Meet Your New Favorite Features

To keep you in the loop, here’s a running list of all our updates and innovations.

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Q4 2024

Tasks in Leads

Create and associate tasks with leads. Access these tasks within your Task Center.

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Q3 2024

Google Drive Integration

​​Access your Google Drive Files and Photos from Houzz Pro. Attach them as you would any other file within Houzz Pro.

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Q3 2024


Compare estimated project costs against your actual spend.

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Financial Reports
Q3 2024

Show or Hide Document Footer in Tear Sheets

Choose to show or hide the document footer, including your company information, when exporting or downloading a tear sheet.

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Q3 2024

New ‘In Progress’ status for Purchase Orders with Multiple Items

If a purchase order contains multiple items with different order tracking statuses, the overall order tracking status will display as "In Progress." This "mixed" status indicates that not all items share the same tracking status.

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BuildersDesignersFinances & Reporting
Q3 2024

Mood Board Item: Extended Edit Menu

Right-click on any item on a mood board to open the extended menu with all available editing options.

BuildersDesignersMood Boards
Q3 2024

Advanced Image Layering in Mood Boards

Adjust image layering with the new 'Move Forward / Send Backward' feature.

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BuildersDesignersMood Boards
Q3 2024

Enhanced Mood Board Image Upload: Drag & Drop and Copy & Paste

Insert images directly into a Mood Board by dragging & dropping from desktop, or copy & paste from web pages or documents.

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BuildersDesignersMood Boards
Q3 2024

AutoMate AI Estimates

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Project Management
Q2 2024

Custom Email Templates for Selections Boards

Save your custom email messages as templates when sharing a selections board with clients. Your saved templates will be stored on the global templates page, where you can access and edit them whenever needed.

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See Our Innovations in Action

Check out our "Office Hours" series! Our in-house expert will give you a first look at our latest, newsworthy tools.
