See an Amazing $400 Laundry Room Remodel for a Family of 8

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See an Amazing $400 Laundry Room Remodel for a Family of 8

Ronda Batchelor and her husband, Les, have six kids. Yes, you read that right. The children are ages 20, 18, 16, 13 (twin girls) and 10. Needless to say, when it comes time to do laundry for the family of eight, Ronda spends a solid day or two doing nothing but sorting, washing, drying and folding.

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Comments (445)
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WOW!!! Impressive use of space, materials, elbow grease, and ingenuity.
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Great job with the design, utility and workmanship- regardless of cost.
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great idea,cabinet arrangement makes the room a rich makeover.
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Fantastic and creative. I SO admire people who figure out how to do a lot with a little!
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This is so much more impressive than most of the laundry rooms I've seen on here lately. Anyone can throw thousands and thousands of dollars at a project and of course it will turn out pretty nice, but it usually isn't very practical. This project used creativity and ingenuity to achieve the desired result in a way that actually makes sense for the average person. Great job!
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Brilliant design and killer shopping skills to find all those materials thrifted. This room is awesome. Now I want to tell all her children to learn to do their laundry and help with the folding too. Nobody should have to do laundry for that many nearly grown children!
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The laundry room looks amazing and organized as compared to before. But, how does a 16,18 and 20year old not do their own laundry.
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Inspiring! So nice to see a professional looking DIY and use of recycled materials.
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My laundry education started at eight...I actually enjoy doing the laundry. Her ability to improvise is impressive. I like the stylish and clean approach she took...nothing over the top but still pleasant. This is a more realistic size for the average Houzzer I am guessing. Most people don't have 300sf extra spaces laying about with a dusty $25000 stash idling away. I enjoy the over the top pro spaces on Houzz but like to see more of this type of space featured that illustrates realistic solutions in typical spaces, pro and diy.
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Great job, Ronda! I'm glad to see props for Habitat for Humanity's ReStore - they are great places to find building and finishing materials. This is a great small space with every inch transformed from problem to solution.

(we're judging the laundry room, not the launderer)
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This has to be one of the best articles I have ever found on houzz.
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Di Lee
Yes, the laundry room is a tremendous improvement. But, one has to wonder why older children are not taking responsibility for their own laundry, with times appointed for their use of the machines. The youth are so very technologically advanced these days. Time they learned how to use some mid 20th century advances.
The mother of 6 might only have to do laundry for 2 children , and not for too much longer either.
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Amazing, finally a renovation some of us can afford......
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As a mother of five who are now mostly grown, can I defend the choice to do family laundry rather than individual laundry? There is a huge savings in electricity, soap, and water when doing eight or ten family sized loads instead of the fifteen or twenty loads when everyone does their own. I am sure these kids know how to start a load, change it to the dryer and fold the clothes. In large families, everyone has to help with all the chores. I suspect that is how Ronda has time to execute her amazing makeovers.
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Rose Moore
Great job!! Love the old door you used for your sliding door. I'm looking forward to moving my washer and dryer out of a "closet" in the kitchen (which I want to make a pantry) to a bigger spot. You have some great ideas I'll be able to use!
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Laney Bunticups
Kudos to you Ronda, what a great job!
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Smith Daycare
Great make over!
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I can understand beckyledosquet's point about cost savings. There are other ways the kids could hlep her out though. For example, when I was a kid my mom put the stain remover next to my laundry basket. It was my responsibility to treat my clothes for stains before putting them in the laundry basket. All she had to do then was sort (they didn't have the cool sorters back then) and start the laundry. When I got older I would often switch off doing the family's laundry with other family members, put the laundry in the dryer, take it out and put it up and/or fold the towels to put it away. Just because you think having each family member do his own laundry is wasteful doesn't mean that there aren't other pays your kids can't pick up the slack.
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Ronda Batchelor
I love all these comments, I would like to say my twenty year old son has actually moved out and does his own laundry. I choose to do every ones laundry to save money on larger loads. That's why I bought large capacity machines. I have how
ever taught all my children how to do the laundry and they often help. They also have many other chores around the house they are expected to do weekly as well as daily. I love my laundry room and all that goes with it and my big family!!
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Finally, a fantastic project executed without some crazy amount of money spent. Applause to Ronda for this great DIY. And the $400 spent earns her bragging rights for a VERY long time!
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Kudos on a marvelous makeover! And, waaaay too much time spent in the comments speculating on/judging family habits instead of concentrating on the room remodel! This is Houzz, folks.
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Judy Mishkin
well, the before would look a lot better if there wasnt laundry all over, and the after will look a lot like the before once the laundry isnt done....just sayin'!
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Patricia Pelgrims
Lovely ! I'll definitely take ideas from this for my own - not very large (ok, it's minute) laundry room.
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Agreed that it is very wasteful for each person in a house to do a separate load of laundry. Still, I'd have those kids doing the huge loads of everyone's laundry! I used to be a nanny and loved doing other people's laundry because it gave me a break from the kids. Who knows, maybe she enjoys it for this reason too.
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Laura Homeowner
More like this!!! Great to see a beautiful job on a low budget. Fantastic article.
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Is that the sound of clucking hens?

No. NO one 'need(s) to wonder why the older kids aren't...' If all you got out of this article is that other people aren't doing things the way you would do them, you missed the point entirely.

Maybe think twice before liking a comment that is a catty judgement of how another woman runs her household? That's your 'inside' voice talking - ignore it.

As terriwk points out, 'this is HOUZZ, folks.'
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M. Designs Architects
Wow, Rhonda's resourcefulness is inspiring a very creative! Way to take matters into her own hands.
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Fantastic! I am so impressed by all the DIY workarounds and customizations. All while managing a large household. You inspire me!
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Great job! I wish I were that "handy". All I kept seeing in this article was "she" did this and "she" did that. I'm so impressed! I did get a jigsaw and a dremel for Christmas though, so that's a start right? (If I get them out of the box anyway). :D Again. fabulous makeover!!
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Wow, you are so creative. One of my favorite d.i.y. Projects. Kudos to you.
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Ronda, thanks for showing all the details -in pics and text- of the room improvements. How freeing it must feel to have such great organization! Looks great and demonstrates great functionality. All that work by yourself- what a woman!!
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Good for you! Way to go! What a difference this must have made! So clever!
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IMO, we are not here to judge families on their personal practices...laundry or otherwise. It's really none of our business why this mom has decided to do the laundry for her family. She has come up with some great solutions to make her life easier, which I think was the goal of the project. Great job, Ronda, and fantastic article, Mitchell! :)
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I don't know why some people are so judgmental. The system that works for that family may not work for everyone. Why might Ronda do all the family laundry?
Most American appliances are huge. If the laundry is sorted, then it's more economical to do it all at once. Plus, if the machine is in a place where the noise interrupts living space, having teens run the machine when it's dinner time or later at night can be an issue.
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I love this! It turned out great and the fact that she didn't spend a ridiculous amount of money and did it herself makes it even better!
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Lin Johnson
Wow, Ronda! I just clicked on that link to your blog, and yes, I did just get my BH&G magazine. Fir those wanting more, they've featured Another amazing project on the last page: home office (with built ins) for less than $500. Thank you so much for sharing your talents and resourcefulness!
As an aside....I have 5 kids and we do family laundry also. All the older kids know how to run laundry and help out regularly;)
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Ronda, we have the same (almost) laundry room door. We found ours digging through hundreds at a salvage shop. I love that yours is marked 'laundry' and I might copy that. I love your amazing counter and the numbered bins are genius.
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I'm impressed! really like the laminate countertop and shelf baskets.
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Becky Harris
I am so impressed with her skills, I TOTALLY thought that countertop was marble! It's not only very functional but also beautiful, and the way she laid everything out is brilliant.

ReStore is such a great a treasure trove, I've asked "oh my gosh, where did you find that fabulous ----" and so often the answer is ReStore. It's fun to go regularly because the inventory is an every-changing surprise.
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Maybe we would get more stories like this (average people doing awesome things within an average budget) if the owner didn't have to worry about people judging them for their lifestyles instead of the renovation. I think this renovation is great. I love the reuse of materials and the support of the ReStore. This is more inspiring that many of the "inspiration photographs" because I can actually imagine something like this happening in my house. And I honestly don't care who does other people's laundry.
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Dalia Tole
Houzz should start a "(in)Genius" award and i nominate this lady for it.
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Andrea H
Well done!
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Ronda, you are one clever lady. Hats off!
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Arizona Snoopy
love what she did, that's inspiring. And by the way, it is nobody's business whether or not her children do their own laundry!
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What a bright, cost-effective way to get a great space!
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As mother of 8 also, I can say it is more cost efficient for all laundry to be gathered together. Otherwise you have small loads going forever; or big loads badly sorted.. Teach teens to help, yes, but a large family is always a team effort.
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Marcia Walden
Good grief, people! Shame on the ones here making snide comments instead of offering kind words and a "thank you" for sharing these great tips.

