Houzz TV: Amazing Indoor-Outdoor Architecture Near Venice Beach

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Houzz TV: Amazing Indoor-Outdoor Architecture Near Venice Beach

Using moves he picked up while living in Africa, architect Steven Ehrlich designed his home to fit the skinny lots and sunny climate of his neighborhood near Venice Beach. The house is just a few blocks from lively Abbot Kinney Boulevard and the ocean. “It’s so much fun to be part of a walking community in L.A.,” he says. “We can pop out for coffee, shopping or a bite to eat, and all of the activity of the boardwalk and beach is only [a half-mile] away.”

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Comments (101)
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Fabulous, Creative. Great use of the tiny lot. The colorful shades add drama and function. No a/c : admirable.... and handled, too. The indoor-outdoor living aspect ....is charming and freeing. Inspirational home.
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Laurel Ennis
Brilliant home. But I could never go past the glass walkway. No way. I love the sails (how I describe the shades) and the pool is perfect!
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Not a fan of industrial/modern style but this house was well-designed and thought out, overall. Pivoting doors, concrete floors & interior courtyard are all full of win. I like the concept of the sunshades, but having lived on a sailboat for 10 yrs. & cruised the tropics for 5 years 24/7, I'm wondering how long the sunshade fabric would last with sun & salt air. I've found that Velcro disintegrates first, the thread goes next, the Sunbrella last. On the boat, I replace Velcro & re-sew deteriorated sun-resistant thread about once per year. Except for the maintenance/repair concerns, those sunshades rock.
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Thank you so much for featuring my favorite house! Ehrlich has done a masterful job--site planning, creating spaces, use of materials, and the experience of being in these spaces. This house very much inspired the design of my own house in Bend, OR (much different climate).
I particularly appreciate your attention to the shades--I'm working on designing similar shading for my house now.
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Steve Ehrlich's designs have caught my attention long ago. It's interesting to see the house he designed for himself.

Having a home with a courtyard myself, I know how wonderful a completely private outdoor space is, like a real room without a roof. Great use of shades for sun control and privacy as well as visual interest. Kudos for incorporating the good old cross ventilation. Some days per year it'll be hot - that's called summer. ;-)

I could definitely live there!
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A truly amazing use of space, light, architecture and modern eclectic influences — so inspiring!
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Judy Kibinge
This is my favorite house of all time. I kept coming across snippets and one day realized that all these incredible spaces I loved were from the same house! Of all Ehrlich's work, this home , his own is the best of all. The others feel too cold and too industrial, this hits the right balance.
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Steven is the most creative architect today. The African/Nigerian influence is obvious. He is so liberated in his thought process,exploring areas of diversities in such simplified and uninhibiting manner. He is brilliant,free spirited and inspiring.

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Becky Harris
Judy, it's so funny, I had been admiring these pictures on Houzz for years and never put together that it was all the same Houzz. Once I did put it together, I just assumed we'd already toured it before I contacted Steve.
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This is my favorite style. Love it. I would have to take a detour around that glass bridge though.
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Chance Chancellor
What's the pool dimensions?
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I have been saving ideas fem this amazing house for a couple of years now. Thanks for bringing it all together. someday I hope to visit. Hope the occupants areas happy as I would be living in this house!!
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Just completely blown away. This is an incredible house.

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Adi Tatarko

Wow. This is one of my favorite homes on Houzz. Super creative and so well designed. I LOVE this home!

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Gloria B.C.
Organic architecture, beautifully done.
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Bravo!! Everything about this home is interesting. I don't think I've ever seen the outdoors so beautifully integrated with inside. If your life and who you are can define your space then I think this must be a perfect example of this. Intrigued by the architects mantra of multicultural modernism and I would think/hope we will see much more of this design principle in the future.

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Carolyn Sparhawk
Beautiful!!!! I love the design, indoor/outdoor and your colorful decor. Very well done.
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studio m | design

What a fantastic home, so personal and inspired, and in one of my all time favorite neighborhoods, Venice. I dream about living in a courtyard home - with all that fresh air and the gorgeous plantings year round.

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Sobin Hendry
marvellous designs goood
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José Carlos
Amazing home, i like the simplicity of it!
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Jenn Gers Design

Lived around the corner from this house for years, always walked past and looked up at the orange shades and metal siding and wondered what it looked like inside. WOW!

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This is amazing. One of my favourite buildings. Especially love the glass walkway attached to the two staircases. Extremely creative and appealing
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Check this out again
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Aakansha Joshi
Very innovative! I like his ideas. He learnt culture of different countries he visited and put those experience in this awesome. It is simply awesome
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Lydia Lyons Designs

So fortunate to tour this home with Dan Gregory and Peter Whitely while I was at Sunset Magazine. What a treat. A beautiful play of space and materials + outdoors.

