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- Melanie Sewell Interiors, LLC
I love to travel. Yet, home is my favorite place in all the world to be. I believe passionately that our homes sho...
Read moreMason City, IA 50401 - ELEVATE.4366 Fountain Ave, St. Ansgar, IA 50472
- onlineIndia, India, India, IN 56001
- slotNo. 1 Lorong Tun Ismail, Kuala Lumpur, NY 50480
- Grace Marie Designs407cleveland Ave W, Winnebago, MN 56098
- Dreamslewisville, IN 50514
- DDMF314 court lane, Albert Lea, MN 56007
- Rosenau DesignBlue Earth, MN 56013
- Sai inteior's560066
- Sara A. Karabatsos
Interior Designer - Residential Services (20 years of residential design experience with degree in Interior Desig...
3501 4th Street SW, Mason City, IA 50401 - Janna's Market Grill129 Central Ave. N., FARIBAULT, MN, MN 55021
- Peg Danhour Designer/Decorator
P.O. Box 327, Clear Lake, IA 50428 - Amber Patterson Design Co.
We are a multi-faceted interior design studio and strive to provide our customers with a unique and personalized e...
Read moreMankato, MN - Ducky208 summit ave, hanska, MN 56041
- JordanMerdkin19922 Minnesota 22, Mankato, MN 56001
38 Professionals
Featured Reviews for Space Planning Companies in Wells
Melanie Sewell Interiors, LLC
Space Planning Companies in Wells
“Wow, I cannot put into words the absolutely wonderful way that MSI LLC transformed rooms in my home. What was done in my home was done as a surprise to me, she was able to capture my family & me in the decorations beautifully without any input from me. She takes great care in getting to know the character behind the person she is decorating for and putting that into the decorations. She has a true gift of turning a house into a home reflective of the persons living in the home. She also has a gift of being up for a challenge of seeing how far a dollar can go...she amazes me with her skills!”
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