Down Etc LLC
Down Etc is a privately held WMBE (Women & Minority Business Enterprise) company based in California. Created in 2001, Down Etc has grown consistently each year in accordance with company goals, quantifiable targets and sustainable practices to ensure stability in socially responsible business development. Down Etc benefits from an executive team with a combined total of over 30 years of owning and operating import/export, Top of the Bed businesses. We partner with our factory in China, which strengthens our ability to secure competitive pricing and sufficient inventory to allow us to maintain adequate inventory levels in order to deliver in a timely manner to our customers. Down Etc is self financed with no outstanding loans from third parties. We have access to additional capital for future expansion.

Shop Down Etc LLC on Houzz
Explore Down Etc LLC on Houzz. We have 11 Down Etc LLC products for sale on Houzz including Duvet Inserts, Bed Pillows, and Mattress Toppers & Pads. Here you can browse our top Down Etc LLC products, categories, and collections.

Services Provided
Product and Service Top of Bed Product
o Bed Pillows, Comforter, Sheeting, Mattress Pad, Feather Bed, Decorative Pillows, Bed Bug Encasement Amenity item
o Bags, Slipper, Towel, Robe, Rug, Throws, Hangers, Shower Curtain, Napkins

Business Name: Down Etc LLC
Address: 305 Adrian Rd, Millbrae, CA 94030
Phone Number: (415) 348-0084
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Shop Down Etc LLC By Category
Duvet Inserts (5)
Bed Pillows (5)
Mattress Toppers & Pads (1)