Houzz TV: A New England Farmhouse Explodes With Color

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Houzz TV: A New England Farmhouse Explodes With Color

Kristin Nicholas and Mark Duprey’s 1751 home was a blank canvas, painted in simple whites and pastels, but Nicholas has spent the past 14 years layering on brushstrokes in vivid colors. A working artist known for her knit, crochet and stitchery designs, Nicholas has made their home a true reflection of her talent and spirit. “There isn’t a room left that’s how we found it,” she says.

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Comments (483)
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Its so refreshing to see a home thats not beige and white. No matter what Benjamin Moore names them every house I see is just beige and white.
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Who would ever guess from the exterior that a riot of color was having a perpetual party inside! This home defines "fun" based on creativity and a risk-it-all approach to life. You LIVE life! Thanks for sharing.
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I really enjoyed this one-- it made me happy.
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Wow. This looks like what I have always tried to do with my own living space. Personalized and colorful with lots of your own artwork everywhere. I've never thought of making my own wallpaper! Awesome.
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Wow! Very colourful and refreshing. As someone else said, a happy house. I love it and would love to have a colourful house too but I don't think I have the know-how or the courage!
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Leigh Ann Marie
I absolutely love this place. A great inspiration.
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Lanie Brown
Crayola gone crazy!
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Lynette Pratt
I Love Love Love your house, I love the fact that you are sentimental. I aspecially love your walls. I am busy building a house I wish i could import you,hahaha. Thank you for sharing
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I knew Kristen's knitting patterns are over-the-top colorful. What a happy house! Wow!
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I like color a lot but this is a little too much for my individual tastes.. BUT I think it's great that she was able to incorporate her own tastes/passions/work into a creative and fun house.
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Anne Marsh
What talent !!! The "wallpaper" is so beautiful !!! The house is so warm and inviting !! Love it !
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Absolutely fascinating...this house really exudes happiness
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I am enchanted with the whimsy, pattern and color. Kristin's paintings, wallpaper, lamps & shades, and pillows just make the place. Love the spirit which comes through.
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Julie Vogel
i love your house so much...i love color and well curated stuff...check out my house i was toured last week. i also love your furniture patterns and pillows, and it seems you have a suzani chair with an afgan...amazing.
https://st.hzcdn.com/simgs/pictures/living-rooms/julie-s-houzz-madison-modern-home-img~a4b1089c00411fe4_9-5910-1-f5b7560.jpg" src=" https://st.hzcdn.com/fimgs/pictures/living-rooms/julie-s-houzz-madison-modern-home-img~a4b1089c00411fe4_5910-1-f5b7560-w240-h160-b0-p0.jpg" data-pin-no-hover="true" width="240" height="160" onmousedown="preventImageDrag(event)" ondragstart="return false" onselectstart="return false" oncontextmenu="PhotoContextMenu.show(event,1506570);return false;"/>
Ideabook: My Houzz: A Cabin of Curiosities in Los Angeles · See Ideabook

no beige here!
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Peggy Aronson
Publish another book--Kristin Decorates! Thanks for the inspiration.
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Sarah Greenman
What a gregarious, fun-loving and thoughtful home. Rikki, the pictures are fabulous!
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I am in LOVE w/ this house! Well done
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Rama Ananth
Beautiful house. My only question is the bright orange color given in the bedroom, during night times doesn't it cast a reddish light in the room, that gives a uncomfortable feeling?
I colored my wall with orange color, it was looking beautiful during the day, but during the night the reddish reflection really made us feel very uncomfortable, so I had to change the color, with a heavy heart. I really loved the orange color.
I have seen rooms painted from ceiling to all the walls painted brightest orange and they looked alright in the pictures, but living with that color during the night is something i wonder how they can tolerate it.
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What a Gorgeous Happy Home, very relaxed with splashes of colour everywhere.
Anything and everything goes together so beautifully.
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Oh, I love this house! I took a ton of ideas away from this article!
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As someone who likes the contemporary and minimal look I find it interesting that I like the use of the very strong colors here. While I do favor the minimal I do like to see a good use of color and this is a very good example of making something completely unique.

