Search results for "Nutrients" in Home Design Ideas

Scotch moss and pebbles surround a basalt dish rock. Juniper wood raised vegetable beds provide a bench for passersby to sit.
Photo of a traditional side yard water fountain landscape in Seattle.
Photo of a traditional side yard water fountain landscape in Seattle.

Citrus trees do well among the native grasses and foliage. Because the natives need no fertilizers or pesticides to thrive, fruit is also chemical free.

The Daffodils have bloomed in this spring container, but the foliage still adds a nice touch combined with continuing color from trailing Veronica, Violas, Heuchera blooms, and bright lime Selaginella Moss in the center Lush Custom Gardening
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Landscape Architect: Howard Cohen
Photography by: Ron Blunt
This is an example of a mid-sized traditional backyard gravel and wood fence landscaping in DC Metro.
This is an example of a mid-sized traditional backyard gravel and wood fence landscaping in DC Metro.

Sterling, VA

SURROUNDS Landscape Architecture + Construction
DC Area's High-End Custom Landscape Design Build Firm

Compost is a natural, long-lasting way to feed your soil, and a wonderfully sustainable way to dispose of kitchen and garden waste. These spacious bins are big enough to fit plenty of vegetable scraps as well as lawn clippings and leaves. Systems are made entirely of rot-resistant cedar and enclosed on all sides with sturdy wire mesh that allows air to flow to and through the compost. Removable front panels and hinged lids make for easy access. Systems are available in triple, double, and single bin configurations. Comes with the classic book about composting Let it Rot!: The Gardener's Guide to Composting by Stu Campbell.

A mass planting of Nikko Blue mophead hydrangea alongside an antique picket fence complete with hitching post.
Lisa Mierop
Inspiration for a mid-sized traditional full sun front yard stone landscaping in New York for spring.
Inspiration for a mid-sized traditional full sun front yard stone landscaping in New York for spring.

The garden was designed to be enjoyed from ground level and from the balcony above --- with an eyeful of joyous color that suits the client's personality to a tee. Plantings include lots of roses from her "favorite roses" list, with perennials and a few annuals to knit it all together. It can be very challenging to make a collection of plants into a cohesive and delightful garden --- and the strong structure of this garden does just that!

APLD 2021 Silver Award Winning Landscape Design. Galvanized troughs used for vegetables in the side yard. An expansive back yard landscape with several mature oak trees and a stunning Golden Locust tree has been transformed into a welcoming outdoor retreat. The renovations include a wraparound deck, an expansive travertine natural stone patio, stairways and pathways along with concrete retaining walls and column accents with dramatic planters. The pathways meander throughout the landscape... some with travertine stepping stones and gravel and those below the majestic oaks left natural with fallen leaves. Raised vegetable beds and fruit trees occupy some of the sunniest areas of the landscape. A variety of low-water and low-maintenance plants for both sunny and shady areas include several succulents, grasses, CA natives and other site-appropriate Mediterranean plants complimented by a variety of boulders. Dramatic white pots provide architectural accents, filled with succulents and citrus trees. Design, Photos, Drawings © Eileen Kelly, Dig Your Garden Landscape Design

Teddy Bear Magnolia bloom photographed by Treeland Nursery. Starting in May and lasting through October the Teddy Bear Magnolia produces large fragrant creamy white saucer shaped flowers.
Visit our website to learn more.

A large custom built 3-bin compost bin is tucked into a corner of the yard.
Patricia Larenas, Urban Artichoke
This is an example of a mid-sized contemporary partial sun backyard mulch vegetable garden landscape in San Francisco.
This is an example of a mid-sized contemporary partial sun backyard mulch vegetable garden landscape in San Francisco.
Showing Results for "Nutrients"

Our "classic" gardens include raised beds filled with nutrient rich organic soil, cedar post, rails, and caps, space efficient layout, animal resistant fencing w/ground barrier, a secure latching gate, and a "window box" featuring beautiful animal-detering flowers and herbs. A great garden for those who want the best!

The lighting on the table is an upside down chandelier. The climbing iceberg roses on the trellis gives drama to an otherwise boring wall.
Douglas Hill Photography