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Lighting Companies & Designers in Glendale

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Glendale / 50 mi
115 of 738 professionals
738 Professionals

Featured Reviews for Lighting Companies & Designers in Glendale

in-lite outdoor lighting
Lighting Companies & Designers in Glendale
Average rating: 5 out of 5 starsApril 19, 2024
“Before we heard about in-lite we tried different lighting companies. Once we started using in-lite, everything changed. They have products for every style and customer, bringing European design to Canada. We absolutely love dealing with the people at in-lite and can't imagine using another brand. They stand behind there product and continue to amaze us with there innovations. I highly recommend using in-lite for all your outdoor lighting projects.”
Seth Parks Designs
Lighting Companies & Designers in Glendale
Average rating: 5 out of 5 starsMarch 29, 2016
“Seth Parks is an excellent artist. Very personable with his customer service and customization. Hos expertise with glass blowing and his creativity with chandeliers is amzing! I would recommend him from the rooftops if i could!!”
Lighting Companies & Designers in Glendale
Average rating: 5 out of 5 starsMarch 7, 2017
“This far surpassed my expectations, especially for the price. Ill be buying another. It is very high quality, very thick glass globe, there was a great amount of cord-- so much so I reused some in another project, and looks great hung. Nice mix of brass to make it look classy and black to make it look modern. I have a Victorian house with a modern aesthetic. This fits great stylistically with both. I bought an led edison style bulb for about $13 and the whole thing is just great.”
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