Nice to see some folks can really think outside the box when it comes to interior design.
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Karen Ball
I feel a migraine coming on! A valiant effort congrats! If everyone loved the same things the world would be boring and beige...just the way I like it!
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your house is my dream house! you are so talented!
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I LOVE all the colors! It's a very happy place.
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Jane Teague
There are so many cheering on this vibrant home, yet we have been raised worrying about what such boldness does to resale. So tell me...did all this creativity devalue the home's resale value or not? Some of that painting is going to be quite difficult to revert to neutrals, after all. This is no criticism whatsoever. I love color. I am just curious to get input about this question that tethers so many of us. Thanks for your artistry, homeowner, and for your thoughts, group.
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I am trying to muster the courage to paint my own home in bold colors. You are an inspiration! Living here must make you smile.
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Claudia Albertson
My guess would be that they don't plan on selling. When it comes time to sell, hopefully it will be one that they don't have to paint o because of the artist that lived there. Kudos, "viiva la difference". A home is not to please others, it must please those that live inside.

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This is such a super cute place!Is it me or did anybody else feel super happy taking a journey in this house?I could feel the love!
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Christine Hilton
Kudos to you for having such fun! I LOVE this house!!!!
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So nice to see so much to do with your family. That really is what makes a house a home. Too often you see houses where collected antiques are displayed, in essence, someone else's family. Love to see that you have kept your own family's things.
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I LOVE this house. I'd want to have one or two more subdued rooms for times when I'd want a rest from all the color, but other than that, I LOVE it!!!!
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Why should one live in their home as if it already belongs to someone else? Home should be where you feel you belong - a place that is restorative to your soul - all your own - an escape from the world. Resale? Cross that bridge IF you come to it. Until then, LIVE in your home.
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I like color but wild color plus too much stuff is over the top. JMO.
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It must be fun to live there.
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I bet she has a high metabolism!
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The Cabinet Studio (Canada) Inc.
What a unique home, so much happiness within those walls. How many of us have clients who won't even put a splash of color on one wall:) This year, fashion, is also all about bright colors.
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Christi Gibson
Is this the lady that commands the "yarn-bomb" movement? I should have known that her home would be a work of art.
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Casart Coverings
I am fascinated with the description of Kristen's technique for the library walls. How long did it take her to complete I wonder.
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Kristin, THANK YOU! for daring to use color. I too am an artist and I tend to overstep color according to my friends. I love your bedroom wall piece, the mural you painted and the varied colored tiles in your workroom.
I have been deciding on wall colors for a house we're moving into in another month and decided to "try" to go more subdued. However I know I won't go nuetral dominant. i'm aiming for restful in some spots but color will be the rule.
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Really well done! Wonderful balance in all design elements - definitely a cut above!
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Love the color. Reminds me of the kids book by Pinkwater called "The Big Orange Splot"...all about creativity and letting your dreams become your reality.
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CJ Sebert
You know what? It all seems to work in this house. Somehow the way they put it together it's not overwhelming or cluttered looking. Love all the books and fun fabrics. Especially love your dinning room mural, pottery and the kitchen is a real gem.
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Absolutely awesome ! loved the colours , the warmth and the personal touch in every corner !
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Wow, it takes guts to embrace color so boldly! I must admit, I was skeptical but the house does make me happy! Kudos to this family for having the courage to go all out.
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Christi Gibson
I'm no artist but I couldn't bear to live in an environment without color. All of my walls, ceilings, whatever have color. Have lived in this ever-changing home for almost 47 years and it is in a constant state of flux. Always figured that husband and I paid the bills so we could do whatever as long as we didn't infringe on others. As to resale, all the walls could quickly be painted beige. By then I will be walking on streets of gold.

