Houzz TV: Turn a Junk Drawer Into an Organized Space for Spices

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Houzz TV: Turn a Junk Drawer Into an Organized Space for Spices

Could that junk drawer in the kitchen be put to better use? In this episode of Houzz TV, watch as kitchen organizer Wiebke Liu, founder of Blisshaus in Oakland, California, turns a cluttered junk drawer into an organized spice collection. In four steps, you’ll go from mess to masterpiece, and your family might find a few lost belongings along the way.

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Comments (45)
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Paul Vorstermans

Here is something similar. An insert with sides to raise it a little, with round holes drilled into it to hold the spice containers.

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I bought some really great cleanable material "wavy"liners from B, B & beyond. They come in strips about width 2-3 inches a piece so you line your drawers lengthwise ( they come the appropriate length of a standard drawer). Man do I love them! They work great and easy clean up for spice spills. They were about 35$ and with it. I can't remember the brand name on the box, but I bought about 6 months ago s I imagine they'd still have them. They are brownish - Orange in color.
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Haven't found the identical containers with label on lid that hold as much as a tall spice jar. Who is the manufacturer, please? Thanks.

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Susan Romans

Fun ,wonderful advice; let's have more of these!

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If you like to cook, as I do, you probably have way too many spices & herbs to fit in a drawer -- even one substantially larger than the one shown.
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loved the solution for junk-drawer contents!

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This is cute, simple, and doesn't cost much. HOWEVER, a junk drawer is totally crucial. I'm looking at mine--which is actually quite organized in that I use a bamboo utensils tray with compartments: twist ties, matches, rubber bands, measuring tape, flashlight, magic markers, flashlight, bag clips, a seldom used remote, several specialty brushes, individually wrapped pre-moistened lens and screen towlettes, etc.

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Great idea, but I'm not giving up the junk drawer and we also have a spice drawer, bigger than the one shown. We are pretty good about not letting to much 'junk' into the junk drawer and I clean it out a couple times a year. Here is our spice drawer.

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Savanna Marlborough

I'm with Bill--need an idea for "organizing" the junk drawer...

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Kelly AM

Definitely have more spices than that little drawer. Did this several years ago and love it. My drawer is a little taller, so I stood the jars up.

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That's how I store my spices. I've always thought a drawer is a much more efficient use of space for such small units as spice jars than a wall cupboard. I do have a large ziplock bag in the cabinet below in which I store small ziplock bags of spices bought in bulk, from which I refill these commercial spice containers when they run out. I like the Tone's brand best, because the containers don't take up too much room and I can store them label up.

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A "junk drawer" -- the contents of it -- can be moved into large mouth plastic peanut butter jars which can be put in a crate or basket and slid in a bottom cabinet. Much more efficient.

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Barbara Brasted-Maki

But a lot of what's in a junk drawer is general family stuff (scissors, new batteries, whatever) rather than personal belongings, and it has to go somewhere!

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Kelly, where did you get the empty jars? I am looking for something just like that.

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Lory Howell
I love this!!!!!
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Sheila Schmitz

Savanna, here's a guide to organizing everday odds and ends in a "junk" drawer: https://www.houzz.com/ideabooks/31685128/list/8-ways-to-get-a-handle-on-the-junk-drawer

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Judy Lacombe

I want this spice containers in the last photo. Where can I get them? Loved this article and want to do this with my spices!

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Check out the The Container Store for empty jars.

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Thanks, moving cutlery to another drawer. Thanks for idea.
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I would like these exact small round spice jars with the names of spices on top. I looked through "shop spice jars" and could not see them. It says in the video that they hold the same size as the jars........If anyone knows where to get these, could you please let me know.......please and thank you !!!!

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Susan Romans

old spices do not have umpf; old herbs do not work at all...buy less; eat better

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Suzanne Melton

We do not have "junk drawers" in this house.

Spices are stored inside the cupboard door nearest the stove (and, yes, we have takeout chicken and potato salad for the Super Bowl):

I have two IKEA cabinets (18 drawers each) in my office for office supplies.

We recently completed Dave's office. To store his "stuff," we bought a vintage dental cabinet at auction. It has 18 drawers to store his "inside tools," LEDs, computer cables, and whatnot. I cannot show you a photo of its current state because he's mostly just stacked up boxes that contain the items that he should be putting into the cabinet.

Batteries are stored in their own box in the utility room...and you're all aware that storing batteries with terminals touching can start a fire? Any battery, not just 9-volt.

In every room, we have facial tissue, scissors (3 pair in the kitchen), measuring tape, pad and pen, box cutter, and tape. They all have a home in their assigned room and their homes are not in a junk drawer.

