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House Painters & Painting Companies in Toronto

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Toronto / 50 mi
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1,170 Professionals

Featured Reviews for House Painters & Painting Companies in Toronto

ColourWorks Painting Design
House Painters & Painting Companies in Toronto
Average rating: 5 out of 5 starsSeptember 26, 2014
“ColourWorks Painting was a great choice for us and we have no hesitations giving our highest recommendation. They were extremely professional throughout our entire experience. They are the real deal.”
Royalway Painting Inc.
House Painters & Painting Companies in Toronto
Average rating: 5 out of 5 starsApril 21, 2022
“Habib called promptly in response to my request to have my three garden sheds painted. His quote for the work was reasonable and he gave me an accurate estimate on when he would be able to do the job. He and his associate were right on time the morning the work was scheduled. They took care to protect my patio and fencing from paint and did an excellent job painting all three sheds. They did three coats on all three sheds, plus priming and painting the trim. My husband and I are very pleased with the excellent job done and the clean way they left the site. Habib was a polite and courteous man that we felt most comfortable working with. I completely recommend his work”
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