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Oh how DELICIOUS! I love color, pure crazy pops of bright color, but could never pull this off. But wow-I am so glad they have! I enjoy (the sometimes seemingly) endless sea of whiteness (which is lovely in its' way), but - YES! Thank-you for making this your place - not the next buyer's place. I think the history, bones and updates, as well as the amazing location will sell your house - when that time comes! This house is like a wonderful vaction in an exotic place, like a tangy, lucscious dessert that you pushed away the rest of your meal to get to. Mmmmm, yes. I can't quit investigating these photos! :)
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Love the colors,especially the painted furniture. Just couldn't live here, couldn't take the clutter.
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This is so vibrant and pretty! Thank you for sharing!
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I would kill for the home- on the outside- I am one of those who prefers to have my color in my furniture, floors(rugs) and decorative accents. The kitchen is the only room I would feel comfortable in. Having said that - it reminds me of my sister and her taste- she is also an artist- and that makes me SMILE. Everyone has their own taste in decoratiing and should not be put off by other's comments. You go girl!
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These photo would make an Artist drool, so many beautiful colors. I enjoyed them, especially the red, and lime green.
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Wow. I absolutely love some of this, the dining room walls in particular, along with the lamps. But taken as a whole it's overwhelming.
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Claudia Albertson
@Christi Gibson the woman that you were speaking of regarding the "yarn bomb movement" to was Magda Sayeg, 37, from Houston
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Really love the combination of vivid colors and comfy furnishings! It's so homey and inviting and I, like others here, so prefer that to white, beige and stuffy!
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Jan Carlson
Wow! This is my favorite Houzz tour ever! Kristin, we must be soul sisters - this wild child color crazy person lives in my soul and shows in the quilts I make but hasn't quite made it to the decor in my house (although my rooms are colorful) Loved the article and am awe of Kristin's talent.
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Not my style at all, but what talent! The dining room walls are over the top fabulous!
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I love this artsy house! It is the epitome of color, creativity and originality. With a house like that no one can ever get bored.
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I love the color. I'm not sure that I want as much color but I get tired of 'so pastel it looks white'
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I love the colors and would enjoy visiting this house - but could never live here myself. I recently painted over a few brighter colored rooms and love the peace and calm that I feel in them.
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Although this would be too much color for me personally......and I love color.......it is a very creative looking home which I'll bet was tons of fun to decorate.
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But beige and white are the perfect backdrop for colorful accessories, that you can change with your moods & the seasons! I love the idea of changing lampshades and pillows!
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Just beautiful...like living in the middle of a huge art installation! Love it!
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totally festive...love it
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Debra Rodriguez
Love Love Love In Love with your house !
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Definitely the home of an artist.
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Happy happy happy, colour makes me happy! I love your art, decorating and being a fellow fibre artist, noticed the gorgeous bright yarns on the table. Thanks for this, you have made a sunny day even brighter!
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Always fascinates me how we are so different. I love color, and I applaud this family for their bold decisions, but I would not have a peaceful thought in this house....
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This is a ton of color to take in, but soooo well done. Very hard to do and pull off visually. I have no idea why, but I instantly got a feeling of Van Gogh when I quickly did my first tour without ready the article. It gave the feeling of "The All Night Café at Arles" or the "Bedroom in Arles", but in life form.

The photo of the sideboard could be made into a print with the balance of complementary colors, along with the weight being balanced by the artwork of the pig. Oh geez, and the art in the dining room is spectacular. There's not a designer wallpaper that can outdo this work. The balance is beautiful. As for the negative comments, to each their own. But you really do have to have an appreciation of color/art and the way they work together to get this house. It isn't, per se, a "designed house" but more of an art piece with sections that are incredibly well done. Hats off to Kristin Nichols.
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Patricia Dowd
Oh my! What a glorious home! I LOVE color and your use of it makes my so very happy! In my little place every room is a differnt color. I'm just working up to painting some of my mismatched dining chairs. (Each a differnt color, of course.) There is no room I could criticize - they're all gorgeous. Your wall and lampshade paintings remind me of Mary Engelbreit. Thanks for letting us come on this Houzz tour! It was a JOY.
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Stunning . A place of Art . refreshing. Very cleverly done.
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What an incredibly beautiful and happy looking home! I am going to find some boldness within me and try out some of the ideas. Wow!
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Well I work with color and to see this house, so cfull of colors, and so free in the style, is a joy.
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Absolutely love this. I have a thing for color and even the little I add gives some people the jitters. (including my husband who mostly shrugs and tells people, "It's not MY idea!"). What a wonderful home to come back to each day!
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Okay, so I love everything here and kind of really want to move in with you, but my favorite picture (aside from Delilah, oh my goodness) is the one of the reading nook. This is the kind of ambitious decorating I come here to be inspired by.
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Where does one go to think quiet thoughts?
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I cannot overstate how much i LOVE this house! Genius!
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very nice but Franklin County is not in Cape Cod
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sharon king
What a house full of treasures !!
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Valerie Kilpatrick
This is a really great post, showing us something truly different, original, yet real. Thank you!
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Love it - so nice to see some color for a change.
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This reminds me of my grandmother when she would bring colorful yarns and shawls into our pictures, because color photos had just come out. I love the way you have mixed and matched.
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Design Fixation [Faith Provencher]
I'm in love with that beautiful red sideboard...it really pops against the green wall. These color combinations are certainly daring - three cheers for going against the norm! Reminds me a lot of this room: http://designfixation.blogspot.com/2011/12/color-me-pretty.html
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Your wallpapers are true masterpieces! And you have really cute pets too.:-)
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Traci Sims
What a great house! This is easily my favourite! No bland crap, just whimsical cheerful madness....I can imagine the dinners that take place here, the conversations, even taking a bath would be fun! It's like your childhood revisited but ever so much more amazing.....
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Someone's on acid! But having a good trip.
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Oh my goodness, I couldn't live in a house like this I'ld be a nervous wreck all the time...but I really like it! All the color explosion is great! how refreshing to see something so creative!
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This is my favorite houzz I've seen. Thank you!!!!
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The polar opposite of my own ideas of a peaceful, restful home. But, each to his own!
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Very colorful! I hope she does some research on those antiques she paints to make sure she isn't ruining a really valuable piece.
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OMG-u had the audacity to banish white-beige-cream-offwhite from your house...,THANK GOD !!!! i love everything and i mean everything u mixed and matched-not because it is my personal taste but because U HAVE TASTE to live the life u want and the way u want it....this house should be an inspiration to all out there who dream but not dare....
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Cara Petricca
Kristin is also a fabulous knitting designer.. My shop carries her designs and yarn..SHe's fabulous!
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Too funny that some are bemoaning the "wasted" antiques...they're barely 100 years old, and similar pieces can be found in thrift shops and flea markets around the country for under $100. Yes, they're antique, but certainly not unique or priceless!