Ronda, I love the baskets in the wall! I only have my husband and myself here but this is a great way to hold everything g separately until you have time to put the laundry away. This is something I will copy, thanks!
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Jen Dowd
Way to go Ronda! Very impressive with great choices. I do all the laundry too because I actually like it the best of all the chores and have the family do the jobs I don't like!
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Pretty and practical. Well done.
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Great makeover! I truly believe organization makes any task simpler.
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I am impressed! Her "before" laundry looks just like my current laundry. So, there is still hope for my laundry :D

Thank you for sharing this inspiring makeover.
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HerStory Home
What is the website for ReStore? Is it Habitat for Humanity?
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Excellent article, great DIY skills & spirit! Needless to say, Rhonda's renovation is a great example of what makes houzz awesome. Tons of inspiration, well done!
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Wonderful article! congratulations to both the author and Ronda for showing how to reduce, re-use, recycle.
This carefully thought-out low-budget design is an inspiration. Thank you for sharing.
And, please, ignore people who tell you how you 'should' get your kids to do their own laundry. Your way works for you and your family. Other families do things differently. Different strokes for different folks.
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City Cabinet Center
Wow! Love the marble look of the laminate tops. Clever use of the niche and clean clothes baskets. Incredible in every way. Well done!
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Ronda is my hero. You go girl!
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Great job! Love our Re-Store - a great resource with unbelievable cost-effective finds. You just have to be patient. Instant gratification is instant, but also really expensive. This really is an inspiring post.
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Lindsey Walsh
Not only does the room look amazing, but the system for sorting & putting away is inspiring. Plus, with the great cost savings from your hard work, you totally should be tooting your own horn. I hope it makes you smile every time you do laundry!
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A&R bought a ranch
Very impressive! I love the restores, I'm lucky to live within walking distance to one but by far my favorite is in downtown Norfolk. Also wonderful to see a realistic budget and timeline for a DIYer.
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Good job
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I am jealous of those who have luck at Habitat ReStore. The one in Philly is less than inspiring.
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DW Construction
Where did you get the barn board track.. I can't find them less than 300
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Gave me some great ideas when I replace my top loading washing and dryer.
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Brilliant. So functional and pretty.
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inspirational ideas and amazing woman - like your style!
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Wow! I'm impressed and inspired. You are a great Mum, Rhonda.
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To Ronda and Les: that's the spirit! Congratulations with your hard work, imagination and beautiful /practical result. I would not even dare to think to suggest who has to do the laundry in your family. Anyone who can organize like you does not need any lessons in child rearing from me.
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Wow this is brilliant! I've done a lot of work decluttering and tidying my laundry room this month. I removed the sliding doors to the double closet in there so that it's more accessible. I've been just about desperate to remove the door that opens into the main part of the house and install one of these sliding barn doors. There are two doors in my laundry area and they fight each other. The doors are wide to accomodate my wheelchair and I have to roll competely up against the garage door to close the laundry door before opening the garage door to keep them from crashing into each other. Seeing this inspires me to go ahead and figure out how to do that.
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Antoine Architects, LLC
Very nice remodel, both in design and execution. I am impressed by the do-it-yourself carpentry work.
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Crown Construction Contracting
This woman is a genius!!! Lovely work and so practical.
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One of the best articles I've read on Houzz to date. Finally, an article focused on a great remodel with a doable (very modest) budget! Something us "Average Joes" might actually be able to replicate! Love Houzz, but wish there were more articles like this that highlight low-budget makeovers with smart design decisions. Wonderful job Rhonda!!!!
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This is a great example of arranging one's space to serve one's particular needs and at a reasonable cost. There are many things in this laundry that I would find useless, but that are clearly important and used by this owner. It is smart of her to organize it according to her current needs rather than to some some design dogma or "re-sale" ideas. Although there is some judgment there (yeah, I too wonder why one does laundry for grown children!), there is an important design issue in the question. It is one that I am grappling with as I redesign my home as my life changes. Whether one and the same person will be doing large loads for everyone or if several people will be doing lots of smaller loads makes a difference in everything from what appliances to buy and how to place them, to where the laundry will be and how one stores a variety of products for different users. With the kids gone, my little laundry is now off my bedroom - where most of the dirty laundry comes from and where I am only steps away as I do laundry. It's great for me, but it would be a really unfeasible arrangement with multiple users. Ditto with the kitchen, I've rearranged it to serve my needs rather than a household full of people.
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Fantastic job! I love your DIY sensibility and execution. Frugally fabulous and may I add that yours looks better (and is more practical), than many ultra-expensive rooms I've seen. Bravo!
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So great! I'm sure this has improved & simplified life for this family. I'm impressed & inspired. Thanks you!
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Shirley Ford
Great use of space and money. Im going to use this idea for my small laundry room
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I totally agree with all the comments on how fabulous this is and want to say that am especially impressed by those drying drawers with added fan. Have never seen anything like that anywhere but I'm already planning to find a way to add one to the laundry space I'm planning.
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Delahunt Homes, Inc.
Wow! Impressive work, all done on a modest budget. Very nice work, thanks for sharing this with us!
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Ryan Volna
I have to say that this is not only one of the more informational articles I've read on here but also one of the better ones. It's easy to throw cash at a problem but taking the time and effort to solve the problem realistically within a tight budget and beautiful to boot is simply impressive. I LOVE the DIY attitude.
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Drying Cabinet: brilliant concept and execution! Love it!
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Jenny Ross
This is brilliant! Such a clever use of space, and fabulous organisation. Love how the kids "drop off & pick up" their own washing - great work!
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Awesome idea
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What is the wall color?

I love this combination of cabinets and soothing walls. Thx
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YOU GO, GIRL!! Utterly amazing transformation. You thought of everything! We have 4 kids and are building a new house...I can't wait to incorporate some of your ingenious ideas. Thank you for sharing!
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It looks wonderful. Where did you find the hardware for hanging the door?
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Kathleen Marineau
Congratulations on a job well done. I appreciate the fact that it took 6 months, spreading the expense, labor and allowing time to find good deals or figure out the best way to accomplish a task.
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Lindsey Yarbrough
Great article! I'm glad to see a realistic sized laundry room that's in most homes! I have 3 children 8 and under and the clothes could fall over, bury and kill us! it's a chore but this makes it look more manageable.
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Mitzi Mendez
I that you did a great job on the laundry room, why must people comment on your family dynamics? I separate laundry by color & fabric, not age or relationship.
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Mitzi Mendez
Meant to say "thought you did a great job" not "that you did a great job". Darn fingers!
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This is one of the most ingenious remodels I've ever seen on Houzz! As many commenters have already said, it's easy to pull off a decent space with enough money, especially if that allows for hiring a pro. But what this woman did with such a small budget just blows my mind! She has put the pro laundry remodels to shame! I think she needs to consider making this her career, at least on a consult basis. I would hire her in a second!

We are a family of five and my laundry room (and budget) are even smaller but I'm so inspired I'm no longer thinking my dreams are impossible! Please bring more of this to Houzz. We all love to drool over the gorgeous rooms, but seeing gorgeous rooms that are attainable is unbeatable!
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The most amazing article. I still have a hard time believing that Ronda only spent $400.

I looked at Ronda's website and her take on renovations is really inspiring but also depressing. Why did I ever spent all this money on buying new instead of buying used and re-purposing stuff!
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Fabulous looking laundry room. Efficient and frugal. Congratulations!
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Love the ideas, beautiful. Do you have any suggestions for top loading washer and dryer
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Tirtza K
Amazing room, amazing use of space and creativity! Good luck to you and your family!
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I'd like to see more articles like this on Houzz. It's a great example of creative recycling, DIY, working with a small budget, and obtaining a wonderful result that works for "real people".
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This is so hilarious...didn't have time to read all the comments...surely everybody helps. Coming from a home with even more children, it would be ridiculous for every person to do their own laundry. Coordinating all the laundry chores saves time, energy, and water! Really, this is a great remodel and being a DIYer myself, it is quite possible. This is a very green renovation with many recycled items.
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William Shelton
Really, really nice. My good friend is doing something similar to this in his mudroom. This is what we added to upgrade our builder grade laundry room.
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Love the counters!! Ronda...would you mind sharing how you did them??
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Howe Charming
Love your entire transformation - well done!
Ironing board center is genius!!
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Good on ya Rhonda. I'm in the middle of a 9 month course for furniture building and your remodel here would be a proud example of what one can do when they get creative with design. I also love hunting for reuse items to repurpose and you've obviously mastered the art! Well done.
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WOW!! Great job!! Can't believe this was done only for $400!!?
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Well done Ronda! You go girl. Impressive and clever.
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I love the cost-effective remodel. As for those who decided houzz is an appropriate place to judge someone's parenting belong somewhere like good housekeeping...not on a website dedicated specifically to diy and professional renos and homes.
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Thanks for being so frank about what the house normally looks like. This made me realize that the professionally styled rooms on Houzz are the equivalent of airbrushed/photoshopped pictures of people in magazines--gorgeous and unrealistic. I don't mean this in a bad way--it's fun and inspiring to look at extremely beautiful and organized spaces, but this realization eases the pressure to keep my own house looking so unattainably perfect.
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One word. Fantastic.
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Of all the renos I have seen on this website over the years, this is hands down the best ever. Congrats on a fantastic laundry room!
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brownwilliam art + design
WOW! That is the grey!
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Did the final cost factor in cost of new appliances? Great job and beautiful execution?
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Great job, design,elbow grease....
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Love the color she painted the cabinets. Will she share the name of the color and brand of paint?
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Exceptionally nice do it yourself results.
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Really great room! Love the "budget" and creative design. I used to help with the laundry at 16. While Mom may have sorted and washed the sister and I were tasked with folding it and delivering the laundry to the appropriate wearers' room. 6 in our family and I survive to this day! Excellent life skill.
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Great laundry room! Just one question, where is the sink?
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This is lovely! Thanks for showing a DIY project with professional results for those of us who don't have deep pockets but still want a beautiful home. So inspiring. It's features like this that will keep me coming back to Houzz not the over the top stuff. Fantastic remedy!!
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Great article! I'm planning similar bins in our laundry remodel, but a bit bigger, behind cabinet doors for sorting the dirty laundry with 6 larger bins for whites, lights, no softener items, jeans/dark towels, darks, reds, and 2 smaller bins for delicates/sweaters and no softener athletic wear. Hubby's shirts and dry cleaning stay in a bin in the master closet until taken directly to the cleaners.

