This Family Put a 26-Foot Rock Climbing Wall in Their Living Room
Custom home builders are used to getting all sorts of strange requests from clients. But when Kristen and Michael Overcash asked Joe Welch to build a 26-foot climbing wall for them and their four kids right in the living room of their new home, Welch knew he was in for something special. “I pretty much build whatever people want, but this was certainly the most unique,” he says.
Welch worked with the couple and a structural engineer to figure out the specifics of the wall’s support structure, panels and corresponding overhead belay tethers. The finished climbing wall can hold up to six climbers — the entire Overcash family — making for one seriously fun, calorie-burning focal point.
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One of the most heartfelt stories that illustrate the joy and appreciation of family.
Very nifty feature indeed!
I like how it has inclined and vertical sections for a variety of challenge levels.
What a great house for a young and active family! My five kiddos (all born within 4.5 years) would’ve LOVED to have had a rock climbing wall! We at least had a lot of open indoor space for them to run around and play, and they loved our backyard pool because it had a deep end and they used to set up our tallest A-frame ladder next to the pool and jump off of it from the top step. LOL! (One of our son’s ended up becoming a springboard/platform diver and recently verbally committed to a great university who offered him a very nice athletic scholarship!)
Beautiful home!
This is a beautifully well thought out house. What an amazing job creating all the indoor adventure spaces. Great job!
I am ready to move in and share the fun! I can be their adopted grandmother!
one of the most unique houses I have ever seen on houzz
Can I become 8 years old again and move into this house? Dream for kids and adults alike! Did I forget to mention beautiful as well?
Awesome home! We installed a smaller version in the renovated attic of this Boston home.
Love it! They know what’s important and have done it tastefully!
Beautiful House
Brilliant space- and really underscores how a space reflects a lifestyle- when we did our addition we set up law chairs in space after the flooring system was installed and just sat in the space for a while....deciding where to put the windows and doors and gymnastics equipment- great story- great space !!
Creative and magical! What a fantastic environment to raise a happy family!
I built a bouldering wall for some clients in a basement about 15 years ago. We had to drill over 60 holes per sheet. These folks get my kudos for the magnitude of the project and delivering a centerpiece.
So amazing I don't even know where to begin.
If you're going to have children, this is what your focus should be: kid friendly and parent easy. Of course, this couple has the finances to create an exceptionally beautiful and unique house, but the basic ideas can be translated to a much more modest budget.
Probably the smartest people on the planet.
Houzz you are the best. What a beautiful video about family and fun. I grew up around the dinner table with my 10 family members; what a great way to be together as family, just having "fun" together, this bond will be forever. The home design is perfect. Thank you.
That's pretty badass. I have toyed with that idea myself but haven't moved on it. What did that wall end up costing between materials and installation?
Sort of unbeatable - everything about the house and the family is the best you would want (if you could afford it)!
Fun, fun, fun....what a happy place.
I am available for adoption. please.....
This is my dream house.
this is my best house I ever saw .It is gorgeous I love it I will love to live there
the rock clime and the lights are so cool tell me more about it
I love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HEAVEN
AMazing and creative beautiful home with much class and modern yet perfect for kids.
Love it!!! One of my favorite designs of all time now!
kudos to the parents and the contractors! Love the girls' space, and the sons room. beautiful home.
wow! my grandkids would love this
Wow super cool, want this in my future house
How fun is this! Kudos to the parents for realizing that childhood is a very special time and for creating such a wonderful home where their children get to be kids.
What a great story. Love their attitudes and their family culture. Super positive and creative! That wall is great, but the other spaces are fantastic too!!!
I like it very nice
This is inspiring - live life to the fullest. I think I recognize Michael Overcash- physics major at Furman graduated in 90? Always seemed to march to the beat of his own drum.
So happy for you that God healed your son. Praise the Lord!
Too cool!
fantastic job!
Great story and it's so well done! Surely no one will miss this – and it's a great way to keep kids entertained.
Wonderful story ❤️❤️ Totally Family orientated is the vision for their Dream Home ❤️❤️ God Bless y’all always ❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️
Beautiful Home for a beautiful family. Well done Clarke.!
Heartwarming story and I love this home idea!
love that house! My kids would love it too
where is this amazing house