I happen to love the lively red-painted sideboard: it looks a whole lot snazzier than the original drab oaks and walnuts.

The owner's colours are a refreshing change from the current fad for walls painted in either feeble whites and beiges, or depressing blacks.
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Hartley Botanic
I am so gratified to see this. For me, it would not work...however, it is nearly perfect for the color loving types. Bravo to this talented homeowner!
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Rikki Snyder
@angelarutzick Cape Cod is referring to the style of the home, not location.

And a big thank you to everyone who really appreciates the artistry that Kristin put into her home, even if it's not your personal preference! Her talent is beyond amazing!
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Awesome, I really enjoyed.
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Fein Design
Love it!!! This is exactly what I imagined Punky Brewster's house would look like :)
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Love the 'quilt' pattern on the living room walls! A very creative and innovative treatment. I agree with other comments - the owner of this house has created a wonderfully happy, joyous, and colorful home. She is someone i would like to know.
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Now this house is sustainability. There is recycle everywhere. These folks have the books, the toilet paper, the dog and the cat. This house is a home to live in. (Headaches aside for those who love beige.).

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Anne Marie Cummings
With all that happiness and colour you should open up a day care......honestly, I prefer a more calm and soothing environment when I come home but I do understand that some people like perpetual motion. Enjoy!
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This is 100 percent NOT my style, and yet I absolutely, 100 percent love it. All the rooms, to me, look like beautiful, vivid, fun illustrations from a children's book. Every room really is like art. Although I couldn't have my whole home look like this, I see inspiration for ways I could incorporate more color in my home. Beautiful.
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Love the color, though I know it's not for everyone. Very well done for the family that lives in a very happy house. If you like color but not as intense as this you can balance it with white walls. Take a look at this house with accent walls in strong bright colors, but not too much for some people. http://www.myvisuallistings.com/vt/85636 House is sold!
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Hope Anderson
I love green and orange but not these shades. Still, it's a fascinating place.
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I am a retired designer/decorator with over 25 yrs. of experience. It seems now-a-days that anything you want to throw in, any color, any pattern, any style can all go together, the more the better. Sorry, I just can't see the merit or the talent in putting so much stuff like this together. NOTHING matchs or blends or goes together. She does have a talent with her painting tho. Sorry to be critical, but it looks like a museum.
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I loved viewing your rooms, they are a real treat for the eyes!
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Linda Martin
i LOVE the reading nook in the hallway. i would spend hours there.
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@pollyb1942 This was a personal expression of the home owner who loves her color and her home. This was not done by a professional interior designer for a client, but to express herself and what she and her family loves.... and museums of all kinds are wonderful all around the world.
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i need a valium ---
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@pollyb - What (some) professional designers do is suck the life right out of a house and make it look like some sort of fruniture/tiles/flooring showroom. This house is warm and friendly and inspiring and full of energy - not at all one of those professionally designed establishments that somehow manage to be at the same time boring and intimidating. I also have no idea what you mean by "nothing matches" --- I think that *everything* matches just fine! Other people seem to feel that way too. So if there is a designer-owned sense of matching and blending that I have no access to, that's OK, just keep that designer away from my house!:-)
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I like many of the individual ideas but it's more than a bit too much for me in total. the only horribly, jarring note to me is the modern addition to the historic, lovely home.
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I love it. Talk about feeling warm and happy
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It seems almost like the homeowner and house are soulmates, so lucky to have found each other. The artist has brought out the very heart of the house. Truly unique. Thank you so so much for sharing.
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Margie Murphy
call me old fashioned, but the colour combinations in the top images are hideous
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For hunsingere...the house you're showing on "my visuallistings" is awesome, awesome, awesome......Lots of color and pattern but everything coordinates, matches, and blends together, very professionally done. Thumbs up
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Very imaginative and fun. I want to jump through the computer and straighten all the picture frames on the walls, but that's my issue. lol
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plyb1942, can you please tell me how I get to the visual listings of someone. I wanted to see the color page you are talking about in this post ....For hunsingere...the house you're showing on "my visuallistings" is awesome.