I'll have a laundry cart to place clothes from dryer to fold on the counter across the room and to move laundry to and from the 1st floor master. Kid-powered empty laundry baskets will be available for carrying clean clothes upstairs to their rooms.

I love the sweater drying racks! I was planning wooden racks, but I'm rethinking pullout or fold down mesh trays/drawers. Would love to see the material used.

Very well thought out example of form following function--and a resourceful and creative mom who did it on a dime!
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Linda Botha
Perfect for limited space
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Linda Botha
Perfect for small space, hide the mess with a closed door
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That is a very impressive LR makeover, and in no way looks like a budget job! All the built-in features...using a refrigerator cabinet to house the w/d? Ingenious. Goes to show what u can accomplish with vision, patience, and planning. Love it.
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It's a really amazing makeover. I particularly love the cleverness of the recessed cabinet with ironing board. And the fan to dry the delicates. Just ingenious. Good for you....great blog, too!
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Nicky Nicole
OMG, she did a fantastic job! So creative and love how she did a lot with a little.
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Stone Boulder
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I love everything about this story! I am in awe of this woman's skill which I hope all her children are imbibing! I'm also (mostly) amused by the passionate who-should-do-the-laundry comments. Obviously, laundry hits all of us where we live. I'm most interested in our various attitudes toward laundry . . . My mother (4 children) had us as toddlers stand next to her and play the sorting socks game as she folded laundry. She disliked doing laundry though, so as soon as we were old enough she dumped the clean laundry she did while we were at school in heaps on the dining room table. We were responsible for folding and putting it away as soon as we got home from school, a chore I associate with the sounds of beginning piano lessons (she's a piano teacher). My sister-in-law (with 8 children) had each kid do his or her own as soon as they could. The sound of the machines went all day, every day including Christmas. My son's teacher (3 children) at a school where all the children have chores says she knows she should have her children help her with the laundry, but laundry is her passion--she can't bear to have anyone else in her family do the laundry. My 2 best friends produce beautiful laundry. One (1 child) does a little every day; her daughter at 3 could fold laundry far better than I can. The other (0 children) does it every Monday; her folded laundry looks like origami and takes her about 3 hours to fold for a family of 2. As for me--I find all stages of laundry easily the most boring of household chores. Even if our horrid laundry space (in the tiny muddy mudroom with clashing doors that open into each other) were better I would still find it uninteresting. The only comical thing about laundry in our house is that the folding area is not my mother's dining room table but in the living room: the top of a very long harpsichord with a view of Long Island Sound.
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Can all front loaders be easily stacked? I have front loaders but they are currently side by side. Please let me know!
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RHONDA ROCKS!!! Sure, the $400 remodel is pretty impressive and ingenuous, but the fact the SHE DID IT HERSELF IS RIDONKULOUS!!!!! Rhonda is my idol!!! (Pretty sure she's bionic ;-)
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Ronda, what is the square footage of your laundry room and what size are your washer and dryer? Were they designed to be "stackable"? TY
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k f
Great work! You're a smart, hard-working woman! Would love to hear more about how you created the countertops.
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Lisa Strongosky
Amazing ideas! Inspired me to want to do my own now! Thanks for sharing...
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Kristen Whitely
I don't think it's catty or judgemental to comment on something written in the first paragraph. If it wasn't up for comment then it shouldn't have been written....We didn't need to know anything other than this was a large family and maybe how many children there are (maybe their ages for perspective), but not that she does all the laundry. I currently live in a family of 6 where I was doing all the laundry because that was the only way to keep everything organized. I have been doing my own laundry since elementary school. Some of the children in my home are old enough to run the washer and dryer now, but whenever someone else gets into the laundry I end up undoing the mess. Everyone's family is different and they have to do what they can to make it run smoothly.

Needless to say, this laundry room is highly impressive and I would PAY her to redo and organize (or at least consult me on how to makeover) all the rooms in my home! :-)
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Wow! I wish I had seen this laundry room before I had remodeled mine. I love how much function was put into a small space.
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I was about to give up on Houzz! The dreamy makeovers are fun to look at but this one is practical and almost anyone could do it. This is the kind of thing I thought I would find on Houzz. I love ideas that the average person could do.
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Great post, and well done!
I really want to take advantage of stacking my washer dryer like this, but I've had continual problems with how bad my LG washer goes out of balance in the high speed spin cycle. It seems like each time I have it level and not walking it still vibrates like crazy to the point that you feel the shake on the second floor. I don't want to rip up the tile floor the washer sits on, but also don't want to just stick a piece of plywood beneath it. Has anyone found a way to tackle this problem. Also wondering if the weight of the dryer itself will help this issue.
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I see you used the same washer and dryer; are those stackable units or did you just stack what you had? I see they both have flat tops....
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Angel Broach
Best DIY on Houzz I've seen yet. Rhonda, you're brilliant!
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Rhonda, this is very impressive! So many low-cost, clever ideas packed into that room, and I love that you re-purposed others' discards into something brand new and up-to-date. Nice job!
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Julie Georgas Smeaton
Ironing board recessed fir Laundry Room
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a good article, pictures that really illuminate the reader's understanding of the layout and function. i admire the small budget, but what i find especially and unusually praiseworthy is the patience; holding ones vision and nerve and not losing site of budget and design while you carefully source materials and complete a multitude of small modules is difficult.

just one comment on design choices... i am not sure why creating faux counter finish is a good idea .... arborite is a perfectly functional and modest finish that has its own virtues, although real linoleum is the most practical unless you can afford soapstone.
... carrera or other white marbles are silly materials where bleach and caustics might spatter... too "homes and gardens" for me.. (in canada read canadian house and home)... jmho ;-)
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Ronda and her laundry remodel are AMAZING! Ronda has truly inspired me! I would like to see more DIY articles like this one!
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Rhonda is one creative, enterprising woman. An amazing laundry re-do. And, Habitat's Re-Store is a great place to find things.
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She did an amazing job and I wish I could do this to my laundry room its so in need of rehab!
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Jaime Smith
What's the dimensions of the laundry room? It looks amazing.
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Great job I keep it in mind
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Roslyn Lockhart
As a 'foreigner' - I am British, lived in Turkey for 12 years, now live in France, I am constantly inspired by Houzz U.S. but mostly astonished at the cost of so many of the remodels featured. I was beginning to think that no American, at least those featured on Houzz, ever had to worry about keeping to a realistic budget.

But from reading the comments here I can see that this wonderful remodel has totally struck a chord with so many readers.

I would love to see a regular article when I receive my weekly Houzz update on projects that reuse and recycle and don't cost a fortune. As so many other posters have pointed out, most of us readers live real lives and do have budget constraints for almost everything we do.
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Very impressive results. Truly inspiring.
Carmen Murphy-Cicin Residential Design
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This IS my laundry room…. same appliances, same light fixture. Thank you for the inspiration, Ronda, and I hope you don't mind my copying!
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I want to see the rest of her house
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Amazing use of space exceeds my expectations.
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Sally Kyler
What an awesome job!!! So well organized. Love the delicate drying drawers; would never have thought of that. Functional and attractive!
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While I am not a fan of stacked machines, I think this was a fabulous makeover! I am totally impressed and now plan to visit a Restore or Goodwill and make over things for my daughter's bedroom. You gave me inspiration! I am very happy your laundry now works for you. It is miserable to not have room to do what's needed.
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This is very cool!
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Yvonne Ling
Amazing Job, inspiring!
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I haven't got a laundry room (New Yorker who has to drag their laundry bag several blocks away here), but I'm wildly impressed nonetheless! Resourceful and beautiful. Love the ironing board.
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Lowell Merklin
Great job!! Our Laundry room make-overs typically cost $3,500 - $8,000. Of course, we are using all new materials and our installment contractors are experts. I love the design and obviously, you and your husband are great carpenters, painters and electricians. Kudos.
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Awesome re-model. Let's focus on the renovation rather than who may or may not be doing the laundry.
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Thank you for stating the cost of the project.

