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Ceiling fan in bedrooms?

11 years ago
last modified: 11 years ago
Big debate in our house: The ceiling fixtures in all the bedrooms in our house need to be updated. Should I install a ceiling fan (with lights) or just a light fixture? We will be selling the house in a couple years, if that makes a difference. I expect that I would do the same for each of the bedrooms, either fan or no fan.

I think it would be nice to have the option of flowing air on those days when it's not hot enough for a/c. But in general, I hate the look of the ceiling fan, I haven't found any I like. Also, as our ceilings are only the standard 8', the fan would have to be rather close to the ceiling.

So do you like fans in the bedroom? If you were buying a house that had fans in the bedroom, assuming they were a contemporary style, would it make a difference to you as a buyer?
Yes, get a ceiling fan with lights!
No, stick with light fixtures!

Comments (32)

  • 11 years ago
    I'm a Realtor and I can tell you in our area ceiling fans are very common. Course, I'm in S Florida so it may be different where you are located. However, generally a fan is inexpensive to update or replace with light or remove entirely so it is not a significant factor in resale here at all. Do what you want to do for the time you live there.
    User thanked Denita
  • 11 years ago
    Yes, ^^ PH Interiors is right. For the most part the fans don't have lights in them....
    User thanked Denita
  • 11 years ago
    I'm glad you mentioned the garish light issue, PH Interiors, because I have often felt that way myself, but thought I was just being "anti-fan". Also, the ceiling fan we installed in the family room has a light in it, but it's pretty much useless because the bulb cover is too opaque. I will definitely reconsider getting a light with the fan, if I end up going with the fan!

    Denita, I'm live in the Northeast. Right now, it's about 10 degrees outside. :(
  • 11 years ago
    burrrr, you probably don't need fans often smileyface. :(
    User thanked Denita
  • 11 years ago
    Actually, it gets pretty hot in the summer too. Especially these last couple years, extreme temps on both ends of the thermometer. Global warming trends or whatever they are calling it now!
  • 11 years ago
    Most new homes have a split switch for a ceiling fan and or the light. the lights can be put on dimmers that way. it is nice to have a little air moving in the summer without the AC running.
    User thanked sunnydrew
  • PRO
    11 years ago
    Smileyface, I'm up here too - in Ct. And I use ceiling fans all over the house. Yes, huge difference in comfort level when it's warm out.
    User thanked User
  • 11 years ago
    PH - It's been a long January, hasn't it? :)