I was able to go into her ideabook and there is a lovely page with marmoleum flooring in different colored squares....but I don't know what the visual listings are???
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foofoo1960 Check out the comment by "hunsingere" and click on the website she shows. . It is www.myvisuallistings.com/vt/85636 The house is sold and I can see why. It is absolutely beautiful. Great use of color and patterns. Worth touring.
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Oh, thanks, I did that already and yes the home is lovely. In her ideabooks she has a room that I like even more....lol....
https://st.hzcdn.com/simgs/9b6142ed0e5bf3f7_9-2539/eclectic-flooring.jpg" src=" https://st.hzcdn.com/fimgs/9b6142ed0e5bf3f7_2539-w240-h167-b0-p0--eclectic-flooring.jpg" data-pin-no-hover="true" width="240" height="167" onmousedown="preventImageDrag(event)" ondragstart="return false" onselectstart="return false" oncontextmenu="PhotoContextMenu.show(event,270248);return false;"/>
Marmoleum Linoleum Flooring by Forbo · More Info
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@leslieaward Lol! Personally, am just hoping to finish typing this before the men in white coats start knocking on my door!

It's ironic that such a happy, fun-looking house should evoke such incredibly negative comments from some. Why do people take it so personally when total strangers choose to decorate their homes to suit themselves?
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Studio NOO Design
Amazing colors, combined with taste..it is a shame 90 percent of people prefer beige to this...life is too short, have a ball with color !
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I just have to ask, how long does it take to dust?
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i like them too much
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This woman has this in her soul. She is true to what "speaks to her eyes and heart" She probably loves everyday in her home. It is unique to say the least. High Five for loving every inch of your home Kristin.
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Mary George
I love this house, so much to see. Made me smile on a dreary rainy Massachusetts morning. The positive comments and all the "likes" far out number the naysayers. I always wonder if the psycho babble folks and the "I need serenity to think" people would look you in the eye while touring your house and say the things they post anonymously . To think that all the true artisans are dead as posted here, is a sad thought and one that Kristin, in my eyes proves wrong. Thank you both Kristin and Ricki for sharing this unique house with us.
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Bridges West Designs
I absolutely LOVE everything about this house. Living in an old New England town myself it is often the case that people think they cannot have fun with color and artfully play things up without losing the original history of the home. This is just a wonderful example of how it can be done!!! Fantastic. I would love to visit their farm business.
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Love this! So timeless, with threads of lavish Jacobean pattern, Scandinavian shapes, Indian painted wood, Mexican pinks, English flowers, yet it all hangs together in some wonderful joyous ancient hand-wrought way. You're really inhabiting your surroundings; your style and love are present in each nook and cranny. So personal and rich, I really can't say enough about this home.
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Fein Design
Let's all remember that this homeowner was nice enough to open up their home and share it with all of us. These negative comments are petty....if it's not your style, cool....it's not your house! That's why there are so many different styles out there....we all have different tastes and personalities.
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Jan Carlson
My goodness, who knew a color explosion could turn "beige" people into rude monsters! Maybe I missed the memo but I thought this site was designed to provide inspiration. I don't usually comment on photos that I come across - if I love them, I pop them into one of my ideabooks for my own pleasure. If something doesn't appeal to me, I move on. However, when I read this one and devoured every single photo many, many times, I felt compelled to express my gratitude to both the author and the artist for sharing with us. This Houzz Tour seems to have absolutely delighted most people who viewed it (myself included). This kind, talented artist allowed her home to be shared with others and for that I am quite grateful. I didn't read anything in the article that asked us to vote as to whether she followed all the "design laws". This is her personal home - she didn't ask to come decorate your home. For creative minds, color ignites a spark in our souls. Ok beige people - if you don't like color - find another ideabook or Houzz Tour that makes your heart sing and get out of this one! Didn't your mother teach you that if you "can't say something nice, say nothing at all???"
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As one poster put it, color and pattern has been proven to evoke emotion. For some of us the color might evoke a sense of peace, and for others a sense of boredom. For some of us a sense of excitement, and for others a sense of chaos. I love color. I have it all over my house. At the same time I love the simplicity of a pure white house such as the latest Houzz pick
https://st.hzcdn.com/simgs/pictures/exteriors/tiny-house-jessica-helgerson-interior-design-img~11618e2e003fb78d_9-8906-1-55c7f7a.jpg" src=" https://st.hzcdn.com/fimgs/pictures/exteriors/tiny-house-jessica-helgerson-interior-design-img~11618e2e003fb78d_8906-1-55c7f7a-w240-h160-b0-p0.jpg" data-pin-no-hover="true" width="240" height="160" onmousedown="preventImageDrag(event)" ondragstart="return false" onselectstart="return false" oncontextmenu="PhotoContextMenu.show(event,1500842);return false;"/>
Ideabook: Houzz Tour: A Family of 4 Unwinds in 540 Square Feet · See Ideabook

