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Help picking base cabinet drawer sizes in layout

2 years ago

I've previously gotten some help on my layout here and I'm trying to nail down base cabinet sizes that would be most useful in my space so I can finally order cabinets. The gist of the layout is, the dish washer and main sink will be in a peninsula I'm adding, along with a 30" dish drawer.

On the other wall of the kitchen I will have a trash pullout (18") and a prep sink (21" cabinet), then an empty corner (due to a chase in the wall that must stay), then on the wall with the range I have some space to play with - 65" to the left of the range and 94" to the right of the range. Microwave will be on counter at the right, underneath the only upper cabinet. On the leftmost wall (with prep sink) there will be open shelves.

For base cabinets the main things I'd like to store are:

Cutting boards

Baking sheets

Mixing bowls

Pots and pans (including 10 and 12" cast iron skillets and a 10" W 6.5" H dutch oven and stockpot)

Instant pot if possible

Oil and vinegar if possible (in like a pull out pantry style cabinet?)

Spices (in a top drawer)

Prep implements (like microplane, grater, spoons etc)

Oven mitts

Tinfoil, parchment paper and saran wrap in a top drawer

Ziploc bags

So, how would you all recommend I apportion the base cabinet space, and in what type of drawers/shelves? Any overall design critique is also welcome.

I know the doorway between the trash pullout and then the fridge is tight, but it's what we're already living with and works for us, and I can't give up any more counter/storage space. Not shown on the other side of the peninsula will be 12" deep base cabinets with shelves that are 47" tall, for extra pantry storage and to hide sink from the dining room over there. We also have additional freestanding pantry space there.


Comments (8)

  • 2 years ago

    Folks are going to ask you to post a floorplan, to scale, with measurements. A 3D overhead shot, isn’t much help.

  • 2 years ago
    last modified: 2 years ago

    I would consider putting cutting boards under the prep sink.

    What are the rooms to each side?

    Is the fridge recessed? In real life, even a counter-depth will stick out. Is that where the fridge is now? does it impede traffic from the left room? What sort of cabinet will be above the fridge? That's often a good spot for cookie sheets and cake pans.

    To me, the single upper cabinet seems awkward. Perhaps that could be a pantry cabinet? You have enough counter space, you could lose that 2'. I'm sure you have other small appliances that would do well there.

    You have a good start on things to store, but there are a lot of things not on your list: leftover containers, towels, FOOD!

    Always store things near their point of use: spices, oils, utensils, potholders, pots and pans near the range; cutting boards, colanders, knives near the prep sink; dishes near the DW. I don't have dish drawers, but I wonder if a 30" drawer stack might be small for all of your plates, bowls, cups and mugs? I used masking tape to mark the inside dimensions of my drawers, and stacked things within the space, to make sure things would fit.

  • 2 years ago
    last modified: 2 years ago

    My question is mostly, I have 65" linear inches of base cabinets on one side, and 94" on the other, what base cabinets should I have? e.g. 2 32" 3 drawer bases on the left? A 21" 4 drawer, then 2x 36" 3 drawer on right? Maybe a narrow pull out or something? Should I have any door cabinets at all with shelves?

    Here is a more complete floorplan (from an earlier design but the overall measurements are same)


    The living room is to the left, enclosed porch/mudroom (main entrance) to the right. The alcove is about 45" deep and will be 39" wide after our renovation. Right now we have a 30" fridge in there that sticks out a bit but doesn't impede any traffic. There's also a doorway to the basement to the left of the fridge in that empty space. Planning to put some extra storage for baking pans and seldom used stuff above the refrigerator on up to close to the ceiling.

    The upper cabinet in there is currently a 24" pantry cabinet, I was making it into base/upper and wanting to put the microwave under the upper, as we already have a counter microwave and I don't really want a drawer - seemed like a good space to have it a bit out of the way.

    For food we have 2 big freestanding pantry cabinets in our dining room area and some extra storage area in our porch/mudroom, and also will have the big cabinets (12" deep, 47" tall, 84" wide total) for leftover containers, some pantry (like crackers and snacks) and kid dishes on the other side of the peninsula. I was thinking that our large bowls (mostly used for prep and microwaving) could go in the prep area near the microwave. and that mugs and cups go in the upper cab near microwave

  • 2 years ago

    Do you have a designated baking center? I have my mixing bowls and baking supplies in the cabinets above, my mixer on a pullout base on the counter and the sheet pans in a tall cabinet and the other baking pans in a cabinet below. The baking implements including micro planer, measuring cups and spoons, wooden spoons, whisks, rolling pins, etc. are in the drawers of the baking cabinetry

    I have a butcherblock island (on wheels) and I added hooks for oven mitts and a paper towel holder.

    I have a 2 27" wide 16" deep drawer cabinets on one side of my U that hold all the gadgets, plastic storage containers and pyrex. (I have custom cabinetry) I keep the toaster and microwave on these so they don't clutter my main space.

    I purchased a spice cabinet on etsy that is on the back of my pantry door and it holds the foil it also has bins for onions and potatoes.

    Most everything else goes in the pantry, the laundry is adjacent to the kitchen and all the occasion use appliance are in pantry cabinetry in there.

  • 2 years ago

    It's very hard to answer this, because it comes down to exactly what you have, and how you like to store them. I hate stacking cookware, and then having to stack and unstack to take pans out or put them away. So I planned a narrow cabinet for cutting boards, where they store vertically. And I planned another cabinet where I have tray dividers to create vertical storage for baking sheets, cooling racks, and my larger skillets. I would have preferred drawers for this, but our cabinet maker didn't make drawers tall enough to store these items vertically.

    Here's one thing I did to help plan storage: I bought trifold poster board. The sections are about 12" wide, so you can use one section as an upper mockup , or 2 sections as an lower mockup (draw a line to subtract a few inches of depth, since the drawers aren't 24" deep). I drew lines across to represent different drawer widths. And then I tried placing my actual dishes on the posterboard. I made a spreadsheet for each drawer or shelf, with the contents that would go there. I also made a post-it for each drawer or shelf that I stuck on the posterboard. If you want to be sure you have a good place for YOUR cookware, you need some sort of process like this, that allocates every important item to a zone.

    One big mistake I made was planning for my mixing bowls. The corner lazy-Susan opening is a bit tight. I have to turn the bowls a bit to get them out. If I could redo things, I would have some wider drawer bases that could hold large mixing bowls and salad bowls. Or I would do a larger corner cabinet, to get a few extra inches at the opening. I would also have added at least 6" of cabinet space for more tray and skillet storage.

  • 2 years ago


    Thanks, that sounds like a great way to do it with the posterboard!

    I've never had drawers for pots and pans before, so what is a good min/max width dimension for them? I don't want them to be too small for usefulness, but also don't want them to be so huge that they are unwieldy. is 30-36" generally a good width for drawers? Is that too big?

  • 2 years ago
    last modified: 2 years ago

    I think 36" is a common recommendation on Houzz. I've got 4 24" drawers, and two 27" drawers (plus a couple of sets of narrower drawers that are great for their purpose). 24" is fine for dishes. For the big pans and bowls though, wider would be better.

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