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I would give away all my skirts (glass bridge, anyone?) in a HEARTBEAT to live in this house!! Stunning. Being from a nation of indoor/outdoor flow lovers, this layout really speaks to me, but openness and a sense of 'air' can often be difficult to balance with privacy, not here! Love it.
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Gilberto Mendes

Uma casa verdadeiramente fantástica , pela criatividade , arrojo e simplicidade.

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Mohamed Saad
a good design and a good handcrafted ...
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Rasha Olama

Wow wow wow. This is the best house I've seen in my entire life, seriously.
Very nice.
Wishing you a happy living Ehrlich family.

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Simply beautiful .. everything I would want in my home .. love the idea of multi cultural theme
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Fusion Cabinets, Inc.
I absolutely agree with his philosophy. I have always been crazy about courtyard homes and am in the process if remodeling my own mid century home. I wish I had the resources to incorporate some of these wonderful features. I will do my best to keep up!
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I'm more into Spanish Revival and Craftsman homes, and I've only recently begun to appreciate Mid Century Modern. Wow! This one is a beauty. I love the contribution Nancy Griffin made with respect to the furnishings. So cozy, colorful and warm - it really shows how two very different style preferences can come together & blossom into something so absolutely amazing. I'm inspired.
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Dang it! Drooled all over my keyboard! What a fantastic home!!

Clearly a life well lived; a heart wide open to the world, to then be a conduit for creativity.

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Jabran Shakil

I think I might have seen this house in person when visiting L.A., Venice Beach has beautiful homes.

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Helena Bryan


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Susan Lanford Leed AP
Check out the exoskeleton + sunshades when you can
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Beautiful in every sense of the word. Interesting use made of the space.
The all round impression is that of harmony.
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Birdie Miller Designs

You had "Almost too much Fun". But can you really get too many endorfins??? Great House, cudos to you Two!

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Even to someone like me who usually abhors modern architecture -- especially that rusting steel -- this one is done pretty well. The thing that saves it from being wholly ugly like most modern buildings is the connection to nature and the outdoors: the trees, plants and grass around the building and especially in the courtyard that are a central part of the design of this house. That glass walkway would make me nervous though....

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Tim Melander

Absolutely stunning home! The architect combined such a great eclectic mix yet seemed to bring in what I think is also a mix of mid-century modern and contemporary. I have to say this is one of my favorite homes I have ever seen. They are so blessed.

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Beautiful, the house is simple architecture at its best.. Very finely detailed, plenty of light and warmth. The spaces are reasonable sized and comfortable. There is plenty of space for great art, personal collections, and furniture, and it can all be easily rearranged.

The space will never be stagnate.

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Really love this! Thanks for sharing
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Zoya Kocur

Love everything about it. Ideas, design, color, warmth, spirit, and the tactile and textural character. Bravo!

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Sue McCormack

I would love to know what all the photographs are made of in the kitchen. They look like they are mounted on something & possibly magnetic.

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Kathleen Morris

I love this ... fantastic ...... so many wonderful ideas. What cant more people think like this.

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Susan Strickland

I really loved this place.

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Nothing not to love about this design. All the global influences are wonderful and it just has a really good "feel" to it --- not too hard, not too soft, the right amount of color. Exactly my style.

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Ehrlich Yanai Rhee Chaney Architects

Thank you all for the kind words! Glad you enjoyed the house and the video.

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Grice Bellars Architects

What an inspiring work.

Layer upon layer of incredibly articulate details, balanced & offset with an almost whimsical approach to the tool marks and construction notes.

Beautifully illustrating that a modernist home can be warm, personal, practical & engaging.

Well done Sir.

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Windermere Homes & Estates

This is the prettiest house/space I have ever seen! I want to move right in...

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What I love best about this project is the beautiful natural materials next to the sleek glass and clean modern lines. It's homey and iconic all at once, which you usually don't see in houses with glass bridges and such. I also love how they played with scale and made some cozy dropped-ceiling areas. Love the pool and the shades, too, and the courtyards with the gorgeous trees. One of the most wonderful projects I've seen on Houzz! Wish I could go on a house tour of it!!

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Living Interiors

Stunning in every way. It 'feels' like it totally embraces everyone who steps inside. A beautiful work combining creativity and passion.

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Very cool! How is the shade operated? Manually or electronically? Looking for similar thing for the very sunny south side of our house. Thanks!

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Maureen Murphy

Amazingly beautiful and livable.

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This is an absolutely amazing house. I love how you've made meticulous decisions on every single aspect of the house and decor. It's more than art, it's passion and love. The beautiful values of who you are show through this entire layout, inside and out. Thank you for your passion and caring, and for sharing.

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Liza Hausman

I have photos of this house saved to my "things I love" ideabook - how wonderful to get a tour of this space - as an LA native I really appreciate how this house works perfectly in Venice. Spectacular!