What I personally don't like is chaos in any form....by pattern, by color combination, or by an excess of 'stuff'. But that's just me. I didn't wish to be this way, I didn't work to become this way, it's just what I find makes me happy. I am a professional organizer for a living and I see over and over the paralysis, and mental chaos, that a cluttered environment creates for SOME PEOPLE. I also see people who live in chaos without feeling anxiety...and for those people I say it is only a problem if it is affecting you in a negative way. I can respect either type of person, and that relates to this site as well.

I don't think the people who support color are manic...anymore than I think the beige people are boring. I think it comes down to the emotion that our environment evokes in each of us.....there is no right or wrong...just different.

I don't believe there is anything wrong with having a good debate about this home, but I think we should express our opinions in a way that celebrates our differences. I'm fascinated, rather than offended, by how others feel. If we were all the same the world would be boring.
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So true.....

but the finger paint effect on the white tub makes me crazy.....I just want to grab a sponge and wipe it clean.
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Casart Coverings
N. B.- "If a cluttered desk signs a cluttered mind, of what, then, is an empty desk a sign?"
- Albert Eintein
Carpe diem,carpe articulus and oblatum occasionem tene are suggestions we've all been urged to do at some time in our lives and Kristin has done all!
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I often quote the Einstein saying to my clients....
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Rose Construction, Inc.
My comments were not meant to be critical - tastes differ, that's all. I did hear once that the most popular color for cars is white and the most popular flavor of ice cream is vanilla. Not sure what that means, but I suspect that those are the least offensive to the most people. Stronger flavors and colors by definition will have fewer adherents, just because there are so many colors and flavors, just as in the decor of this house. It would give me a headache, though, sorry, and doesn't mean I would go with a "vanilla" house!
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Just by reading all of the differing comments related to this article, one can see the depth of emotion that the use of color evokes. Some commenters were absolutely delighted, others beyond appalled.

I found that some images were very appealing, particularly those that had a little more white space, or neutrals, to frame the intense colors (kitchen, hallway with window seat, new addition), while others I needed to pass over quickly because they made me feel uncomfortable (bedroom, living room library).

It is truly amazing how our brains are all wired so differently. Just as an aside, I wonder if most of the folks who love the many patterns and bright colors are high energy people, while the ones who need a little more neutrality (like myself) tend to be more laid back. It might make an interesting psych study :).

Nonetheless, the homeowner is obviously a talented artist and was very generous in choosing to share her home.
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What a fun house! Why is it that people think only children can appreciate bright, happy colors? Maybe adults would be less uptight if they lived with more color in their lives. I know for myself that color has greatly helped eliminate depression from my life. While I realize everyone is different, for me beige and white can become very depressing very quickly.
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Bourgeois Victorian homes were routinely covered from floor to ceiling with pictures, tchotchkes, fringes, cushions, carpets and colours which would look very dark or very bright to contemporary eyes, and the windows covered with heavy and elaborate draperies. This 'chaotic' look didn't mean they were all in various stages of descent into madness. There is no expression of good taste which does not change with time. The idea that the explosion of colour in this home equals some kind of ticking emotional time bomb indicates that some people took their colour theory classes too seriously or perhaps they're afraid of their own emotion.

