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- Eden Bath - Vessel Sinks
Eden Bath is a manufacturer and importer of unique vessel sinks made of natural stone, glass, concrete and copper....
Read moreCedar Rapids, IA 52404 - The Design Studio
The Design Studio is committed to providing you with personalized and attentive service focused on listening caref...
Read moreCedar Rapids, IA 52404 - VTI LLC
VTI provides a simple, durable design and offers manure injector services in Washington from a farmer to a farmer
201 Airport Rd, Washington, IA 52353, USA, Washington, IA 52353
3 Professionals
Featured Reviews for Faucet Sales in North Liberty
Eden Bath - Vessel Sinks
Faucet Sales in North Liberty
“This company provided excellent sales service. They went out of their way to take photos and email them to me so I could select the best petrified wood vessel sinks that worked well for each of our two bathroom projects. They provided quick service and were responsive to both phone call and email inquiries concerning hardware requirements. Dana Zeidler (Florida)”
The Design Studio
Faucet Sales in North Liberty
“Very creative in meeting the customers needs, very respectful, hard worker and would recommend to anyone. Specializes not only in bath and tile, also cabinets, baby cribs, anything made from wood.”
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