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Lighting Companies & Designers in South Miami

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South Miami / 50 mi
115 of 301 professionals
301 Professionals

Featured Reviews for Lighting Companies & Designers in South Miami

Farrey's Lighting and Bath
Lighting Companies & Designers in South Miami
Average rating: 4 out of 5 starsApril 23, 2014
“Farrey's Decorative Hardware Bath & Lighting is a great company to work with when you are looking for lighting and hardware for baths. They have an excellent selection of lighting and plumbing in a range of prices. They have an amazing show room where you get to see many of the items you might be interested in. The customer service is excellent particularly in the North Miami Beach location. Kathryn Marsh Kathryn Interiors, Inc.”
Galilee Lighting
Lighting Companies & Designers in South Miami
Average rating: 5 out of 5 starsMay 1, 2013
“My husband and I are building a new house and wanted a unique lighitng fixture for our entryway. When I walked in to the showroom it was love at first.sight. Both Abey and Leora were so attentive and helpful that I could not stop raving to my husband, so we returned and decided on two lighting fixtures. Everything is custom made. Leora worked with us and was insistent about the measurements of all aspects of the areas we were buying the fixtures for. Before anything is ordered, she talks with the designer in Israel to make sure that it works. How lucky are that this amazing ART Glass lighting store opened in our area when we were in the market.”
Ferguson Bath, Kitchen & Lighting Gallery
Lighting Companies & Designers in South Miami
Average rating: 5 out of 5 starsJune 29, 2012
“We are building our new home which is 8000 sq ft. We bought all our light fixtures, all the plumbing fixtures and kitchen appliances from Ferguson in Memphis TN. They are very professional and thorough in their business dealing. If there was any change of order or price, they dealt with it professionally. The prices were great as well! At first we were under the impression that Ferguson was an expensive store , but it completely changed once they price matched everything. Overall we would give them an A+.”
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