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- Artificial Sky
Artificial Sky manufacturers the largest and most realistic sky ceilings and sky lighting fixtures in the world. U...
Read moreNorthville, MI 48168 - Lowe's Home Improvement White Lake, MI
Lowe’s has been helping our customers improve the places they call home for more than 60 years. Founded in 1946, L...
Read more8550 Highland Road, White Lake, MI 48386 - Pine Tree Furniture & Lighting
Pine Tree Furniture & Lighting was founded in 1976. Forty years later, our third-generation family-owned busin...
Read moreLake Orion, MI 48360 - Michael's Lamp Shop
We are a specialty lighting store that specializes in Antique/Vintage lighting along with a large selection of Sta...
Read moreLathrup Village, MI 48076 - The Landscape Lighting Specialist
Landscape Lighting Specialist provides professional landscape lighting design, sales, installation & service....
Read more2025 Crestland Street, Ann Arbor, MI 48104 - Ray Lighting Centers
We make it easy. At Ray Lighting, our ALA certified lighting consultants work hard to achieve the effects you des...
Read more12500 Hall Road, Sterling Heights, MI 48313 - PF Chandeliers
wholesale and retail store
1700 Stutz Drive Suite 95, Troy, MI 48084 - Herald Wholesale
We are an upscale showroom featuring lighting, plumbing, door and cabinet hardware. We also specialize in custom g...
Read more1765 West Maple, Troy, MI 48084 - Yaroch Electric, LLC
Electrical Contractor - Residential, Industrial and Commercial.
7209 Cardinal, Clay, MI 48001 - Goldberg Electric LLC
Electrical contractor that specializes in large upscale homes and commercial jobs
1012 S Campbell rd, Royal oak 48067 - Top Of The Lamp
Welcome to Top of the Lamp, Ann Arbor's locally owned lighting specialty store. Our friendly and knowledgeable ass...
Read moreAnn Arbor, MI 48103 - Exway Electric Supply CoHarper Woods, MI 48225
- Prime Lighting Design Inc
Don't just light your home - Prime Light it! Properly layered lighting sets the mood in a room and can make the di...
Read more1641 Provincial Rd, Windsor, Ontario N8W5V7, Canada - Outdoor Lighting Services LLCChesterfield Twp., MI 48047
- RE-Lighting
Lighting Showroom, Home Lighting Design, Residential Lighting, Lighting Design
10 Renaud Street, Amherstburg, Ontario N9V4B1, Canada