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Birdie Miller Designs

FIRST, I love this house and the thoughts of the gy who designed it. But I would like to mentions as a student of design and a designer. This industrial metal warehouse concept, I think was first introduced by Charles and Ray Ames, (and others), Around 1949. But I also want to mention that Steven Ehrlich did a beautiful job weaving in his expierence and ideas with courtyard living (Italy, et. al.) https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwif_fWutMzRAhVF74MKHW3wB88QjRwIBw&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.rogerebert.com%2Fdemanders%2Ftwo-parts-of-a-whole-the-legacy-of-charles-and-ray-eames&psig=AFQjCNE3hIwLaxsErv9rO3dgx5hhucpVeA&ust=1484853452859750

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Gagneet Chauhan

Simply WOW ! great use of space and incorporation of different design cultures..true masterpiece

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This was WONDERFUL ! The story from the architect himself. I dont remember where I found it, but I have the backyard view of this house as the background picture on my iPad. I can really relate to the story and the energy it gives... How great it would be if I can someday build a house like this. I love it.
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The house & yard itself is very cool. I clearly see it's not a model home dressed up for photography, but a home for personal living. So, congrats to them.

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FreshCoat Painters Sarasota/Manatee

Love this house with the 3 courtyards!

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Absolutely stunning, but I couldn't cross that glass bridge without my knees giving out beneath me.

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Studio NOO Design

The philosophy behind this house is amazing and the talent and creativity of this man are inspiring. The spaces are incedible, made with raw materials this a comfy and eclectic home...my dream house !

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Must have been the most difficult project to create. It's not whether it appeals to you but to see the creator enjoy his creation. Amazing home, AMAZING job!
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Mary Beth Lydon
Inspiring - thank you!
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Hands down, has jumped to my #1 favorite house, ever....and I have a long list of homes I love. #dreamhousegoals #makegoalsreality
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This house and its design is a piece of art. I loved it!
Wow, what a beautiful home
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this might be my favorite house, ever.
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Zhang Kanna
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Zhang Kanna
this house is one's life and his life is so beautiful and wonderful !
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I like the overall design and how everything flows to/through the courtyards but, I don't like the materials used, especially the steel. Give me some wood siding etc instead.

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Not a fan of angular contemporary design, but I have never seen such an efficient and beautiful use of space. Ever!

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Lux Lighting Design

Love the minimalism, but with many focal points.. Integrated lighting, which I love and am known to use often, subtly installed into the building structure, would bring it to another level.

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Booth & Williams

Stunning from an architectural and design standpoint! We especially love the incorporation of lots of books and the creative storage to hold them.

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Wow. Completely breathtaking. What a feast for the eyes!

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This is terrific. Clean lines and warm colours. Not your typical industrial coldness. Great idea for the books being placed under the glass table.
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My daddy went to RPI. I'm going to Venice on Monday. I'm going to look for that house

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Dumbstruck!!! Awesome space, fabulous art!!!

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WOW! when can I move in? ! kidding, of course.... (or not!) Transformative space. H- OM- E...yes, it lies within!

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Calligaris OC

Jaw-dropping inspirational space!

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speaks directly to my heart. I have also dreamed of a home with an interior courtyard--divinity. what amazes me is how amazingly similar this house is to my in-laws' home, which they designed themselves (on a much smaller budget and with many newbie mistakes), with that same sense of adoration of earthy texture and global influence. the passion is palpable.
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One of my favorite houses! I love the picture that looks out to the courtyard at the large trees, it made you feel like the trees were part of the house. I put that photo in my idea books several years ago!
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Patricia Crenshaw

Very beautiful, the space is definitely a well thought concept everything works together.

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Cocoweb Inc.

Wow this is a gorgeous design. I love the colors used. seems very lively.

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Landry's Painting

Very cool video!

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Architectural Notice

Very interesting.

I have not heard of this architect but will have to look up more of his work.

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I love the house, very awesome work. And an awesome collection.

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Beautiful & Inspiring Courtyard Home!

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Wonderful & Beautifully designed - Master work

SG Associates - Kumbakonam

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Therese Pazdziorko
Just. Fabulous!
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Chauncey Wang

nice house!

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Seen On Set

Wow. Love this.

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I am not usually a fan of modern architecture, but this house is amazing and beautiful and warm. I love the ideas for using sustainable materials.

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Love this t v section, and this house is cool. Thanks for the tour of your home.

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Depole Design llc

Your home is inspirational on so very many levels. I to am a devoted lover of everything Japanese.

thank you for sharing

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karina raygoza
love it!
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Shoshana Bloom

Wonderful. Thanks for sharing.

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Booth & Williams

We just love this every time we see it!

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Lydia Lyons Designs

I was lucky enough to tour this house when I was working for Sunset Magazine. It's stayed as one of my all time favorite spaces. Even more stunning in person.

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Wow! What a wonderful house. Not only is the design of the house masterfully thought out, but the interior design is also gorgeous and comfortable. Very personal, just as a house should be.