    Somebody told me that the ceiling fans that are close to the ceiling don't really work very well. Does anyone know if that's true?
  • PRO
    11 years ago
    We have them in all our bedrooms. They all have light fixtures. We've never had a problem finding one that fit with the décor of each individual bedroom. Really love them in the summer as they keep the air moving.
    User thanked Creative Visual Concepts, Kevin Strader
  • PRO
    11 years ago
    Not a huge fan of ceiling fans, no matter how much I try I think they all look outdated and clunky. But if you live in a hot climate and its your only means of ventilation then go for it, its your house :-)
    User thanked Finnished Homes LLC
  • PRO
    11 years ago
    When we moved to the Midwest our house had ceiling fans in several rooms. I asked to have them removed and the Realtor suggested not to. I love the one over my bed!!
    User thanked Julia & Elizabeth
  • 11 years ago
    The ceiling fan in my living room certainly does not look outdated and clunky. The ones in the bedrooms are the same color as the ceiling and blend to the point I hardly notice them. Ceiling fans serve two purposes. They move warm air down from the ceiling in the winter and they provide a breeze in the summer. Both of which help save energy at a very small cost. Now that I have gotten that off my chest, ceiling fans in small rooms with 8 foot ceilings do have a very overwhelming presence.
    User thanked mfwolfe
  • PRO
    11 years ago
    No insults meant, just my experience with fans ... we did use this company however, for our pub room fans. http://www.fanimation.com/
    User thanked Finnished Homes LLC
  • 11 years ago
    We have eight foot ceilings in our current home. The fans have made a big difference in the summer. Just be sure to get the correct size fan for your room. It is too easy to think you need the bigger fans, when the smaller size is what is actually needed. The box that the fans come in, tell you the square footage that it is made for. Also with eight foot ceilings be sure that the fan is for a ceiling mount and does not hang down. :-)
    User thanked mollythecollie
  • 11 years ago
    last modified: 11 years ago
    I am not in love with the look of ceiling fans, especially not those with lights, but I couldn't live without them in the summer. We rarely need A/C, but bedroom ceiling fans at night create the perfect temperature for sleeping. So we have them in all the bedrooms and in our family room. I wanted all fans without lights because I don't like overhead lights in the first place (I find their light much too harsh), but hubby insisted that the fan in the MB had to have a light so he could flick a switch when he walks in the room and have a light turn on. So we compromised just in that room. We've never had a problem with the ceiling hugging ones producing enough air flow. We have 8 foot ceilings, and the fans close to the ceiling are still very effective.
    User thanked feeny
  • 11 years ago
    if i lived in New Orleans i think i'd be a ceiling fan fan. but where i live, even though it's almost as humid and horribly hot, (st.louis area), i'd have to vote no. there are some WONDERful floor and table fans on the market nowadays that do a better job of moving air around without being 24/7 obtrusive. also, i don't like double-duty ceiling lights-fans…they seem awkward to me.
    User thanked eightpondfarm
  • 11 years ago
    This is very helpful, everyone, thanks so much for your input!
  • PRO
    11 years ago
    Hi smileyface - yeah, real looong winter so far. But what the heck, it's winter in new england. After living in dallas for 10 years, with that summer heat 6 months of the year, I'm glad to be back in the land of 4 seasons...and smaller insects!
    User thanked User
  • 11 years ago
    I love the four seasons too! There's always something to look forward to, weather-wise. On the bright side (no pun intended), the days are getting longer!
  • 11 years ago
    smileyface, I've been trying to decide whether to install ceiling fans in our two bedrooms...have decided to do so after reading all the pros and cons. This discussion has also helped me realize I will NOT install combo light/fan.
    User thanked edithsmom
  • 11 years ago
    I cant sleep without it in the summer.
    User thanked User
  • 11 years ago
    Used correctly (running clockwise in the winter, counter clockwise in the summer) I consider ceiling fans a great addition to any room. We have them in every room in our house and we only have 8 foot ceilings. Lowes also has a really cute one that doesn't look like a traditional fan http://images.lowes.com/product/converted/840506/840506059580lg.jpg
    User thanked Stef
  • 11 years ago
    Stef, I haven't seen a fan like that before, thanks for sharing!

    Edithsmom, that's great! I've also learned a lot from other people's design dilemmas, one of the best things about houzz! And, I have come to the same conclusion as you, that is, ceiling fan, *most probably* without a light.
  • 11 years ago
    I don't like light fixtures in fans. That said I am at that time of life where night sweats are the norm. You would have to pry my bedroom ceiling fan out of my old sweaty hands!
    User thanked Kathleen
  • 10 years ago
    Update -- I just had ceiling fans (without lights) installed in all the bedrooms yesterday! I'm so glad to finally do it, they really move the air well. Hopefully we won't use the a/c as much. Thanks again for everyone's input, you really helped me take the leap!
  • 10 years ago
    I really don't like that much air moving over me when sleeping.
  • 10 years ago
    I need air when sleeping.
  • 5 years ago
    How do you get them to reverse directions in the winter?
  • 5 years ago
    There’s a switch on all of the fans I have, labeled “reverse”.
  • 5 years ago
    A remote-controlled ceiling fan with lights came with the house we bought for vacationing. I wasn’t sure I liked having a fan over the bed until the weather turned hot and sultry. The fan has several speeds and is very quiet (a low humming sound), and the lowest setting moves the air gently. I use it on the most humid, hot days.
  • 2 years ago

    I must be the only person who hates fans. If it's hot, I have the AC on and set it to constant circulation to move air. I hate the feeling of a fan moving air over my body and I cannot sleep with the hum they make. After a few years, they all get unbalanced and make not-so-quiet noises. We're building a house and I'm debating putting fans in for resale, but... probably not.