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House Painters & Painting Companies in Lawrenceville

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Lawrenceville / 50 mi
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927 Professionals

Featured Reviews for House Painters & Painting Companies in Lawrenceville

Extraordinary Walls
House Painters & Painting Companies in Lawrenceville
Average rating: 5 out of 5 starsJune 4, 2021
“Magnificent just Magnificent. 2nd to none in tru wall artistry. The lines are straight and crispy no over bleeding of the paint Tru professional grade work.”
LIME Painting of Atlanta
House Painters & Painting Companies in Lawrenceville
Average rating: 5 out of 5 starsFebruary 7, 2023
“We used Lime Painting of Atlanta to paint our house inside and out. They did an amazing job! Thsy also refinished and painted out cabinets in the kitchen and they make the entire kitchen look new! They are beautiful! I was very impressed with their attention to detail as far as their prep work before they painted and with their clean up and finished work! Can't say enough about how pleased we were with their professional work. Highly recommend this company.”
Flawless Painting
House Painters & Painting Companies in Lawrenceville
Average rating: 5 out of 5 starsJanuary 30, 2014
“Scott Czaesar is the owner. He has been so successful that he now offers franchises by county or area for his business model. He comes out to assess the job, offer suggestions and direction (his knowledge of color and design is excellent). On the first day of work, he will set the crew to task and check the job at the end. He will send someone back out to correct anything, if necessary. He and his employees are professional, polite, and tidy.”
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