I wish more Houzz articles talked about that minor detail.
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Genius! Inspiring (and extremely humbling) to see such talent!
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This woman is my new hero! I came here for ideas on how I could possibly redo my laundry room on a budget on my own and found this incredible project. Wow! More talented, clever people like this please!
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Karol Mooney
Sigh. If only mine were that easy..... there is no way around it. I need the space the hot water heater is now in. It's obnoxiously in the center of the laundry room. On the other side of the laundry room is the garage. I'm having a plumber move it. My husband will do almost anything else...small plumbing jobs he's ok with (he still gets a little paranoid). Unfortunately it's going to cost. We're upgrading to an 80 gallon hybrid (we live in Florida). At least now I can use the huge jetted tub in the master bath the previous owners so nicely put in without really thinking. The rest I will have to do myself. Flooring paint hanging the cabinets. Ooh and the plumber also has to replace the utility sink. This one doesn't drain well. But these other ideas that she has! Hhmm I love them!
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Brenda Palmer
Love it!
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Cate Twohill
I would like to know where in Home Depot she found that sliding barn door hardware. I've installed a sliding door with very similar straps in our master bath and sourcing the hardware - at a reasonable price - took forever. If HD had stocked it, my project time would have been cut at least in half!
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That's fantastic! Nice job.
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Wow! Have to hand it to Ronda. What a makeover! If she were my neighbor, I'd hire her to do my laundry room. She and her husband are extremely resourceful. The fan was a great idea. I might have given up at that point. Wonderful work, Ronda!
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Liliana Costa
WOW! Good job!
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Holly B
I agree with all of the POSITIVE comments. This is amazing and beautiful and the fact that it was done by Ronda with only $400 makes it even more incredible. I can't wait to try this myself!
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Paula Robinson
I was just sitting in my laundry room yesterday trying to soak in ideas for a makeover. Turns out I just needed to wait another day. This is amazing!
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Stephanie Rountree
Super impressed! Great job, Ronda and Lee!
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having a hard time believing the reno only cost $400. but with that said, being handy can save tons of money and the final room looks great!
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Exactly what I would want for my current, similar laundry room. Fabulous ideas and improvements. Lovely results.
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Adriana Gutierrez
What a beautiful room Rhonda. Nice job. You are missing one important detail...20 years ago a friend of mine commented that if kids could program a VCR they could run a washing machine. Ding, ding, ding! Everybody in our family got their own laundry basket. They were instructed in using the machines and they were responsible for their own laundry from there on out, including the 6 year old! The School of Natural Consequences was a great teacher for such problems as - no clean underwear, wrinkled but clean clothes, washing your new yellow polo shirt with the black towel, etc. My kids are adults now and they proudly attribute this to their self-sufficiency. Go for it! You will love the extra time!
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Mariela Ibanez de Vlieg
Ronda is simply a genius!
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Very clever, one of the nicest DIY project I've seen.
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This is brilliant and I agree that I would like to see more remodels like this on Houzz! Especially in the kitchen! We have both the laundry room remodel and kitchen on our list and can't afford nor do I want to spend tons of cash on them. It would be nice to see ways to remodel without going ALL new and these ideas are just what I'm looking for. It's hard when you're not handy or have the woodworking skills to build things.
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Design by Etzel, LLC
Very nice remodel! I hadn't seen a stacked washer and dryer fit that well into a space. It gives hope to those who need to add more to a cramped laundry room (like perhaps s bathroom).
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Can you tell me how you stack the washer and dryer? I have front loaders and would love to do this but don't know how. Is it difficult to remove the dry clothes due to the height?
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Sylvia Howard
Love it! Excellent use of space and repurposing materials. Looks fresh clean and new. I like the idea of stacking the washer and dryer, I'd like to have them both up high so I wouldn't have to bend over. Nice work
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This is awesome! So clever and within reach for many people. Good job!
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Priya Drews
more articles like this please!
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I've said it before and I'll say it again and again, I don't like stacked machines. If you have any back problems don't consider them. Think too of the extra cost you could encounter for any repairs down the line.
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Love it! Great space saving ideas
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Bing Shi
How much was the hardware for the sliding barn door? I would like to get one
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Christina Berry
Wow, what an impressive and resourceful transformation!
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Bvcx Gtr
What an amazing modern update. I love all the little touches you added and that you did it yourself. Looking forward to seeing your other projects!
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I am wondering when you put the washer & dryer together how did you move the lines in back of them so you could use the space you had.

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Best thing I have seen in Houzz for a long time! It is an affordable reno in a normal sized laundry room. I am impressed. You are one very talented woman!
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Beautiful use of space. So creative. Love it.
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Julie Umbach
Will you please provide specs on drying drawers? Brilliant.
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SMART..SMART.. SMART.. Hats off to you for the use of re-purposed items. Such a smart use of the existing and appropriated space. Your diligence, creativity and hard work have paid off with an elegant, smart and hardworking room. Have you considered the future as a "smart" remodeler?
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I would love this space for my laundry room.
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This is truly amazing! It not only functions wonderfully, but is also beautiful. Well done!
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Congratulations Rhonda. Lovely renovation. It happys me.
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She is better than my contractor. Good job!
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I LOVE LOVE LOVE the idea of the delicates drawer with built in fan. Ingenious. Tidy and tucked away instead of laying in your tub.
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Beautiful laundry room! Being the washer and dryer are stacked, is it difficult to reach the programming buttons on the top appliance?
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The new room looks great! One thought, if I had that much space, and that much laundry, instead of all the cabinets, I would have put in a second washer and dryer so that multiple loads could be done at the same time. Not a solution for everyone, but might make things easier for a family of 8.
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RONDA RULES!!! Amazing, awesome, A-plus redo on shoestrings budget. Ronda has natural talents, a creative design "eye," & a do-it-myself ethic with the priceless can-do skills developed mothering SIX kids.

I have a related question for Ronda and/or other "houzzies." I am considering replacing my standard washer/dryer with a stacking set. My trusty appliance service guy warned that repairs are more costly because the upper has to be removed to service the lower, & mechanical components are harder to reach.
I'm aware that many new appliances are less reliable than my 20-year-old Whirlpool Maytags, but we are now empty nesters doing less laundry although needing capacity to launder king size bedding. Comments please? Thank-you very much.

Also, does enclosing a dryer reduce its energy efficiency savings or cause over-heating? Thanks again.

Supermom Laundry Tip: I bought hangers in a specific color for each family member. No one could claim, "I didn't know they were MY clean clothes" or leave empty hangers laying around. (I never ironed much but put damp-dry garments like blouses on hangers to prevent wrinkles.)
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I hope that the good people at Houzz take note that a significant proportion of readers are not millionaires doing $100K remodels and that we love to see low budget or DIY projects along with the money saving ideas and dollar store fixes. While I appreciate that this isn't a DIY type of newsletter, it's where many of us who are doing our own remodels come for ideas, and Ronda's pictures are exactly what we need. Wish I'd seen that ironing board cupboard last year! Great work, Ronda!
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The most remarkable part of this project is that her children deliver the dirty laundry, sort it, then return to pick it up when it's been done. My entire life would have been different if I could have figured out how to engineer THAT.
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How big is this laundry room?
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Teresa Brown
Beautiful job,love what you have done. On another note, why can't people just compliment or offer constructive criticism, instead of always having something negative to offer. Please keep your negative comments to yourself!!!!
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David G
Barn Door Tack - HOME DEPOT
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Has inspired me to go tidy up and hang some artwork in our laundry room:)

