Where Do I Put the Houzz Badge on My Website?

We recommend placing the Houzz badge on the homepage or in the footer of your website. Visitors can then click on your badge to navigate to your professional profile on Houzz. Showing your connection to Houzz lends extra credibility and provides easy navigation to see your up-to-date projects and reviews. 

To add or remove badges from the footer on your website, click the Company icon from your left navigation in Houzz Pro, then select Website from the left menu. You can also click this link to access directly.

From the website editor, scroll to the footer of the page. Click on the footer, then click Edit Footer.

A new popup screen will appear. Click Content from the left menu. Click the checkbox next to Badges, and be sure to click Save.

It's just as easy to edit your existing badges. To edit, click on the badges, then select the pencil icon. Click on the badges you want to show. Be sure to click Save.

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