Payless Rugs
19 Reviews was founded in 2002 with one goal in mind, provide shoppers an online outlet to find high quality area rugs and home decor products at the lowest prices possible, all while delivering first class customer service.

Why shop with us? It's a fair question. While we are not the only area rug retailer online, we do feel we are the best. Anyone can place a picture on a website of an area rug and take your payment, but do they really care? We want in every way for our customers to not only get the rug that will transform their home or office, but we also want them to know we are here to facilitate any aspect of service we can to fully compliment their online shopping experience with us, all inside a fully secured checkout to ensure your identity is protected. We have worked hard since 2002 to acquire 1000's of reviews from our shoppers that applaud our efforts and attention to their specific needs. We take pride in that and will promise to do our very best in providing you also with that 5 star service you deserve. Thank you for shopping with us!

Business Name: Payless Rugs
Address: 350 Springfield Avenue, Suite 200, Summit, NJ 07901
Phone Number: (917) 543-8444
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