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Lighting Companies & Designers in Diamond Bar

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Diamond Bar / 50 mi
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3,331 Professionals

Featured Reviews for Lighting Companies & Designers in Diamond Bar

in-lite outdoor lighting
Lighting Companies & Designers in Diamond Bar
Average rating: 5 out of 5 starsApril 19, 2024
“Before we heard about in-lite we tried different lighting companies. Once we started using in-lite, everything changed. They have products for every style and customer, bringing European design to Canada. We absolutely love dealing with the people at in-lite and can't imagine using another brand. They stand behind there product and continue to amaze us with there innovations. I highly recommend using in-lite for all your outdoor lighting projects.”
Concept Renovations, Inc.
Lighting Companies & Designers in Diamond Bar
Average rating: 5 out of 5 starsDecember 8, 2016
“We found Concept last year and they met with us and provided great 3D drawings and a complete schedule with costs for our 300 sq ft addittion off of our master bedroom. Started late June and now everythong is finally complete and signed off. After months of hard work and patience our home is finally back and beautuful! the addition has opened up so much for us and our is huge now! We cant say enough great and wonderful things about this team! When your dropping almost 6 figures down for a home remodel hire only the best. We got a great deal.”
27 Diamonds Interior Design
Lighting Companies & Designers in Diamond Bar
Average rating: 5 out of 5 starsOctober 4, 2012
“I hired Anna to help us decorate 4 rooms in our new home (living and adjacent dining room, den, loft). She was a great listener, and fit our needs perfectly. We didn't need a full-service decorator to buy our furniture for us. However, we did need help picking out pieces that would work well together, and stretched us beyond the bland all-neutral palette that was our "comfort zone." We have been very happy with the results, and would recommend her highly!”
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