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Outdoor Lighting Installers in Providence

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Providence / 50 mi
115 of 32 professionals
32 Professionals

Featured Reviews for Outdoor Lighting Installers in Providence

Boston Lightscaping
Outdoor Lighting Installers in Providence
Average rating: 5 out of 5 starsSeptember 5, 2017
“Outdoor lighting makes a house warm and inviting to approach after the daylight hours. Proper Lighting gives you a sense or security as well. Jason does a excellent job of featuring the architectural lines of the home as well as under lighting specimen trees and plants of interest. Our home is situated on a hill and well traveled street, We have received comments from towns people passing by as to how they appreciate the lighting effects on our property. A beautiful house doesn't show it's full beauty until it is well lit during the evening. Jason is knowledgeable, his commitment to schedule and professional business practices makes it a pleasure to work with him and his employees.”
TerraLight Systems
Outdoor Lighting Installers in Providence
Average rating: 5 out of 5 starsMarch 1, 2024
“Was very helpful in finding the best brand in my price range and took everything into consideration when building my lighting design.”
Fleming's of Cohasset Village
Outdoor Lighting Installers in Providence
Average rating: 5 out of 5 starsApril 27, 2017
“Knowledgeable, pleasnt,providing vast selection at reasonable prices. They have also repaired some antique lamps for me as well as fabricated table lamps and created chandeliers from a variety of materials for me and my clients. As a designer I appreciate their unique ability to fulfill a variety of challenges successfully.”
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