Dave thought I might have been overdoing the organization a bit but he often asked me, "Have you seen my turboencabulator?" And he asked me a lot.

When he finally realized that I NEVER had to ask him if he'd seen MY turboencabulator, he became an adherent.

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I have one junk drawer and I love it.
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Kelly AM

hi baron4800 --

I got my jars at Bed, Bath & Beyond. Container Store has simple jars, too. I bought mine as part of a set with a rack (the jars were cheaper that way), I have 63 jars in the one drawer pictured. When the jar is empty, I turn it upside down and put it on the list to buy more in bulk from the local spice shop or Whole Foods. I used my label maker for the labels, since all the spice label sets I saw were missing some of the spice names I wanted (like Herbes d' Provence or ground Habanero chiles).

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Sharry Jones

I have a magnet that says, "organized people are just too lazy to look for things". LOL

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Kim Gasson
This is a pull out shelf in my pantry. I do my spices alphabetically.
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Blisshaus LLC

YES, the drawer from the video is a small one. We set up spice drawers in all sizes - including this one with 60 spices plus room for 24 more.

You can find these exact spice tins at www.blisshaus.com

Blisshaus Spice Tins: http://blisshaus.com/collections/all-products/products/spices-kit

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Sprouts sells spices and herbs by the ounce...

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Sharon Kipp

I would love to know where to purchase these exact spice jars please:)

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Suzanne Melton
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Ruth Anne Mills

Yes where do you buy those little metal spice containers or the see through kind?

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I actually expanded my junk drawer into 4 drawers and I love it. I had this opportunity when we rebuilt our house and the drawers are located in the pantry/laundry room off the kitchen. The top drawer holds scissors, glue, pens etc, the next drawer holds tools (screwdrivers, pliers), one drawer for batteries and flashlights and the last holds candles and stereo. My spices live in the top drawer next to the cooktop. The most important thing to reduce clutter is to toss old, broken and duplicate items and use drawer organizers to force non-believers to avoid over crowding!
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Suzanne, If dave wont move into the dental cabinet, let me know, ill come pick it up :)

When i lived in a kitchen that had a total of 3 drawers (utensils & towels got priority) an 8 x 12 drawer oranizer sat in the corner & held tape, twisty ties, scisorrs, etc. I bought one only 2 inches deep, now its back in a drawer. I also discovered that a couple of beloved mugs with chips missing were perfect for holding measuring spoons and cups in the cupboard in front of mixing bowls. Easy to just set those mugs on the counter to use the contents...I've spent a lot of yrs chasing my 1\4 cup measuring cup around a drawer.

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Wow...I have been doing this for years...now I know why everyone who sees this copies my idea!
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Don't buy those metal spice jars. After a few years they corrode. Then the lids get stuck. I'm going back to glass now.

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Blisshaus LLC

Hello @ibseyb - we offer both, the tins and glass jars. After 2 years of using out spice tins, we have zero corrosion problems - but just in case you worry about that, the glass jars are the way to go. you can find them on the Blisshaus web site.

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Judy Lacombe

I went to blisshaus.com to search for spice jars - glass or otherwise. I tried using the word empty in the search but just got the spice kits. I tried spice jars and glass spice jars but was sent to a page about a kitchen/pantry makeover that was priced about $4,000. Could not find what I wanted. If you carry empty spice containers - glass or tin - can you tell me how to search so I can see them. Thank you.

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Cool idea, but.. where do you put all the junk? How about organization for junk that doesn't go together and is completely random yet essential to have handy? :)

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Judy, Ikea sells inexpensive glass spice jars, see http://www.ikea.com/us/en/catalog/products/40064702/

They are 3.99 for a set of 4. Depending on how you store them, you can place labels on the lid, or the side of the jar.

I have about 30 of these, and placed round chalkboard labels on the lid. They look really neat in the drawer.

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Suzanne, I need several drawers as we seem to be accumulating more turboencabulators, not to mention the specific and non-interchangeable accessories for each new acquisition.

I think I will just scan all the tuboencabulators and attachments and store them in a cloud.

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Suzanne Melton

maggielou362: I'm glad to know that you've solved your storage issues.

This video, and the accompanying comments, may be helpful for others.


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Hi Suzanne Melton, thank you for that link. Fortunately technology has advanced so that not only can I scan and upload my ever-growing collection of turboencabulators to the cloud, thus allowing me to discard the hard copies of the turboencabulators, but now with my 3D printer I can then download the copy from the cloud and print out a new turboencabulator as required. Aint technology grand?

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What the heck are the turbowhatchamacallits?? Also I like the Spice Islands spices jars. I have one drawer with only 2 rows of spices & I also have a Lazy Susan in the shelf close to the stove. All are in alphabetical order!! Works for me.

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Therese My
love this idea