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A few pictures

9 years ago

Just showing some of the things that caught my interest this year...

First year Florea trunk, has produced about a dozen figs already this season. The most precocious variety I have grown.

Florea figs from 3 yr old mother, much sweeter this year than last. A favorite of the yellowjackets.

Chiappetta fig- looked more orange inside than the pic shows, no seeds, smaller than I expected. Late ripening, nice flavor.

Comments (12)

  • 9 years ago

    Barnissotte figs.

    A 2nd year MBVS

    An interesting case of FMV, only leaves on the southeast side of the growth are affected. Aubique Petite, 1st year.

    Black Greek

    Tatnall Red ~Sicilian Red

    GM #171 Gludi

  • 9 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Gino's Black

    Easton Vasilika ~Vasilika Aspra.

    Valle Negras. Growth stunted by FMV. Planted early June, plants with the least symptoms are farthest from the camera and also the healthiest, 2x the size of sicker plants in foreground. Will leave them for a year or two to see what happens.

    Nero 600m from VS (hermansur on eBay) living up to his claims of health! Planted a few weeks ahead of VN, otherwise they are given the same care and planted next to each other. No fertilizer or amendments at all (soil was tested), watered from spring to mid August with drip tape and now getting tough love, wilting occasionally. No FMV at all on any of these plants.

    2nd year Easton Vasilika reaching for the sky. Killed to the ground last winter so that is all this year's growth.

  • 9 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    From my phone.


    Edible caprifig breba/profichi.

    Somehow the lawnmower man got it wedged on a branch and broke down on top... Kathleen's Black, not much damage actually.

    Mantis molting on fig tree

    Fungal disease on fig leaves and branches, copper hydroxide and better air cleared this right up.

    Wooden fig bowl, snow in March.

    Easton Purple breba, I think this is probably LSU Tiger.

  • 9 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Nice pics and I wish I had your land. I have a similar set up with black commercial grade landscape fabric and irrigation system, but also with commercial grade bird netting arranged over a pvc hoop house type structure that protects all of my figs from the birds. If I didn't, I wouldn't get any figs to eat. Thanks for posting.

  • 9 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Those look delicous

  • 9 years ago


    where did you find Vasilika Aspra fig? I would like to have one of that. Can you please let me know the source of that plant? Vasilika sika is same as Vasilika Aspra? Can I have have cuttings of that plant?

    thank you.

  • 9 years ago

    Well I got it as unknown cuttings 4~5 years ago and grew it out (it was originally labelled "small red fig, very sweet). VS (hermansur) identified it for me. I also bought cuttings from him on eBay last fall. So far our plants look exactly the same, but of course I have not had a ripe fruit from his yet.

    In Greece there are 3 Vasilikas... Vasilika Mavra, Vasilika Mellissi, and Vasilika Aspra. This is the white one (aspra), VS has his named simply Vasilika Sika. It is a little confusing because there is also another fig named Vasilika Sika originally from Belleclare but it is a misnamed Dalmatie.

    I am not sure how or what fig cuttings I will sell this year, if any, but I think hermansur will be selling cuttings from his tree on eBay in the next few months and I am totally confident you will be happy buying from him.

  • 9 years ago

    And thanks for the compliments everyone. I don't own any land, but have a knack for getting landowners hooked on figs ;)

  • 9 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    hoosierbanana:Thanks for the nice words you wrote about the plants i introduced on Garden Web, Florea ,Nero 600 M (my version),Marseilles black vs and Vasilika Sika.

    And yes I can see looking at your Easton Vasilika,in the above pix,I can see it is exactly like Vasilika i have,the leaves are very special in form and easy to ID.

    It is the same plant.

    Again ,no fig disease just a healthy 5 lobes two thumbs leaves.

    And yes ,the dark red inside is so beautiful,!

  • 9 years ago


    You sure love figs

    That is quite a collection!

  • 9 years ago

    Very nice fig pictures. Nero 600M is also called Vallecalda which I have.It is a delicious fig.One of my favorites.

    Phil from Ohio

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