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Slate Barganier Building, Inc

Slate Barganier Building, Inc

General Contractors
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About Us

At Slate Barganier Building, we believe the relationship and the working friendship is the most important ingredient in every project. While homes are made of bricks and mortar, relationships are formed from stronger materials – namely trust and integrity. Much goes into a successful relationship. We must provide solutions, not problems. We must be proactive to remain on budget and on schedule. Most of all, our word should be the footing of every project. Slate Barganier Building offers assurances, not excuses in the construction of any project, giving clients absolute confidence in a successful outcome. Our role is to make your project extraordinarily easy for you. With our emphasis on communication, honesty, and proactive problem-solving, Slate Barganier Building allows clients to breathe more easily, knowing that their construction company is looking out for them. Throughout every project, we address every detail from the craftsmanship to the relationship. We ensure that everything is nothing less than impeccable. To us, quality is more than craftsmanship and precision. It is a belief that client satisfaction with the relationship is just as important as their satisfaction with the finished building.

Areas Served

Birmingham, Cahaba Heights, Homewood, Mountain Brook, Vestavia Hills

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Business Details

Business Name

Slate Barganier Building, Inc

Phone Number

(205) 637-3373


3172 Cahaba Heights Road
Vestavia Hills, AL 35243


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