplied when needed; and in addition to weekly meetings, management was readily available upon request to solve problems and issues in order to help eliminate interruptions and downtime.
We underestimated the complexity/scope of the project which unfortunately effected the time it took to complete. Lumber availability (used some exotic hardwood), weather conditions, uniqueness of site, our critical eyes, etc. all contributed to an extremely lengthy project.
My husband and I are totally satisfied with the beach stair project. We have since used Gatz for other projects. They are professional, dependable, trustworthy, and a pleasure to work with.
We can provide photos to Houzz if requested.