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Anyone layer roses?

17 years ago

Rose forum has been a bit quiet. I have rooted roses over the years and to date my best method has been baggie method only in the fall. One method I had not tried was pulling a branch down while still on the bush and knicking it slightly, applying root hormone and topping with soil and a brick. Can anyone share success with this method? Also, would this not allow me to try the method at any particular time rather than being limited to fall or is there a best time for layering? I have been experimenting over the last week hoping I could get a jump start on new roses before the fall. Different methods of rooting roses seem to work differently in different areas and from experience only fall baggie method had worked for me in NJ. Will I have success with rooting this way right now? Does it take as long as the baggie method would take? shorter or longer? thanks for sharing. Karen

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