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Land Surveying Companies in Wichita

Get accurate and detailed land surveying services for your property in Wichita.

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Wichita / 50 mi
13 of 3 professionals
3 Professionals

Featured Reviews for Land Surveying Companies in Wichita

Bachman Realty, LLC
Land Surveying Companies in Wichita
Average rating: 5 out of 5 starsMarch 1, 2016
“Kurt is currently building my home and my pool house in the Moorings. He is excellent to work with and goes out of his way to help you during all phases of construction. He is always available to meet and discuss anything that comes up and being a Custom Builder doesn't get upset when you want to make a change. He does a great job at getting bids and staying on budget. I cannot say enough good things about Kurt, so very glad I chose him as my builder.”
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