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Lighting Companies & Designers in Paterson

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Paterson / 50 mi
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Featured Reviews for Lighting Companies & Designers in Paterson

Staci Ruiz Architectural Lighting Design
Lighting Companies & Designers in Paterson
Average rating: 5 out of 5 starsMarch 26, 2013
“I have used Staci for both residential and commercial projects, and she is excellent at figuring out just what is needed within a reasonable budget. Much better than if I tried by myself; I have had several unsolicited compliments on our lighting designs...something a tenant or buyer sees first thing.”
Hierarchy Architecture + Design, PLLC
Lighting Companies & Designers in Paterson
Average rating: 5 out of 5 starsOctober 17, 2013
“We work with Hierarchy Architects frequently. Not only do we enjoy their easy-to-work with manner, but our clients do as well. TJ Costello is an honest, friendly gentleman who brings a unique brand of intelligence to every project. TJ's approach to a job is always multi-faceted, seeing not one, but several solutions to the renovation. In the end, his work is seamless to the environment; an outcome that always exceeds expectations. When Hierarchy is on the job, you can rest assured that their years of know-how and soup to nuts oversight will be instrumental to the getting job done right the first time.”
Tracey Stephens Interior Design Inc
Lighting Companies & Designers in Paterson
Average rating: 5 out of 5 starsSeptember 19, 2012
“Cooking and eating in our renovated kitchen is a pleasure! Friends and family agree. We owe a great deal to Tracey's design, her unerring eye for color, texture, shape, and light, and her skill in solving problems as they arise, often one step ahead of them. We will absolutely hire Tracey again when we're ready to renovate a bathroom. - Naomi S”
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