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Home Remodelers in St. Louis

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St. Louis / 50 mi
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Featured Reviews for Home Remodelers in St. Louis

STL Design and Build, LLC
Home Remodelers in St. Louis
Average rating: 5 out of 5 starsOctober 31, 2017
“We love love loved this company. We had a pipe burst in the wall last winter and they did an amazing job. Doing demo, and getting the new floor down and the wall that was saturated fixed. This sept my son flooded the bathroom and we ended up with a bad leek in the basement. 2 guys from the company came over to my house on Friday at 5 to get the ceiling removed so we wouldn’t have any mold.”
Lakeside Renovation & Design
Home Remodelers in St. Louis
Average rating: 5 out of 5 starsFebruary 16, 2017
“After meeting with several other companies we contacted with Lakeside Exteriors and from our first meeting we felt confident that we were in good hands. They listened to our ideas, considered and offered opinions and as a result we were very pleased with the outcome. Hardee Siding, soffits, guttering, roof windows and an architectural roof. Our home is beautiful ....than you Lakeside for a job well done.”
Ladd Suydam Contracting, LLC
Home Remodelers in St. Louis
Average rating: 5 out of 5 starsNovember 30, 2012
“Ladd Suydam Contracting (LSC) did fantastic work in remodeling / updating our kitchen and entire 1st floor. From the beginning, Ladd and his team were professional and responsive. Ladd helped design and plan the entire project from scratch. The craftsmanship from LSC was superb. The team cares and does high quality work. The project was done on budget and on time. The key for me and this project, was the planning. LSC took the time to understand our project and answer all of our questions. When doing big projects there are always unexpected issues (especially when dealing with a 100+ yr old house). LSC experience and knowledge minimized most of these issues from the start. I highly recommend LSC.”
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