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19 years ago

Does anyone know this flower? When I was a child my grandmother had a pot of dark purple flowers she called monkeyfaces. They died back in winter, but came out again in the spring. She kept them in the shade on the back porch. The flower looks sort of like a petunia, but the foliage is more bushy. It is not a vine. The leaves are much bigger than petunias and thicker and tougher. I hadn't seen another one until today at an elderly lady's home out in the country. She didn't know much about it except that she also called it monkeyface. She said someone gave it to her a few years ago. I have looked in several books and done a internet search but it didn't turn up. I'd love to know the botanical name and more about it.

Comments (10)

  • 19 years ago

    The one plant that I have heard called that is Angelonia. There are other plants with that common name, but not of that color. Sure doesn't look like a petunia, though.

    Here is a link that might be useful: {{gwi:838450}}

  • 19 years ago

    Nancybea, I have the monkeyface plant you're talking about (if yours isn't the Angelonia), but am also unsure of the botanical name. The flowers look very close to a purple petunia, and the leaves are a little fuzzy and very thick. Mine has been growing in my shade garden for 5 years or so, but I'm not sure if it comes back from the roots every year, or is re-seeding itself...

    It's a little rough-looking right now because it's been covered up by impatiens for most of the season, but has a new bud which should open in the next few days. If no one has answered here by then, I'll take a pic and post it over on "name that plant".

  • 19 years ago

    There's one called Monkeyflower, mimulus ringens.

    Here is a link that might be useful: Monkeyflower

  • 19 years ago

    Thanks for your replies. It's not the angelonia or the mimulus ringens monkeyflower. I looked at both of those pictures and neither is close. It does sound exactly like what Wildflower has though. I'll look for it on "name that plant"; I'm new here on this forum and didn't know there was such a place. I love this forum; I'm so glad I found it!
    Here's a huge coincidence: I just noticed in this week's "Farmer's and Consumer's Market Bulletin" under the 'Flowers Wanted' section that someone else is looking for Monkeyface seed.

  • 19 years ago

    Nancybea, is it achimenes? This is what I'm calling "monkeyface"....

    Here is a link that might be useful: Name That Plant

  • 19 years ago

    Yeaaaa! That's it! Thanks so much for your help.

  • 13 years ago

    I have about three pots of the monkeyface flowers.They do best in shade just a little sun.I take them into my basment in the fall before frost.I do not water anymore.They will die down.In the spring after the last frost I cut old plants off and water. they will be up in two or three days.Do not pull up old plants. The little bulbs are on the roots. You should have plants enough to replant.

  • 9 years ago

    Hello All. My grandmother had these flowers also.... and I am assuming they are the ones in the link from wildflower. However, when I click that link - there is nothing there. I would like to find out the name of the plant so I can get some for my garden. Thanks

  • 9 years ago

    I have some of this plant didn't know what is was ,I have searched every where.I got mine from a lady that was having a yard sale 3 years ago I went back to her house yesterday she called me back today and said her grandmother called It monkey Plant ,she was sure that was not the right name .It is a lovely plant somebody will surely know .I share some with a lady .she loves it

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