Best of Houzz 2022 JP - 大阪
Example of a minimalist open concept dark wood floor and brown floor living room design in Osaka with multicolored walls and a wall-mounted tv
Example of a minimalist open concept dark wood floor and brown floor living room design in Osaka with multicolored walls and a wall-mounted tv
中庭のある無垢な珪藻土の家 写真家:平井美行
Inspiration for a scandinavian single-wall black floor open concept kitchen remodel in Osaka with a single-bowl sink, flat-panel cabinets, white cabinets, white backsplash and a peninsula
Inspiration for a scandinavian single-wall black floor open concept kitchen remodel in Osaka with a single-bowl sink, flat-panel cabinets, white cabinets, white backsplash and a peninsula
Kitchen - contemporary galley medium tone wood floor and brown floor kitchen idea in Osaka with concrete countertops, white backsplash, black appliances, glass-front cabinets, medium tone wood cabinets, a peninsula and white countertops
大阪府吹田市「ABCハウジング千里住宅公園」にOPENした「千里展示場」は、2つの表情を持ったユニークな外観に、懐かしいのに新しい2つの玄関を結ぶ広大な通り土間、広くて開放的な空間を実現するハーフ吹抜のあるリビングや、お子様のプレイスポットとして最適なスキップフロアによる階段家具で上がるロフト、約28帖の広大な小屋裏収納、標準天井高である2.45mと比べて0.3mも高い天井高を1階全室で実現した「高い天井の家〜 MOMIJI HIGH 〜」仕様、SI設計の採用により家族の成長と共に変化する柔軟性の設計等、実際の住まいづくりに役立つアイディア満載のモデルハウスです。ご来場予約はこちらから
藤原・室 建築設計事務所
photo by: 矢野紀之
Inspiration for a mediterranean medium tone wood floor and brown floor sunroom remodel in Osaka with a standard ceiling
Inspiration for a mediterranean medium tone wood floor and brown floor sunroom remodel in Osaka with a standard ceiling
Mimasis Design/ミメイシスデザイン
photo : Kazufumi Nitta
Example of a danish single-wall light wood floor open concept kitchen design in Osaka with flat-panel cabinets, light wood cabinets, solid surface countertops, white backsplash, wood backsplash, a peninsula and white countertops
Example of a danish single-wall light wood floor open concept kitchen design in Osaka with flat-panel cabinets, light wood cabinets, solid surface countertops, white backsplash, wood backsplash, a peninsula and white countertops