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Chryssanthou, Inc.

Chryssanthou, Inc.

Interior Designers & Decorators
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About Us

Present design and decoration are the final outcome of the history of mankind. We find ourselves rooted by the sense of home, comforted and protected by the structure that welcomes us, enlivened and nourished by the spaces and their furnishings which we employ and experience. Proper design and decoration live their own lives. They are coaxed into existence by a combination of the client’s innate knowing of their needs and penchants coupled with the wisdom, style and openness of their designer. Chryssanthou’s Principal, Josh Spencer Chrisant, is proud to be a partner in the process.
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Business Details

Business Name

Chryssanthou, Inc.

Phone Number

(310) 993-5900


1049 Havenhurst Dr
West Hollywood, CA 90046


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