Dining Area: I like this, in whatever color, if it provides enough light
Not sure if I like the sparkley lighting inside or not
Redeux. LIke the lighting
I really like the shape
Like this, but not for island lighting
Not sure if I like this or not
I just like this, no idea where it would go
Roger likes this
Pendant over sink? Or too boring? Roger likes this one.
Kitchen pendant? Not sure the size is correct. Roger likes this too.
Dining area?
I'd love to be able to have this somewhere. Also see VivaTerra's hanging astral lamps
Like this, but not in red
Dining area?
Stairwayor dining area
I like this - maybe in a bathroom?
Possibly for dining area?
Maybe, kitchen island?
Kitchen island?
Dining area? It also comes as a wall scone
Another ET2 lighting arrangement
Redeux house - like the island lighting