Amazing what you can do for $400 if you're reasonably handy and have a good eye for value and design. Great job Ronda!!!
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Aswesome! I love to see articles of great DIY fixes on a real budget.
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Awesome job Rhonda! Love how efficiently everything is organized. The ironing board is my favorite part, and I especially love the clever drying racks. To echo the comments above, inspiring!
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Nice work Ronda! Love a woman who gets down and creates the perfect space.
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THIS is why i come to houzz. If you have a bucket load of money you can do pretty much as you please, BUT this is the way it should be done. Excellent job.
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Nicky36, I have back problems, my stacked machines are better on my back. I'm not constantly bending over removing clothes from the dryer. Best decision I made in my new laundry room.
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Love it
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This is fantastic ... Can't believe that's not actually a marble countertop. Love the remodel, and love Habitat's ReStore! (I keep a donation box for them in the back of my car, and it's nearly full. Time to visit again!)
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Danielle Rayne
Ronda, you are my hero. Awesome job.
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Sandy Price
Please send her to my house for a consultation!
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A Aguirre
Beautiful job ... however, I take the $400 price tag with a grain of salt because even though she used refurbished materials, it is clear that she has some killer technical skills that in truth I would need to pay a pro to do. I imagine if a pro did this it would run more like $5-10k? Still - it's an amazing make-over.
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Ronda's efforts brought back memories of my Aunt Annie managing a household of 10 children. She set up a laundry in the basement and did all the clothes washing herself, but had a system of sorting for my cousins as soon as they knew what a sock was for. There were large gunny sacks labeled with each child's name. Cousins helped with sorting before wash and after, placing clean items in respective sacks. I remember my cousins arguing over who got to use the ironing boards first. There were a couple boards. My aunt even took in ironing to earn extra money. Ronda sounds very like her. Thinking through what works best in your family, and implementing. Ingenious, organized, creative, hardworking. What a wonderful role model for her family and for this site's readers. Practical features which recognize most of us are beholden to a limited budget are priceless...maybe pun intended. Thank you, Ronda and Houzz for sharing.
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Deborah Kunkle
Great Job!
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Danny Crout
Great use of space!
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Leslie Stompor
Just curious -- can you stack the front-loader appliances like that? Does anything special need to be done? I've used pre-built stacker units in rentals, but now we have side-by-side front-loaders in our house. I like the idea of stacking them to gain space, but don't know what is involved.
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Absolutely Awesome !
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My favorite thing about this room are the dryer racks. Brilliant!
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Alicia Vasquez
How big is the room
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Very impressive! I wish I was so handy...
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what ideas does anyone have for a washer and dryer (not front loader ) that are in a closet off the family room? any remodeling ideas?
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This may be my favorite DIY upgrade ever! I love the idea of using recycled materials not only for the cost savings but also for the decreased environmental impact. Bravo!
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I am drawn to marble like a moth to flame and your created marble top is absolutely amazing to all you have done.
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Very impressed by your creativity and resourcefulness at an amazingly low cost. Well done!!!
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Melanie Ulrich
Love it! Very clever!!
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Judy Bath
This is awesome!!!!!!!!!! I will bookmark the whole article and 100% use it for our new house.
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M. Bey
Very Nice!
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That is amazing and I want that when I move into my new house! #FutureDesign!
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Rachelle Plantagenet
Love the use of salvaged materials. I've been dealing with a similar sized utility room for the last 8 years. I'm putting in a dishwasher and laundry tub where you've got floor cupboards. Toss up between wall cupboards & hanging space where you've gone for hangers... I'll have to go with wall cupboards for storage as I've got no space on the opposite wall like you do :( . Great job! I hope mine turns out as nice :)
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Karol Mooney
Leslie....I believe more than 95% of front load washers and dryers have brackets that you can buy to stack them. However, if you have the drawers underneath, you will need to take them off. Some people have stacked them with one drawer but they don't recommend doing that because it makes it way too unstable. Just look up your model of washer and dryer and look for parts for it. Usually it's called a stacking kit or bracket. The dryer (lightest) always on top.
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Great Article!!! Need to do similar for our space. What were the original dimensions of the space?
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Love the idea of looking into ReStore items. Thanks for posting. Love to see some more of your ideas.
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Lana Lucky Finds
This DIY project is worth top design magazines. It looks professionally done without a need for a home owner to take a loan to complete the project. As a DIY-er myself, I am impressed and encouraged. I checked your blog. You've got plenty of great ideas and a craftsmanship talent.
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I find doing laundry relaxing, almost like a retreat into the basement where I am left alone to my thoughts, it is warm and smells good. It is a task that can absorb all my need to control something, family is happy to leave to me, and the repetitive action is almost like a walking mediation. The only thing that would make my time better would be a better laundry room! Rhonda's solutions are the elements I've been looking for within my budget that I can do myself. I hang lots of clothes to dry, and the added moisture to the air has always worried me. The only addition I would make to Rhonda's room would be to use an exhaust fan and vent that moist air outside. I am inspired to do just that and get those drying trays going.
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This is really doable! Her room looks like many people's must, not like so many that have architectural designs already built it and super large. Houzz-we need more of these assignments!!
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Love this remodel!! Well done on the use of space!
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This is amazing! So creative and attractive. Thank you so much for sharing such a practical guide - I will definitely be using some of these ideas - truly inspirational!

PS. people should mind their own business on how Ronda runs her house.
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Looks amazing, I wish I was half that creative and handy. Regardless I see some ideas I can use. And I have to say why do so many people have to make things that have nothing to do with them, their business. I agree this is about a great laundry room make over not how someone runs their household. She doesn't need your advice or tips. Look at her laundry room!!! Get a life!!!
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Laundry Room
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It's awesome to see a creative, do-it-yourself budget remodel on here that makes use of secondhand and recycled materials. This is the only kind of remodeling I can afford to do, and I would like to see more articles like this to get ideas from. Such a shame that people overseas get the false impression that everyone in the US must be wealthy.
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Love what you've done!!! I'm a mom to five (next month my twins will be 13 and then I will officially have five teens living under my roof!) and I love the practical ideas that were featured in this article.
I have had my extra large capacity front loading machines stacked for well over a decade (two different brands in that time) and all that is needed is the manufacturers stacking kit to accomplish it. I'm of average height for a woman and I've not had a problem reaching controls for the dryer or getting all of the clothing out. I've also had back problems for a number of years... I'll say this, getting laundry in and out of any kind of machine is a difficult task when back pain is flared up. However, with my washer being on the bottom it at least forces me to bend properly at the knees instead of bending over at the back. (Though usually I just tell my kiddos that I need help with the laundry and they step up to help poor mom out.)
I like my machines stacked because I've never had a massive laundry room... Stacking machines means I've had space for a sink in the laundry room and it helps *me* to not be able to clutter the tops of the machines. LOL!
Love the drying drawers... Wish I'd thought of that when we did a DIY remodel of our laundry room.
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What talent for design and DIY! Beautifully done!
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Jeez, such a remarkable job and people snark about her handling of her kids? I am sure that anyone who can make so much with so little certainly has her kids in order.
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YOU ARE TOTALLY AMAZING ! Everything about this laundry room is BRILLIANT! Your creativity is admirable... I'll bet this article gets more attention and response than any I've seen lately and for good reason !! Thank you for sharing !!!
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Camille Dickson Design
Creativity, hard work, and imagination at its best! What an incredibly functional (and beautiful) space. Well done!!!
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I am pretty sure that the 2 appliances featured in the story above are the Maytag Epic Z/ Sport Washer and Dryer. (The profile looks exactly like mine). Several questions have been asked about the stack-ability of front-loading washers and dryers. This particular pairing can also be stacked but you need to purchase and install a Stacking Kit for the Maytag Dryer before placing it over the Washing Machine.

There are other stacking kits available for other makes and models; however, I do not believe that all front-loaders are stackable. You have to first check with the manufacturer.

Others asked about vibrations from front-end washers - you can purchase Anti-Vibration rubber washers/feet (also available in sheets if your washer has no feet) to place under your washer. You will have to level your washer again afterwards.

Hopefully this will be helpful.

Ronda: your creativity, workmanship and attention to detail are amazing. Thank you so much for sharing with us your process!
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If I had the space I would go with side by side mostly because of accessibility and cost of repair.

This was one reason why I decided not to go the build-in fridge route.
Over the last 15 years a lot of my major appliances had a life span between 5 and 7 years. I am currently on my third frontloader.

I don't see the back saving point. I still have to bend down to get the laundry out of the washing machine. If they are side by side all you do is bend down scoop out and put into the dryer.

One point that hasn't been mentioned. If you do a diy project of this scope and professionalism you need some serious tools otherwise the frustration factor will be rather high.
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To have your washer and dryer stacked, you need to purchase a 'stacking kit'.
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My first floor laundry is very much like your before and I hate it! Feeling inspired!
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wow! lovely laundry room. I have a top loader that I love, but am thinking that to save space, perhaps stacking is the way to go. How do you repair a stacked washer and dryer?
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Well done
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Does anyone have pics for a laundry area in the garage?
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This is one of the BEST stories I've seen on Houzz! Ronda is a BOSS! I am so inspired by this, am so like her (love to source items from Restore and other places), and am able to do DIY, but just haven't made the time lately. Well, I'm headed out this week and getting things done! I took the door off of our laundry room when we did a reno over two years ago, but never replaced it. I am totally doing the sliding door! LOVED, LOVED, LOVED this! Thanks for sharing!
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Very impressive!
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Suzanne Chappin
Last year I went to Home Depot for sliding door hardware. No one even knew what I as asking for. What a waste of time. This company loses a lot of business due to ignorance.
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"Great oaks from little acorns grow". I remember that Apple Inc started in a garage, and looking at what you did (while still raising your children) I have to say, Rhonda, you have the skills, creativity and energy to do a lot more than laundry! Fabulous job!
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Cordy Brown
plopped this straight into my ideabook!! fantastic well thought out space with smart use of recyclable materials and $$.
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Beautiful and super functional. Would the owner care to share more pictures, like details of the cabinets (outside and inside)? She seems to have thought through this, and would love more ideas about organizing laundry. Thank you!!!
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Awesome!! I love it when people do things that look this good for such a small price!!
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Did she do the plumbing herself to move the main water valve behind the washer??? Just that alone would cost $400. It's very well designed and executed, though.
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Love it! What a combination of ingenuity and thriftiness! I agree with previous comments - you could really build a business with those skills, girl!
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Anna Surka
Love it!
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Christine Tullmann
From another Mom of 6--congrats, Ronda, on finding a system that works for your family! Plus, very pretty and within a budget I can relate to. The amount of time you do laundry is decreased, and the pleasure in the task is increased--that is a win-win! Thanks for sharing.
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love this makeover, obviously a lot of thought went into it! Love the door idea as well, space saving but very decorative and trendy...great job Rhonda.
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Yes!!!the door and the ironing cupboard! Solves a serious problem!
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Wow...this is a great use of space and couldn't come at a better time as I am ready to redo my laundry room, Love everything about it!!
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Thank you for an article about thrifty spending and remodeling. Often, Houzz articles make the two terms seem mutually exclusive.
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Allison .
This is brilliant. Ronda is a genius. I'm going to use at least 3 of these ideas.
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Meche Campain
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Beautiful room, but never again. After having a front load for less than 5 years with a problems here and there it finally started smoking out of front and back. Just be careful. My $900 plus machine was a piece of crap!! I would die if I had to remove a dryer off the top of it. My husband thought I was putting rocks in it. Seriously! When we took it apart the piece attached to the drum was falling apart and "rocks" landed in the pump among other things. Just do your research ( I thought I did) and good luck. I went out and bought a simple top load and I love it!!! By the way, we have a two person household, and no kids. It's not like it was overused. A beautiful room isn't worth having a crappy machine.
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Wonderful ideas and a fabulous result!
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Sean Donovan
Beautiful and practical. However, unless her free time is completely worthless, $400 is delusional.
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I think you did well Ronda but have NO idea how you manage with such a teeny tiny ironing board! lol!! Can you tell me how you made sure that your washing machine doesn't 'walk' off on those odd times that the load becomes unbalanced ? We are planning on putting our machine on a plinth to aid my poor old back, along with the tumble dryer and the one thing no one mentions in these makeovers with plinths .. is how to stop the 'walk'. A friend of mine already had her machine walk right off and fall over! I know yours isn't on a plinth but with the dryer above it .. I think it would have to be secured down somehow !! Many thanks !!
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I have Electrolux washer and dryer that were side by side. No stacking kit was needed for me to make them stackable. Just put the dryer on top of washer.
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Valerie Pinard-Jain
Hey Rhonda! I cannot possibly read all the positive comments that you got. Way to go. I think that one of the reasons why so many love this success story, I mean Reno story, is that the Laundry Room is one of those neglected areas of the home. We are building a new house this year and I will use some of these ideas (I only have 4 kids!).

