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Dont throw that away

16 years ago

I have had so much fun with paint and junk here is a bird house I made it was a butter tub and cost nothing to make Im working on others but here is a pic .

Cat Bird House


stuff I used to make bird house


Comments (102)

  • 16 years ago

    These are all wonderful!
    For someone who claims she can't paint, I'd be thrilled to have any of these items hanging in my garden. I love the cat...he is my favorite.

  • 16 years ago

    Really my 6 yearold grandaugh painted the bee its kinda like coloring in a book just with paint I really wish I could do roses and realistic flowers ,but I do use a sharpy to out line I could never do that with a brush Im to shacky and if you use the same bottles I used the eyes fell right in a indented place on jugs so it was super easy.Some day I hope to learn how to oil paint.I hope to get my printer and scanner working soon so I can post the patterns I have then it would be so easy to just print the patterns off yourself Ill get it working soon.

  • 16 years ago

    Seriously Angie, you should look into doing articles and eventually a book, otherwise with your stuff "out there" someone else will do it! Good luck. YOu are very creative.

  • 16 years ago

    I just scanned the patterns you should be able to print the page let me know if it wont print for ya.

    Here is a link that might be useful: patterns

  • 16 years ago

    oh thank you so much I couldn't get it to enlarge from the other photo and you sure don't want to see the face I did(LOL)

  • 16 years ago

    Your welcome post your kitty when you finish do you need the tail and paws too.

  • 16 years ago

    Wow. This is famous! A cat holding a fork and knife bird house!!! I will let you know right now that you've inspired me to attempt this project. I will of course involve my 11 year old son and his artistic talents since I posess none of my own. Would you mind telling me if you also decorate the back and sides of the kitty? Not sure what to do back there! #$%^

    Truly, you have a great gift for fine whimsy objects and the environment!

  • 16 years ago

    Hehe No Im lazy I just painted the front.Its super easy you will have fun you cant mess up.I do use a sharp black pin to outline every thing and when you hang it put your hole in front the fork and spoon even though plastic they make the front weight more so put holes in top close to face.Post your kitty when finished .

  • 16 years ago

    Here is a better pic of pattern.
    Here is the caterpillar face pattern remember it wraps the bottle


    Here is a link that might be useful: more patterns

  • 16 years ago

    Thank you so much! Errr...one more question. I've had disasterous carved pumpkins at Halloween in the past when the "teeth" area started folding in after a couple days. *When you cut out the mouth on the birdhouse, do you just cut a small circle and paint the rest around it,in black; or do you actually cut from the tongue to the bottom of the nose, leaving the teeth points? Where I'm planning on hanging this, it will receive full morning sun. Just curious if in the heat, would the plastic get too warm and curl up in that area. I still suffer from PCP (Pumpkin Carving Phobia).

    Thank you, master!

  • 16 years ago

    No i cut around my teeth be very careful not to cut teeth .Wasnt to hard the teeth are big just cut slow youll get it think thats the hardest part of whole cat.

  • 16 years ago

    Here is my butterfly planter.

  • 16 years ago

    That is so cute
    Have to put that on my list
    Can't wait until your next one

  • 16 years ago

    Angie !! ANGIE ! ! ! A N G I E ! * ! * ! * ! ~ ~ ~
    AMAZING ! ! ! ! !
    And a Texan to boot ! ! ! W O W !!!!!
    see it if proof that G O D is the Great Creator....
    See.... I Believe He made You & Me and for sure TEXAS ..
    ( I was born in Odessa , TX!) and
    L@@K ..... you have gone and recycled America ! ! !
    You are so Talented and sooooo Creative !!!!
    You are also a GREAT TEACHER to show all
    of us these GRRRRRRRREAT Pics and teach and
    Share with us the ideas and patterns and the
    way to do this.....
    THANK YOU soooooo very much !!!!
    God Bless You sister Texan and
    Fellow Garden Junker ! ! !

