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INSIDE - Arquitetura & Design | Comercial Group ®

INSIDE - Arquitetura & Design | Comercial Group ®

Interior Decorators
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About Us

INSIDE - Arquitetura e Design de Interiores is a specialised interior design and architecture firm that is based in Sao Paulo, Brazil, but acting in international markets too. INSIDE’s work is striking in many ways. It is endlessly colourful, utilising loud colour palettes to elevate spaces without sacrificing an ounce of sophistication or elegance. Their work are utterly contemporary, inventive and aspirational, without ever being unoriginal. They are, in every way, trend-setters – being guided by pure creativity over transient trends or fashions. But all of this seems par for the course for INSIDE. Indeed, since their establishment, they have harnessed a singular reputation in the industry for going above and beyond. To create luxurious environments that never feel tired or, simply, expected. On top of all of that, INSIDE has stayed at the very cutting edge of their industry through a commitment to sustainability. In the company’s own words: “Our commitment is to integrate sustainable solutions and affordable eco-efficient products into every project.” Whilst this is a common thread among today’s architects and designers, it would be fair to say that INSIDE have differentiated themselves through a pledge to the ‘Friend of the Forest’ (OSCISP) programme – which aims to actively reduce human impact on the environment. All the more impressive is that the firm has found success working across a plethora of industries. With each project they showcase a singular ability to adapt to the needs of the space – to see beyond it into what it could be. The possibilities of a space. Whilst many firms have this ability, INSIDE take it to another level, often reinventing rooms, environments and buildings from the ground up.

Services Provided

3D Rendering, Art Selection, Basement Design, Bathroom Design, Bedroom Design, Closet Design, Color Consulting, Custom Bathroom Vanities, Custom Bookcases, Custom Cabinets, Custom Fireplace Mantels, Custom Furniture, Custom Home Bars, Custom Kitchen Cabinets, Custom Murphy Beds, Custom Rugs, Custom Shelving, Custom Storage, Custom Table, Custom Walk-in Closets, Dining Room Design, Downsizing, Drafting, Entry Design, Floor Plans, Furniture Selection, Garage Design, Green Building, Historic Building Conservation, Holiday Decorating, Home Office Design, Home Theater Design, House Plans, Interior Design, Kids Bedroom Design, Kitchen Design, Laundry Room Design, Lighting Design, Living Room Design, Nursery Design, Outdoor Kitchen Design, Playroom Design, Project Management, Space Planning, Sunroom Design & Construction, Sustainable Design, Universal Design

Areas Served

São Paulo, USA


PRESS Vogue and Others. Lux Life Awards.


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Business Details

Business Name

INSIDE - Arquitetura & Design | Comercial Group ®

Phone Number

+55 11 99951-5853


Avenida Nazaré, 1139 - cj. 1201 - 12º andar - Ipiranga - São Paulo - SP - CEP 04263-100
LAB 01 Vila Olimpia
LAB 02 Indaiatuba
São Paulo, Sao Paulo

Typical Job Cost

$2,500 - 75,000

PROJECT + HOME STYLE CONSULTANT We deliver the complete solution (presencial or online, too others countries) to transform properties and ambient with your identity.

License Number

CNPJ 08.861.881.0001-47


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