For me, the faux-Tuscan McMansion, the relentless 'nautical' theme or the tailored greige padded cell are far more offensive and impersonal trends which will never look great because they have no soul. 'Taste' in the Victorian age meant displaying your stuff; now it means concealing it. Fair enough.

But à chacun son goût, eh?
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How refreshing. I love it all. So creative and not afraid to express onself. Healthy and happy Im sure.
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Fun, vibrant, original, and a testament to the owners' personalities and tastes. I love to see true expressions of people's tastes and originality. It may not be my taste, but Lord, I enjoyed looking at this home. It's a thrill to see the color, the vibrancy, and how full of life this home is!

Kudos to the family! Live for today, enjoy YOUR home, follow your bliss, isn't your home supposed to be YOUR castle? What is the point of living in a white box if it doesn't float your boat? Deal with the resale issue when and if the time comes. Life is too short to live in the "fear of resale" mentality unless you clearly are in the home with the intent of flipping it or selling it within a short time...just my humble opinion.
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I think the dog is very good-looking. I will say I am surprised it is a black and white dog, though.
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Hahaha :) vmurphy that is too funny. I love your comment, so droll. Well done, another big smile with regards to this post. Thanks
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Jan Carlson
@jasmineaubert - lots of people said it wasn't their cup of tea or they couldn't live with that much color but still complimented the artist. My point was, we shouldn't be rude to someone who was gracious enough to share their beloved home with us. It would be one thing if it were on a discussion panel where the homeowner asked for our help with a design dilema or ideas on color use but this was a Houzz Tour. As many have said, it would be a boring existence if we all liked the same thing and thought the same way - let's just be courteous with our opinions - there's no right or wrong when it comes to our own homes.
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certainly Jan you're right, a different opinion makes the majority of people defensiive/protective - overall, most people try so much to say something nice it almost sounds fake, at least to me, majority of the posts on Houzz - by chance if someone is not "in love" then she/he becomes ostracized. Sorry, I cannot be thankful for a lack of esthetic, or infantile mix of colors right or wrong on my side - a chance to take when going public, critic or appreciation . Personally i prefer a good critic than a fake adulation. As you said, Vive la difference! Thank you Lady Jan for your time and the communication -
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A lovely home that is obviously well loved. Thanks for sharing it with us.
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These homeowners raise sheep in an old 1700's farmhouse......they are modern day hippies......and their decor reflects that free spirit.

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@aliosh, We're modern day yuppies, and would love nothing more than to raise sheep on a farm and become "modern day hippies"...the grass may always be greener, but oh what a wonderful life it must be!
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I adore this place, so different to the stark minimalist you see everywhere. It is very inspiring.
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Passing judgement on the mental state of the homeowners due to the colours they have chosen to use - NOT acceptable. It says more about the person making the comment though than it does about the family who live in this lovely home.

