Yaletown Painting
Paint & Wall Covering Dealers
About Us
Yaletown Painting takes the hassle out of painting, by giving you the quality you expect, in a timeline that's unexpected.
Painting can be a huge pain. Here at Yaletown Painting our goal is to give you an unforgetting experience and we value your time. You only have so much time, and that time is valuable--that's why we aim to have your painting job done fast.
Services Provided
Paint Sales, Wallcovering Sales, Drywall repairs, Maintenance, Restoration, Re-finishing, Decorating
Areas Served
Vancouver, Lower mainland
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Business Details
Business Name
Yaletown Painting
Phone Number
(778) 251-2679
1212 Howe street
Vancouver, British Columbia V6Z2M9
Typical Job Cost
CAD 200 - CAD 5,000
Cost per square foot
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