Also, I am getting one of those "if the house was designed by a mom" dream: no more hallway closet and mudroom closet. It will be a big walk-in closet for all our family's coats. o more storing according to the seasons. And plenty of room for when we have guests!
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While I LOVE her remodel, the article fails to mention that you need to consult (and I emphasize this) an expert about stacking your washer and dryer. If not properly placed, you risk injury to yourself or a family member from falling, CO poisoning, and fire. You may also have higher costs or delays to have your units serviced by a repairman. Our repairman saved us a potential housefire when he told us a much safer way to hookup the dryer (he was there about the washer). Cost all of $18 to make that fix.
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Nice! I'd be happy with her before laundry room. My laundry 'room' is a closet with bifold doors. I have front loading appliances that have to face each other because they won't fit side by side. I've had the W/D since 2007 and the house since 2012. I have plans to fix it, but I need the money first. :/
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Meredith Rose
Loved the laundry redo! My only concern is maybe I missed it if was mentioned in the article but was the electrical work inspected by a electrician? DIYing is great if you know what you are doing but if you don't if can be hazardous especially with a lot of electrical work.
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What an incredible job!! I would love to know the dimensions of her laundry room
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Brooks Carpet Clinic Ltd.
Great innovation. Very nice layout and good to see initiative over doubt. Good job!
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Jessica McClain
I'm not sure if Ronda has a 2nd or 3rd job in addition to her 1st one which requires sanely maintaining a home of 8. Yes, that means tending to the needs of a husband & 6 kids, including a set of twins. Where would one find the time or energy, but should she want to, she has enough skill, ingenuity, & creativity to fill several niches in the "home" business.
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This is probably the most impressed I have been since I first started reading Houzz articles. Ronda is one of the most talented, creative people around.
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Kitchen Works LLC
Great job Ronda! We are hiring
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Brawna Levy
I love this idea from R my laundry room. Very impressive
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I recently redid our laundry room too! My husband was my laborer & I thought I did well keeping the budget around $1200. I did buy new cabinets (5), subway tile backsplash, new counter top, sink, faucet and a new iron-away. You did a fabulous job! Looks well organized and a great place to do the "dirty" laundry - really nice job.
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Immie Ong-Aban
Ronda. I am very impressed by your skills and the result of all your hard work. My hat off to you and you definitely get my vote for fabulous, inexpensive reno.
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How many square feet is this?
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I have to say that I enjoy all the beautiful pictures and dreamy homes and rooms on Houzz, but they are usually high end and high priced. It is very refreshing to see a beautiful laundry room re-do on a realistic budget for most of us. I have always believed that true creativity doesn't have to rely on a big budget as Ronda has shown us. I think almost anyone can make a room beautiful with a big budget doing so on a small budget really takes true creativity. Kudos to Ronda!
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Thank you for sharing your project!!! It is beautiful! As a mother of 7 who has to get through at least four loads of laundry a day to keep from being overrun by Mt. Washmore, My sofa would adore it if I had somewhere else to fold the laundry instead of it:) You go girl! Kudos to you, and thank you for inspiring me to tackle my own diy utility room by bringing my idea file to life.
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I don't know how it happened, but my previous comment ended up under the wrong article! And I can't edit it. But I am very impressed with this lady's remodel on the cheap. It's right up my alley!
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Hey Ronda, what are you doing tomorrow? You busy? Feel like coming over to our house?
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Casey Bartolo
I love what you did with the space It's nice and easy to make more space in your laundry room if you have a stackable washer and dryer. That wasn't in your $400 budget
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Euvoughn Greenan
Best laundry room in a small space.
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Outstanding job!
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Looks great, and stunning how little she paid. But gee, why wait 6 years??! Think of how many miserable hours were spent over those 6 years. Well, better late than never!
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Niki Branson Delehant
Awesome job! Just got done redoing my tiny laundry room this weekend. Spent $81 ($30 of it was for a gallon of paint).
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I agree, amazing story, and so impressive. Well done and congratulation!
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Karol Mooney
Casey Bartolo the old photos they weren't stacked. In the pics of the new space...they are stacked. Unless you are talking about how much she paid for the stacking kit. Some washers and dryers come with the stacking kit and you can use it or not. She may have had it stashed away just in case.
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Thanks for sharing! Great transformation on a room that is getting some good use. Thanks again.
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Cody Smith
This is hard to believe... that barn door hardware alone could easily cost $400 ... especially from Home Depot. I say "prove it."
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Working By Design LLC | Drapery Workroom
Well done!
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Well, I got here late for this party! Lots of comments. The lady is a genius. I wish I was so talented. Great ideas. I also was wondering about marble for $400! Great job.
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My mind is officially blown. Please come live at my house.
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Just simply awesome well done!
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Can't wait to show my other half this - he has never really experienced the recycling type of reno and this shows to perfection what amazing results you can get - really well done and such an inspiration!
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Retha Arrabal
Love this!!
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Antwon Ford
why did it take 6 months
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Great job and on a small budget. This gave me ideas for the home I'm about to move into. Thanks for sharing.
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alison scott
Great...Just what I need..Thank you!
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Impressive for sure I love the reuse of materials. The $400 does not include the barnyard door as I just did one and the hardware alone was $200 from the Home Depot.
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love it
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I am in awe. What a clever woman and resourceful woman and an amazing renovation. I am inspired.
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This turned out great!!! Really like seeing projects and imagination (and hands on labor) like this. Almost makes laundry fun, almost.
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Delora Dickey
Can you hear it, Houzz? That enormous echo going through the Grand Canyon of home improvements? Let me add my voice and say "Finally!"...something realistic and affordable that could be possible in my home! Oh, let's not do away with all the fantasy makeovers (love `em), but let's see more, more, more of this kind of reachable goal. Mega "kudos" to Ronda! I nominate her for 1st Place in the "Yes, I can make this better without an architect/builder" category.
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Vickie Macfarlane
Nice laundry room update. I wish I could come up with a cure for mine. So small with a hot water tank in the way. Have the cabinets and a shelf, but there is no folding room or place for an fold out ironing board which would be wonderful. Small half bath next to it and the door opens into the room. I could solve this problem, think it would be a good idea to get rid of the half bath and use this in a more organized manner to increase the laundry room size. Any opinions?
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Robbie Jackson
This is a great remodel. I only wish some of the laundry room makeovers included top loader washers and dryers. Some of us don't have the front loaders but I never see redo's incorporating the top loaders!! Any ideas out there?
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AMEN! Houzz please include more articles for the real world.
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Sharon Kelly
Congratulations! Phenomenal job and I just can't believe how far you managed to stretch your budget-couldn't be better!
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Elite Interior Staging
Very functional use of the available space and in a budget that is rather affordable! Bravo.
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Great room, good layout and wonderful function, but doing laundry for an 18 year old and a 20 year old, not my idea of a necessary chore
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You're a Rock Star!! That is magnificent! Now maybe I will have the nerve to work on some of my projects!
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Wow! Love this laundry room re-do! Nice to see how it can be done economically, & still be beautiful. I am inspired.
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Cody Smith - if you read all of the comments, you will find one with a screen capture of the Home Depot site showing barn door hardware for $149.97 - I call that "proof".
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Love having an ironing board and place to hang clothes right from the dryer in the laundry room. Funny that years and years ago people had ironing boards in the wall..guess in the past 30 years people stopped ironing.
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Frob Betta
Wow! This is very inspiring! Thank you for sharing!
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Ronda Batchelor
beesknees2260 the counters are faux painted not real marble. Here is a link on how I did it
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Ronda Batchelor
Karol Money, Casey Bartolo, and Susanportugal, we went to Lowe's and bought a stacking kit for our brand of machines which is LG. the kit kinda locks the machines together.
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Ronda Batchelor
The size of the room is 7 ' x 6' evelynlll and traceytsic
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Ronda and family, you should be on tv by now! Though, what impresses me more is your commitment with your family and even the needs of others. Your life is really inspiring.
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Amira Tammam
Perfect job
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Since no one knows what is going on in THIS family, don't judge about why the mom is the one doing everyone's laundry--
Personally as a mom who did all the laundry when my kids--even my adult kids--were living at home...I preferred it that way...
It could be that her older children are going to school and working and doing laundry for them would fall at times when the rest of the family was trying to sleep or when they should be sleeping...

