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Kitchen Remodelers in Burlington

The average cost for kitchen remodeling ranges from $14,139 to $62,234.

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Burlington / 50 mi
115 of 32 professionals
32 Professionals

Featured Reviews for Kitchen Remodelers in Burlington

Dovetail Designs by Jenny Volk
Kitchen Remodelers in Burlington
Average rating: 5 out of 5 starsOctober 17, 2014
“I would highly recommend Dovetail Designs! We wanted to do a complete kitchen remodel but didn't have a clear vision of what we were looking for. Jenny came to our house and spent a considerable amount of time with us going over what we wanted in a kitchen and asked questions about our cooking style, etc. She then set to work on developing a kitchen design for us which truly turned out incredible and put all of our ideas into a true vision. Even after we had settled on a plan, Jenny would take additional time to work on the design to find even more ways to perfect it. The end result was a beautiful, well designed kitchen that far exceeded our expectations!”
Kitchen Remodelers in Burlington
Average rating: 5 out of 5 starsApril 7, 2017
“We worked with Woodstock years ago on a kitchen refresh in our former home, and came back when we moved and had a complete kitchen and bath to design. I had a strong vision of what I wanted, and Woodstock made it happen. We loved the process and the quality of everything from the kitchen sink to the shower and bath faucets. Two years later, I am still thrilled with the results and would not change a thing.”
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