  • 16 years ago

    You know, Angie, I think you have saved more plastic from hitting the dumps than any program could in a year! What wonderful ideas have been shown here and been an inspiration to so many. Thank you so much!

    Daisy(me) and the planet!

  • 16 years ago

    Thx you all so much yal made my day to read this uplifting and yal are my inspiration to do more .I thought my butterfly should fly hehehe made him a hanging basket.
    Hanging basket

  • 16 years ago

    Here is how I made this guy into a hanging basket butterfly need to fly hehehe ,here is how I did it.Its a welches grape bottle painted with plastics spray paint the face in acrylic, legs are straws with tri beads at end wings are dollarstore ,bought antinnas are shiskbob sticks with pony bead at end ,this is super easy post your pic when you do it .


  • 16 years ago

    I'm blown away!!! I'm an artist. . . that DOESN'T MAKE ART!!! I've been teaching it more than making it so I'm also feeling a little bad (not jealous) looking at all your work! What CREATIVITY! I've been saving gallon milk jugs to use as watering devices at home. I never thought to make some garden art. You should really publish your work and ideas in book form if you haven't already. It's easier than trying to gather up materials and do the work at the computer!!! Since I'm a book "purchasaholic" (yeah, y'all like that eh?) I'm sure I'd add it to my collection. I work better from printed (most times), photo, and demo instructions than just printed so I'd love to see your work in a book! You've got an audience . . . I say try and go for it!!!!

  • 16 years ago

    Angie, put me on your list of pre sales for your book! It would be so much fun to make these things with kids. Seriously you should do it. Maybe someone here can suggest a magazine for an article to start, and an appropriate publisher. I don't know much about such things unfortunately.

  • 16 years ago

    Thx chigardener and concretenprimroses Im working on some more stuff hope to post it soon I have loved makein this stuff and it has done well outside here I did lose the lima bean ears on the gnomes but every thing else has done well outside in our texas heat.I should post my pic this week thx for all the uplifting response to this page.

  • 15 years ago

    Hi, I know this is nearly a year later, but I absolutely love your projects! I have been looking all over the web for ideas on reusing containers for planters and have found none until now!

    I have a question if it isn't too much trouble, what kind of paint did you use? Is it acrylics, and how did it stand up to the rain/ weather?

    Thank you :)

  • 15 years ago

    Glad you bumped up this thread jamie-lynn, because it's a very good one. Unbelievable how well Angie83 can paint! What a good way to recycle, and she was even kind enough to give templates & instructions! ~tenderlee

  • 15 years ago

    Hi, I know this is nearly a year later, but I absolutely love your projects! I have been looking all over the web for ideas on reusing containers for planters and have found none until now!

    I have a question if it isn't too much trouble, what kind of paint did you use? Is it acrylics, and how did it stand up to the rain/ weather?

    Thank you :)

  • 15 years ago

    Ooops, just noticed that I somehow posted the last post twice. Sorry about that!

  • 15 years ago

    Jamie thanks for bumping this up. I don't believe I saw this post. Absolutely was amazed with what Angie does with plastic bottles. Hmmm, will have to start saving a few.

  • 15 years ago

    This Wonderful re-cycling and making of
    useful " SPECIAL ARTISTIC" items.... just
    warms... my heart...

    I LOVE THESE THINGS>>> They are all sooooooooooo cute!

    Very C R E A T I V E ! ! !

    Thanks again!
    God Bless !

  • 14 years ago

    Okay my turn to bump it up...Kudos to Angie..YOU ARE AN ARTIST...period!!!!! Consider yourself one!

    Those plastic ideas and your paint job is just Genius! PERIOD...just Genius! They are so cute. You should really publish a book! Donna Dewberry eat your heart out.

  • 14 years ago

    OMG!!! I sure wish I could paint better than I do, cuz I'd be all over copying these babies!! there are so many that are my favorites. I could probably make the little fence box though. Thank you for such creativity & wonderful ways to recycle!!

