Commented: What height is the vanity vs the mirror?The mirror is quite high. It doesn't work for everyone, for sure. But you could easily hang the mirror lower or have a longer mirror without disrupting the aesthetic. The tile backsplash could be lowe...
Commented: The bedding is so unique, where can I buy for my son?The quilt was from Target a few years ago - I am not sure they still sell it. But the pillow is from Pottery Barn and they may still have something similar.
December 26, 2013
Commented: what are the two wall colorsThe walls are Revere Pewter and the ceiling is Cloud Cover, both by Benjamin Moore.
September 27, 2013
Commented: Baskets in book case?I bought them from IKEA several years ago so not sure if they are still available
September 24, 2013
Commented: The wooden chair?It's a Cherner chair from Design within Reach.
September 8, 2013
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