Hardiness Zone Map for Europe

The "zone" refers to the U.S. Department of Agriculture's hardiness zones which are based on an area's average annual minimum temperature.

Average Annual Minimum Temperature
Zone Farenheit Centigrade
3 -40 / -30 -40 / -35
4 -30 / -20 -35 / -29
5 -20 / -10 -29 / -23
6 -10 / 0 -23 / -18
7 0 / 10 -18 / -12
8 10 / 20 -12 / -7
9 20 / 30 -7 / -1
10 30 / 40 -1 / -5
All of Europe
United Kingdom & Ireland
Eastern Europe
Scandinavia & Baltics
Spain and Portugal
Western Europe
South Eastern Europe
South Central Europe