What are some guidelines for good photo keywords?

Having the right keywords on your project photos helps homeowners find your business. The Houzz Pro auto-classification tool automatically tags your project photos with keywords to save you time and effort, but you can always change a tag by editing the photo. For tags you choose to manually input, here are some guidelines for adding keywords to your photos:

Keyword each unique photo: On the project upload page, only enter keywords if they apply to every single photo you are uploading. In most cases, you need to keyword each photo separately.

  • Ask yourself: If a user searches for this keyword and finds this photo, will they be confused?
  • List 5-15 keywords per photo

Be sure to include synonyms like “white sofa” and “white couch.” As you type, some suggestions will appear, and we suggest clicking a suggested keyword to add when applicable.

Capitalization and punctuation are ignored in search, so it is okay to keyword in lower case.

Appropriate types of keywords:

  • Materials (silk curtains, satin pillowcase, wood table)
  • Colors, color schemes, patterns (white bed, neutral bedroom, plaid bedding)
  • Size/shape adjectives (rectangular pool, mini chandelier, small kitchen)
  • Style (spanish colonial style house, art nouveau mirror, beach style decor)
  • Quantities (two sinks, two twin beds)
  • Unique product features (basket with lid, self-cleaning oven)
  • Products (canopy bed, corner wood stove, lounge chair)
  • Specific product information (Eames chair, Kohler Purist Faucet, Benjamin Moore Revere Pewter) These can also be tagged and listed in more detail in the photo description field.

Inappropriate types of keywords:

  • Keywords that are not relevant to or visible in the photo (even if the element appears elsewhere in the room).
  • Names, locations or services of the professionals involved in the project.
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