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- Bauer Clifton Interiors
Jeremy Bauer and Jason Clifton, the principal designers, share a passion for creating stylish spaces that are trul...
Read more119A Second St., Juneau, AK 99801 - NEST Interiors AK
EIN# 72-0421007215
Douglas, AK 99824 - Lue I Design99801
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Coupons4U is your go-to destination for the best deals, and when it comes to Box UK, we've got you covered with ex...
Read moreUk, London, England, GB, AK 99801 - Valley Lumber Company. LLC.8525 OLD DAIRY RD, JUNEAU, AK 99801
- Slate ConstructionJuneau, AK 99801
- DLF9153 Jerry Dr, Juneau, Juneau, AK 99801
7 Professionals
Featured Reviews for Color Consulting Companies in Juneau
Bauer Clifton Interiors
Color Consulting Companies in Juneau
“This firm is terrific: They have great ideas, they see possibilities where it would seem none exist, and have very high standards. They generously support their community, as well, which is very important to me.
They selected the color scheme for the local arts council facility, not colors we would have selected, and it turned out to be perfect. Created as attractive building immediately.”
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