About Us
Residential painting services include thorough sanding of all surfaces to create a perfect base before painting. Let our service crew do all the heavy lifting and carefully move your furniture, remove and replace switch plates and fixtures, as well as protect your flooring and belongings with drop cloths as part of a complete prep plan. Choose from a variety of high quality paints, with low VOC for minimum odor. Count on a full clean up when your painting project is complete and a full walkthrough to address any concerns.
Services Provided
Cabinet Painting, Cabinet Refinishing, Ceiling Painting, Deck Staining, Door Painting, Drywall Installation, Drywall Repair, Drywall Texturing, Exterior Painting, Interior Painting, Plaster Repair
Areas Served
Ansonia, Beacon Falls, Bethany, Branford, Branford Center, Cheshire, Cheshire Village, City of Milford (balance), Derby, East Haven, Hamden, Meriden, Milford, Naugatuck, New Haven, North Branford, North Haven, Northford, Orange, Oxford, Prospect, Seymour, Shelton, South Britain, Wallingford, Wallingford Center, Waterbury, West Haven, Woodbridge, Woodmont, Bethel Botsford, Botsford, Brookfield, Danbury, Easton, Georgetown, Hawleyville, Monroe, New Canaan, New Fairfield, Newtown
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Business Details
Business Name
Infinity Painting, LLC
Phone Number
(833) 724-6828
Hamden, CT 06514
Typical Job Cost
$2,000 - 50,000
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