I can judge the quality of the work, the design, the ingenuity--
all A+ in my book...

I noticed that the initial negatives about the kids not helping and posted my reply--
why didn't anyone complain that her husband didn't help with most of the work vs complain about the kids not doing their laundry???
I don't care--it's not my business who does what in that family--
I just think it strange that most people jumped on the kids' share of the work load vs the spouse's....
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Wow! I am certain she is an amazing thinker to fit it all in. Because I am not , I made a major error myself. May I ask how you have access to water faucet shut offs for washer? Thank you.
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What a great redo! I have another money-saving suggestion for everybody who does laundry: Heart Felt Wool Dryer balls. Found these on Amazon after my sister-in-law purchased those cute little hedgehogs that bounce around in the dryer and help to dry clothes faster without fabric softener. Those little guys are really cute, but they started to disintegrate in her dryer, so I looked for something else and found these wool dryer balls. They're about the size of tennis balls, they stay in the dryer all the time and we've been able to quit buying liquid fabric softener and those expensive dryer sheets. I never realized that fabric softener actually coats your clothes, towels, etc. with chemicals, sort of like Teflon. This is gross. What was more gross was finding a thick ring of congealed fabric softener inside the center agitator of my trusty old washing machine. I thought it was a rubber o-ring until I poked it with a long screwdriver and realized it was crud!! Took me most of an afternoon to clean my machine. Now I just use the dryer balls and fill the fabric softener dispenser with white vinegar. Keeps the static cling down and freshens everything, especially towels and sheets. And saves a bunch of money!! Can't beat it!
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Rhonda your laundry room remodel is awesome and so are you!
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Paul Nagy
like the concepts, the ironing board is great for small stuff like shirts, but linger pants might be a little challenging on full length pants!
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Absolutely fantastic room!

I am shocked by the number of people in this thread who think it is within their scope to comment on the parenting techniques in a family they know almost nothing about.
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what a resourceful woman! It looks gorgeous! the countertop really does look like marble. I was flabbergasted reading that it was laminate countertop with a faux finish. Whoa!
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Looks like we women know what we need, I love the look and will be using some basic ideas.
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Rhonda- Where did you find the slim drawers that you use for drying sweaters? I love all that you have done.
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Sorry I misspelled ur name, Ronda! :(
Ur still AMAZING any way u spell it!!
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Girl-you have MAD SKILLZ!
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1. Louisiana2 is SO right about using woolen felt dryer balls instead of fabric softener. A dermatologist told me fabric softener could worsen acne, & changing to the wonder balls helped with that plus saving money/space & simplifying laundering. Daughter found my dryer balls on Etsy.
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Thanks SKmom, Gobbit, & others! No one has directly answered my recent question above about the costs of repairing a stacked washer/dryer versus non-stacked, but I have gotten alot of info on them in the replies which I greatly appreciate. Also discovered angles to consider that I hadn't thought about.
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Joyce Wu
Laundry room- very organized and not pricey
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Patrick Ofose
Great photo!
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Ronda Batchelor
janabanana I made those slim drawers, you can go here to see how:
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Ronda you are my new hero! Not only do you have mad DIY and design skills, but you had 6 kids! (I had two and thought I deserved the congressional medal of honour -or at least a purple heart). Very inspiring and I love that you repurposed the cupboards and made that beautiful countertop. Such a beautiful job!
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Melanie Clayton
What everyone else said times 1000! Amazing. Simply amazing!
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Yanka Bartosova
absolutely love it
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Fantastic- beautiful and impressive she did all that work. How resourceful!
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Hats off to your Ronda! Very impressive results. You traded your time and creativity for dollars. I wonder how many hours you have invested in this thinking this through, sourcing the materials, bringing them home, and physically doing all the work. Very, very few do it yourselfers are willing to put in the effort you did, You definitely earned your wonderful results.
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this redo is sweet!!!
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Kerrie Ellery
Very clever , if only we had the Home Depot here in Australia :)
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This laundry room re-do actually made me giddy. Such clever resolutions to bring a typically compulsory room into one that is unique and, dare I say, inviting.
Ronda and I must be long lost sisters- I was just in my local ReStore and found a marble countertop for the exact purpose she did. But her creativity is over the top on this redesign.
Solidarity on the 'older' children doing laundry. I get that, Ronda.
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Diane Griesinger
Amazing redo! Congrats. I was wondering what the railing around the cabinetry is for? Is that a pull out hanging rack?
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Well done! You must be so proud of yourself. There is real genius at work here.
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Mina Herrera Design LLC
Ronda, you are a great space planner. Congratulations.
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Stamps Design Services
I hang most of my clothing and run a dehumidifier in the laundry room. They dry as quickly, (in some cases quicker) with no shrinkage, twisting or "pilling" of the fabric.
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I have a drier, I have never shrunk anything in 35 yrs .... no more pilling of fabric than usual, never had a twisted out of shape item either !! BUT ... I do have a whole lot less to iron ... and my clothes and sheets and towels etc do not feel like steel wool either !! Which is what happens when I dry 'naturally' by hanging !
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Great job! I'm so inspired by the DIY's on this site and the $ as well spent.
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Kudos!! Amazing job!! Looks like a million buck! How did you install the fan?? Great idea!!

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Great work for such a price. What is the size of the her laundry room?

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Anna Zhokhova
Love it, great job
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Brilliant! Love, love, love!

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Fantastic, clever, ingenious, budget-friendly. My hat is off to you. you are an inspiration!

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This is one creative woman. Bravo!

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awesome .. DIY saves alot if done the right way . good job
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Judy Huber
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Thank you, Sutti Assiciates, for photos of the laundry room in the Net Zero Energy Home. They serve as an effective contrast to the images of Ronda's far more efficient, creative and realistically scaled project.

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Well, I had a similar set up for my six children....the youngest is 33 now. Don't allow to happen what I did....the laundry room became the dressing room!! They would rush in, late for school, practice, play, whatever, and throw their dirty shirt, pants etc. on the counter and grab clean ones from the baskets and away they would go. It never did work the way I had envisioned, but it was better than piles of laundry all over the house.

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blue lady

What a resourceful woman. I'm very impressed.

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Gotta love a woman who knows what she wants and then 'builds' it herself - very nicely done.

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Bing Shi

I love it esp. in that someone pays attention to the cost, not just the beauty.

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Rachelle Plantagenet

Hi Ronda, Just wondering why you decided not to incorporate a laundry tub into the design for soaking/rinsing? Are you able to do this somewhere else or do you just throw everything in the washing machine and put on soak cycle? I love absolutely everything else about your design & think you are a star! :)

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Lynne Gold
Ronda you did a fantastic job!!!!! Beautiful and practical!

To those who have commented on her children, stop being so self righteous and critical!!! Giving people great ideas and tips should not open them up to critiquing them as parents!!! Geez!
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Ronda Batchelor

Rachelle Plantagenet I couldn't figure out where to put a sink, didn't really have the budget for the plumbing and there is a bathroom about 5 steps away from my laundry room!


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Not to detract from Ronda's great job, I find it very misleading to have a title stating "$400 laundry room remodel". Although it may have been possible to get most of the materials from thrift stores at a cost of $400, the title does not specify if hardware was included and it was mentioned the project took over 6 months to complete... I wonder what her labor costs and time spent salvaging were? I also noticed pictures of a full workshop she had access to; I am guessing most DIYer's don't have access to a completely stocked woodshop and space to store components as they are being refinished. I would hope that in the future a more accurate title would be given, rather than grabbing readers with a false reality of how much it would cost to redo any room in a house.

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We Make It Our Home
amazing transformation and very creative. where can I buy a small folding iron board like what you have here?
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Jedanna Owens
My husband and I have got to the stage where, after living in this house, and bringing up 3 children here for 30 years, it's time to put down what I want in a retirement home. There are some small changes and some HUGE changes. The biggest one would be to have a laundry, which I've never had, and since I have all MIELE appliances, I want it to be gorgeous. IF THE HOUSE IS A DOUBLE STORY, ITS GOING TO BE UPSTAIRS. Who in their right minds would lug all the dirty laundry downstairs to wash and dry it and then bring it back upstairs??..... NOT ME. ITS GOING TO BE UPSTAIRS. My housekeeper will have her own room to wash, dry and iron in. And it will be airconditioned. I change towels and linen daily, so it's imperative. I also want walk in closets in the two bedrooms. (Unthought of 30 years ago). A walk in pantry in the kitchen. Which I'm lucky enough to have in this huge home. We have space for 5 garages, which will be chopped to ONE. We will share a car. No more heated pool. ( I will be sorry to see that go.) one beautiful large lounge, and not 3 like we have here. I can't imagine why we needed so many. The very thing we needed so badly THE LAUNDRY, WE NEVER HAD. But I was 27 when I designed and built this home and rather naive. I'm older now, and definitely more savvy. In the main bathroom, I want an enormous shower with a rain shower, and a big seating area, to shave legs etc. Lots of mirrors and marble. No more wall to wall built in carpets. Wood floors, with khelim rugs and persian rugs. Which I already have. And some amazing rugs to hang on the walls instead of pictures. Then, last but not least. NO TV ABOVE A FIRE PLACE. - A TV NEXT TO A FIRE PLACE. The second bedroom will double as a guest room, computer room, and kitty home at night. So the thought process has begun, it will be slow, and HOUZZ will keep me on the right track. Thank you HOUZZ.
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Tiffany Chen

For just $409! I can hardly believe it, but it sure gives me hope! Laundry is my chore at home, and our laundry room looks and feels a lot like the "before" picture which makes it a nightmarish experience every time. But seeing the video on HouzzTV and all the wonderful renovations, I'm almost inclined to think that laundry now has the possibility of being fun!