  • 14 years ago

    Thanks for bumping this one up, shpnquen. I forgot how cute her creations were. Like you, I wish I could paint better. I'd love a pair of those gnomes.

  • 14 years ago

    I am in Creative overload right now ........ Whew - what a feeling ! I haven't had that in years ! ------ Thank you all for the boost - I just can't stop smiling ! I'm just in awe !

  • 14 years ago

    You have done an awesome job turning bad landfill trash into something beautiful. I so know what I will be doing this winter for my craft idea things to keep away the winter blah's.

  • 14 years ago

    So nice to see this post again. Angie are you still out there? I really think that you should publish a book. With recycling so big right now (thank goodness), I think the timing is very good.

  • 14 years ago

    How delightful! The artist's eye sees the possibilities in the most common junk. My poor DIL says she's afraid to throw anything away because Mom might want to make something with it. What a creative sisterhood we are!

  • 14 years ago


  • 14 years ago

    your artistic talent is amazing.. great job. i LOVE the sunflower planters and lights.. they are fabulous!!

  • 14 years ago

    Talents and creativity are never in short supply on these forums. I happened upon this forum from wintersowing and I am in awe. Totally awesome ladies!


  • 14 years ago

    Thx so much I love recycleing you should see my boots with dill in them here is this years stuff .Gotta love boots if ya from Texas hehehehe.

    Here is a link that might be useful: Dont throw that away 2#

  • 13 years ago

    do you have recycling pick up in your area? if you do, then maybe you could work out a deal to pick out things from the recyclers before they crush everything. maybe make a friend of one of the workers that sort thru the recycled stuff so they will set aside things for you to use. worth a try right? then you won't have to buy & use up everything on your own. or ask some of your neighbors to donate things to you instead of the recycle bins. maybe in exchange for making something for them. can't hurt to ask them.

  • 13 years ago

    Now I have to buy shampoo that comes in "gnome shaped" bottles!

  • 13 years ago

    OK. I hope you don't mind that I'm going to steal some of these ideas! Can you post what the back looks like on the cat face birdhouse?

  • 13 years ago

    Hi I really didnt do nothing to back here is pics.Hope this will help i also use a black sharpie to do lines.




    Here is a link that might be useful: Dont throw that away 2#

  • 13 years ago

    Hi! I just wanted to comment that this thread makes me very happy. (I've had this tab open for weeks now, because of this fact)

    I don't find that I'm as creative about what to do with my potentially useful trash as I'd like, and seeing these ideas helps a little.

    Also, the pictures are so charming!


  • 13 years ago

    WOW.!!!totally amazed

  • 13 years ago

    Awesome stuff - I have copied some of your patterns to try. I am an artist - oils, portraits, but I don't have nearly the creativity in this kind of thing that you do. From a pro - don't rag on your painting! I love that antiqued look that your stuff has. I hate putting that plastic stuff out even to recycle. I believe your inspiration can help keep a lot of stuff out of landfills. Martha Stewart needs to get a load of your stuff!

  • 13 years ago

    Thx I so love doing this its fun and my grandaughter now 6 also has a great time doing this stuff and I never get tired of sitting on back porch with her, she also loves recycling and she is full of ideas hehehehe

  • 13 years ago

    Just curious, Angie - I saw on an earlier post that you had created a trellis out of fishing line but most of the pics were gone. Would you mind re-posting them? Thanks!

  • 13 years ago

    Sure here are some .

  • 12 years ago

    oh angie I am still amazed at what you do and thankful to you for all the ideas I never got my cat done but have gone crazy with with other things and it's all because of you thank you and hope you are still being creative

  • 12 years ago

    I really like the fake metal watering can. I'm going to attempt to make one soon.

  • 12 years ago


    Great projects! I'm completely inspired! You might've created a monster! ;) THANKS FOR ALL YOUR SHARING!


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