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Kitchen Remodelers in Twain Harte

The average cost for kitchen remodeling ranges from $14,139 to $62,234.

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Twain Harte / 50 mi
115 of 202 professionals
202 Professionals

Featured Reviews for Kitchen Remodelers in Twain Harte

Unique 5 Construction
Kitchen Remodelers in Twain Harte
Average rating: 5 out of 5 starsJanuary 6, 2025
“My wife and I contracted Farzin to completely remodel our kitchen, bathroom, and convert our laundry room into a second bathroom. The work was extensive and we chose Farzin after interviewing several contractors and settling on his bid. I gladly recommend you contact Farzin to bid on your project, I found his bid to be competitive and the work to be good quality. Perhaps most importantly I found Farzin to be trustworthy, when issues arose (as they also do with a project of a large scope) we were always able to discuss the matter and reach a fair solution that all parties agreed to, he assured us that he would do what it took to get the job done right and I believe he kept that promise.”
LHK Interiors
Kitchen Remodelers in Twain Harte
Average rating: 5 out of 5 starsMarch 6, 2016
“Super patient, insightful, and willing to incorporate client desires into affordable designs. LHK has been a joy to work with, and we have been amonst the pickiest and hardest clients anyone has ever had. We demand alot of our designers and contractors in addition to constantly haggling. I would recommend LHK to anyone seeking a warm and well respected designer that has professional connections!”
VanderHelm Interior Design
Kitchen Remodelers in Twain Harte
Average rating: 5 out of 5 starsJune 2, 2014
“VanderHelm Interiors worked with our firm (a digital agency) to re-imagine our office space. The outcome was a distinctive and functional office redesign!”
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