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Paris Eden - Closet Factory

There is nothing quite like an organized and beautiful laundry room! (except maybe an organized and beautiful walk-in closet) You may actually want to do your laundry!

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landscape &maintinance

very practical and creative away to go

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What a fantastic space!!! Clever solutions which are inspiring. Thanks for posting!

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Incredible reuse of space, reuse, recycle, reimagine, reduce clutter. Great job! Can you come help me with my mess?

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So inspiring, AWESOME job!

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Love this laundry room, and love that her kids are helping out. Two good goals for me!

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Julie Webster

Bonus here is that she has single handedly increased the value of her property. Congratulations on pulling it all together so incredibly well!

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Wow. Just wow. I wish I was that handy. . .

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Sharon Marable

Rhonda, I just finished looking at your bath remodel. Girl you have SKILLS! Just so impressed with your vision and practicality. You inspire.

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Kudos, Ronda. Take a bow for smarts, aesthetics, and financial know how. Love the barn door.

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MaryLee McDonough

You are one extremely talented lady. I wish I had 1/2 of your skills. I love your girls bathroom, as well. Your décor is very clean, simple and warm at the same time. I hope your family appreciates your skills and learns from them. Would love to be your apprentice!

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If you find a speaker in that dumpster, get the magnet out. Put it on the dryer on-button so it will run while you are hanging up an item at a time. Just be careful you don't hurt your arm, but there will be no wrinkles! :)

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Hingham Lumber

Great job Ronda! Way to be creative with your space. Love to see people make things function the way they want. Even the door is beautiful and functional. Love it!

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where did the dryer "drawers" come from? where can i get them?

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For scchristian- in the video @ about 0.55 she kind of explains how she made the drying racks. I think I also remember going to her website (I wanna say it's Batchelor's Way) some time back and she explained how they put a fan behind them also..

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Barb B
Awesome Job !!!!
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Love, love, love it! What a smart woman!
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Margaret Mahony

love the ironing board and storage- can you please provide instructions on how to make the ironing board?

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Absolutely amazing!!!!
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I love it, so smart

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Margaret Mahony

Ronda I see you have provided instructions /direction on items in your laundry room- can you please provide instructions for the ironing board -it is killer -thank you

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AMAZINGLY! And inspiring too! I love Ronda's attention to details.

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My hat is off to her.

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Wonderful job! Amazing outcome!
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Suzanne Melton

I share every laundry room update with Dave. We both agree: THIS IS THE BEST MAKEOVER YET! Ronda used her own skills and creativity to create a beautiful solution for her family.

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What make and model are the stack washer/dryer? They look awesome! The whole laundry room is fabulous ...... really clever of you.

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Renee Paulson
I am always amazed that someone has to criticize the mom!! STOP, the Internet does not give you permission to do this. This is a fantastic laundry room. Those drying racks brilliant!!!
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BruceandDarla Friesen

I watched this some time ago but looked it up again just to see the drying contraption for the "lay flat to dry" stuff. What kind of fan is in the back? I want to build one of those because having wet clothes laying all over the house is driving me nutty! Can anyone tell me what kind of fan to use?

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This is amazing. Such a clever use of space. I love the personalised baskets, and the swivelling ironing board!

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I love this gals innovative ideas.
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Excellent design and execution.

About the "marble" counter top - perhaps it was done for FUN. After all that hard work, why not a bit of fun - a little private treat for herself. I do faux painting, and when well done it truly "fools the eye". And what a thoughtful design, making appliance service convenient so the service person needn't be a contortionist - especially thoughtful if it is her husband.

Much of the "marble" in VERSAILLES, various palaces of Bavaria's King Ludwig, and most of the Baroque churches in Europe, is actually painted. Tourists assume it is real, but if you know what to look for, it's trompe l' oeil. Not that the real thing wasn't affordable, because in many cases it was. But weight is a structural issue, as it was for Ronda, and besides, why shouldn't she "gild the lily" and show off her many skills. What a fantastic role model for her friends and children.

And I agree - the criticisms of her delegation choices is crass. Easy, but wrong, to assume you know how someone else's family should
operate - even when you know all the details. Not your business. My husband grew up in a family with 7 kids, and as each aged, they moved from bathroom cleaning to vacuuming, to laundry, etc . So keep in mind, before commenting on lifestyle, that perhaps more people would share their ingenious solutions to the problems of minimal space, money, or time, if they felt their choices and motivations wouldn't be judged by people who have not made THEIR projects or lifestyles public. Easy to criticize - difficult to compete with such a competent person who is trying to help others by providing solutions we all so obviously need.

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Izzy B
Amazing!!!! Great job!!!!
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Tray Ran
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Marie Sharma
Wonderfully creative, impressive project
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Colette Rost
What a lovely new space! The part of project that really impressed me, although it was all incredible, was the faux marbling! That almost never turns out well. You did it!!!! It made me look twice!
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Adrienne Klop
Bravo! Very clever and thoughtful solutions - and all on a shoestring budget.
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Tanya Strong
you did an awesome job!!!
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Sara Parker

So impressed with this! Great ideas and functionality!

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Debbie Sheegog
Love love it, you are a designer working that LR!! And how cool is that door, great idea and I must save this to my Farmhouse LR; we even need an interesting door to replace the present old cheap one, as it is right near our friend's favorite entrance. Keep it up, and I
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Debbie Sheegog
phx--- I get it but I did mine for them and they do perfect laundry now on their own, so your question was about the kids doing laundry---maybe they do we don't know all about it, but it's a good daytime job, & because they ( her kids) probably not only are in school but each have after-school activities sports, band, or tutoring , meetings, while she has time for her fun things also, she also loves her organized home laundry & is enjoying this! Plus she said they each have a basket (love them, also),that works into the area beside the w&d. Steps down with the clothes & back up to sort on own; I am for sure needing that under my countertop (I don't even want granite or marble, not even for the kitchen ),a smooth top running all the way across uniting the machines & the pull-out laundry space. My sons do theirs, age 30 & 24, they are in school or working in Japan. They learn, they move on & you miss those kids' clothes lying around, even!
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tomi o

love it

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I'm not sure what i like most! The design, details and functionality, or how the children have responsibilities but mom made it so practical. love it!
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Cappella Homes
That is one brilliantly composed laundry closet. Great design for function in a small space with a sense of style. To bring it in for $400... my hat is off to you ma'am!
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The Trusted Handyman
Love this
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Margaret Mahony

love this -any chance you would share the insreuctions to build the ironing board???

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Great laundry room. What's the size?

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KGetman Design
There are so many innovative ideas in this remodel! So impressed.
Practical design= happy living!
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Wonderful! Amazing job love it

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Fawna Lord
to all those complaining that the kids need do more of their own laundry please know I didn't learn how to use a washer and dryer til I had been married about 3 months and we moved to our own place. a travesty and cost some of my favorite clothes to learn what hazards to avoid but I grew up with my mother (worked for state of CA 60+ hrs a week) and retired grandma was my caretaker. the kitchen and laundry were her domain and off limits to any who might dirty, disarrange or in any way bring chaos to her treasured perfection. Took care of me with totalitarian efficiency and a white glove of doom I was hopelessly unprepared to emulate when I was finally allowed to try. I don't see ANY part of this design other than accessible hampers which invites them to participate. they might, like me, not be allowed to make a mess in the heart of her kingdom. I would've loved a chance to learn the steps at least so I wasn't completely inept for my own kingdom's upkeep. But how could I complain while dirty disappeared and clean showed up soon after. fyi, I can now conquer stains of any nature with ease and have been competent at cooking since I got my own kitchen at 18 and had to or starve. Just wanted to remind everyone how militant some domestics are and remind u to cut the the kids some slack for nonparticipation may not be their choice or even their preference.
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Ronda you should do a DIY of how you transformed that laundry room, are how to paint a faux marble, I think people would love to see that, or to see you shopping at the thrift store to give people ideas.

You maybe a one income family but I see potential for 2 incomes without taking away from your kids plus they are getting older

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Enos Franceschini

Ronda, I would love to see how you built the cabinet over the stacked washer and dryer. I have roughly the same space and would love to duplicate your setup.

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Cheryl Biermann
where was this article 15 years ago when I was drowning in laundry?! lol! Great laundry room!
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Mirna Hassan
Very nice (Y) God bless this family
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Great job, nice to see some common sense embraced looks like by most, thinking and elbow grease are a winning strategy.

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Maire Costas

Hi @Ronda Batchelor, would you explain how did you stack the washer and dryer ? How many people help to place the dryer in top of the washer machine? thank you!

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Sandra McKenzie

High fives!!!! excellent work!!!

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Lee F

Amazing job and please HOUZZ please post more for those of us who cannot spend 60k on a room. So refreshing and down to earth.