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House Painters & Painting Companies in Charleston

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Charleston / 50 mi
115 of 162 professionals
162 Professionals

Featured Reviews for House Painters & Painting Companies in Charleston

NEWLook Finishes by Crystal
House Painters & Painting Companies in Charleston
Average rating: 5 out of 5 starsMay 10, 2014
“Crystal's work is very detailed and her ability to age new decorative items to create an antique look is amazing.”
J H Parker Designs & Painting
House Painters & Painting Companies in Charleston
Average rating: 5 out of 5 starsMay 7, 2015
“JH Parker Designs has done several jobs for me over the past four years. The scope of work included painting, wallpaper installation, landscaping, interior room addition, lighting installations and general "handyman" items. His attention to detail is precise and workmanship is exceptional. Jim also has a very strong work ethic and always has a great attitude. In addition, his prices are very competitive. I strongly recommend JH Parker Designs!!”
East Coast Paint and Drywall
House Painters & Painting Companies in Charleston
Average rating: 5 out of 5 starsJanuary 20, 2016
“I am very happy with the work that was done to my home. I had some drywall replaced and home painted and the people working on my home were very professional and friendly. The work was done in a timely manner as well. I would recommend them to any of my friends and family.”
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