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Pros and Cons : Pull out Vs Swing out Trash Can

9 years ago
last modified: 9 years ago

Not sure if the terminology is correct for I am
trying to compare, but photos are as below.

The second photo where the door
opens to the side is what I am calling the Swing Out.

I would be grateful for views on whether there a benefit
or advantage to using one over the other, over and above ergonomic reasons
/ for space maximization?

Many thanks

Comments (13)

  • 9 years ago

    Swing out--you have to open the door, then pull the trash out (2 actions to open, 2 to close).

    Pull out--you pull out to open (1 action to open, one to close).

    What works best for you?

    Is there a reason you are thinking you might prefer the swing out?

  • 9 years ago

    kirkhall - the trash can is attached to the door in both cases, so the actions to open/ close are the same.

    No preference either way for me, was just wondering if there was something which I am have not thought about, which drives choices.

  • 9 years ago

    Agree with Lily Spider. Tossing garbage in the swing out might also be a bit awkward from the door side. I have the pull out and am quite happy with it.

  • 9 years ago

    The trash can is not attached to the door in the 2nd photo. It's not a swing out, it's a pull out. You can get a frame for it, though, to attach to a door--but it's still a pull out (it will work just like the one in the 1st photo).

  • 9 years ago

    We had to put trash/recycle under the sink. A pullout was a perfect fit

  • 9 years ago

    Depending on where it's placed in your kitchen, the door of the swing out will block the cans. I have a pull out and it's one of my favorite things in my new kitchen.

  • 9 years ago

    I'll always pick one motion over two, given a choice.

    I had a pull-out under the sink in my old kitchen. Now I have a pullout trash/recycle (like photo 1 above), and it is wonderful. Loads more convenient than trash behind a door.

  • 9 years ago

    Definitely pullout! It's much more versatile b/c no door gets in the way on either side! I think Catbuilder is right, though. Unless it's something new, your "swing out" is not attached to the door - it's really a roll out tray shelf (ROTS) with a trash can instead of a regular shelf.

  • 9 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    There is a true "swing-out " that I have seen but the picture above is not it. It is a case of the can being attached to the door and so it comes out of the cabinet when the door opens. I can't think where I saw this, maybe Ikea? The downside IMO is that you can only have one container coming out -- in a pullout (if you choose) you can have 2 containers in the pullout. The thing that I do like about the 2nd picture is there is a built in lid that doubles as a shelf above the bins. That Rev-a-shelf unit is pricey, though!

  • 9 years ago

    Pull out - to removing the cans, to keeping things clean...so much easier. I keep mine open and sweep directly in, and also sometimes peel directly into the trash when I'm in a rush, I can see junk getting stuck on the door and making a gross mess.
    Also, removing cans and replacing - that door might get in the way.
    Mine is directly to the left of my sink and I would worry about banging into the door too, etc.

  • 9 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Thank you everyone for your thoughts. Much appreciated indeed.
    raee_gw - the Rev-a-shelf is out of my price range :-) I will do a hack job for the pullout trash cash using Blum glides.

  • 9 years ago

    Another vote for pull-out, which gives you easy access from both sides.

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