
Source, invoice, purchase, track. From lead to proposal to payment, it’s all in one place

Designed for you

Our tool is purpose-built to help designers like you grow and manage an efficient business

Easy to use

Houzz Pro is the friendliest tool available. Get up and running in less than a day


Give your clients a 3D view

Our 3D floor planning tool lets you build plans in 2D and tour clients in 3D. Easily add windows, doors, furniture and other room features to scale.


Get paid faster

Give clients the ability to pay instantly by credit card or wire transfer so you never wait for another check to clear.

56% of all bills are paid online. Consumers pay their biggest bills online because it’s more convenient. Source: ACI


Create professional proposals

Create and send beautifully branded and formatted proposals in minutes. Let your clients review and approve online. Pull products from your personal product catalog.


Turn your proposals into invoices with a click of a button

Easily send through invoices to your clients for payment. You can also collect deposits upfront on any invoice or proposal.

“We love Houzz! Houzz makes the experience as a pro convenient and straightforward. Clients love it too! 
Houzz has definitely enhanced our interior design business.”


Build your perfect product catalog

Use our clipper tool to add products from your vendors or the web. Instantly add products and services from your catalog to your tear sheets, proposals, invoices, and purchase orders.


Share your vision

With our feature-rich mood boards you can upload imagery, set desired colors, add text and use our powerful background removal tool on any product photo.


Get hired for the work you love to do

We’ll activate your virtual marketing team, sharing the very best of your business day or night, whenever potential clients are searching.

“The marketing program has been a great way to gain exposure, promote myself within my area, and connect with clients nearby.”
Claire Zee | Claire Zee Interior Design


Website included

Our team can create a professional, mobile-friendly website with a custom domain to build your brand and help attract and win more customers.

57% of online users say they won’t recommend a business with a poorly designed mobile website


Schedule your free demo

Have questions? Give us a call at (888) 372-2851