I prefer things a little more neutral but, like others who have commented, found myself loving the use of colour in this home; the creativity and the way it has been put together is wonderful to see. It made me smile. Thank you.
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Oh My, My, My. Could everyone please calm down? The fact that there is SO MUCH flurry, says more about our society right now. NO one right, no one wrong. We are a people who are looking for joy and ease and a diversion from scary times in our world, when we look at HOUZ. How we accomplish that is an individual freedom. ( for now anyway). It is not my idea of a relaxing home, but no one is forcing me to look at it either.
Kristan, you have a huge client base just waiting, from what we see here. It is an expression of your "Genes" is my guess.....
OK Houz...bring on the next one that gets this many comments....
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I think the biggest thing about color and its use is knowing yourself. Orange is my favorite color, but it makes my friend depressed. Color theory is interesting but no one fits everyone since we all have different pasts and associations that impacts how we feel about different colors. I love bright colors in my main rooms and more soothing blues and greens in my bedrooms. I have painted a bedroom orange in the past and didn't find it restful. I also painted a tree in my grandkids' bedroom and it freaked them out at night. Beige and white depress me, but other people find them soothing. I love celebrating the differences in all of us. This house is fun and happy. I would love hanging out there. I live in an older home and also try to use color appropriate to my home and that I love.
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Fine Art & Portraits by Laurel
Gee, that may be the most comments yet! It was fun to see how strong individuality provoked strong reactions, both positive and negative. I loved the dining mural, sort of a crewel pattern on a blazing orange background. Be blessed in your wonderful home. Baaaa.
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I love the color which I've already written above. There still is a lot of white wall surface to balance and black and white photos to offset.
We also must realize that because the homeowners are in touch with the outdoors with the farm, they are not always surrounded by stimulation of the pure hues. They get peace of mind by working outside and hearing, touching, smelling /refreshing outdoor things.
Also,whole cultures are known by color palettes. In general, the Europeans like cackies and subdued nuetral and hispanics like complements and bright purer hues.
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I have been to Kristin's home for a workshop this summer. It is a beautiful home full of riotous color. Sure it is not for everyone. But Kristin opens her home to many strangers and when she talks about her house (she gave us a tour) there is so much love there. I found her home amazing and welcoming. She is warm and enthusiastic to her visitors. The home fits her personality. And shouldn't our homes be a reflection of who we are as people? I love her use of color and her ideas.....I'm so happy I was able to visit this one of a kind home....
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Kristan....could you make a comment please...Did your husband just love all this immediately? were there any discussions about your style? Because it looks like you felt comfortable and free to express yourself.
I looked again and again, about the house with all the comments, and have gone outside the box to say...love lives there. Did you have someone come in before the photo shoots to kind of get it ready? As a Stager, I see alot of preparation in these photos.... High Five Kristan. Just one last question... The lavendar and white striped chair looks really dirty, especially on the arms, and this home is a dusting/cleaning nightmare..How do you handle that part of life?
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I love that you posted the photos of your families!This house is so joyous and happy I cant stand it!I just can't want to get started on the design of my own house!You have given me so much inspiration.This little house when you walk in is like a WOW HOUSE!I like that!
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Seems kind of sick to put a coat of red paint on a beautiful antique
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Does anyone know what to do to opt out of further emails on this discussion? I know there was a way to choose to follow the thread, but I don't see any way to end the flood.
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@xenasmom, when you receive a new comment email, look towards the bottom where it says "Stop notifications of new comments on ONLY this ideabook." and click on it. You will be opted out.
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Interesting how many passionate comments a home interior painted in original and lively colours stimulates.

You don't often see this many comments on a variation-on-the-theme-of-white-and-beige home.

Or such passion!
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What a wonderful carefree-personal home. I love it when homeowners are confident enough to step outside the box and I figure if you love it — so will most other people (it's only yours to live in!!) lovely
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I live and work in a large NY loft with lots of light and lots of white. I don't think I would or could create a home like this. (I wouldn't know where or how to begin with any conviction or continuity.) But I wanted to look at this house again and again (as much as I enjoyed recently looking at the small, spare, 540 sq ft white cottage in the woods on Houzz). Both homes presented alternatives that are different from what I have.

The spaces I enjoyed most in the Nicholas house -- the kitchen, the bathroom, the window seat, and the lovely grape arbour -- reminded me of the joyous use of color in Monet's home at Giverny. For those who haven't seen Monet's home, I recommend a look at his use of color in the yellow dining room and blue and white kitchen.

Thanks for sharing these images -- really enjoyed the view.

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Dana Veach
Kristin is one of my favorite artist/designers, precisely because of her joyous use of color. Her home reflects a childlike wonder, joy, spontaneity, and exuberance that seems to say, "I'm gloriously grateful and glad for life!"

I grew up on a farm, and since I know the hard work involved in such close proximity to nature, I can only assume this joy is genuine and that when she walks through her doors she finds her whole being relaxing into a smile! Not everyone has to like her style, and though I might use color differently, I am personally charmed by her use of it...and as an artist, I'm in awe (and not a little envious) of her talent. Thank you, Ms. Nicholas, for gracing the world by sharing it!

And by the way...some of the once beautiful 200/+year old antiques in my beloved Grandmother's home...which have succumbed to weathering and neglect...could benefit from some color. Not every antique, no matter the quality or craftsmanship originally involved, has survived in a form that makes it desirable or even possible to preserve it in its original state.
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Only 2 bedrooms in 3500 square feet? Pfffftttt.
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Faranak Peart
Come on!
Whats going on?
Get some calm suding colour and start painting.This place is too much.
Why don't you start art and get canvenses and pait on those?!
There is nothing wrong with colours but You have gone over bord!
You need to call a House DR ;) and the funny thing is that there is no colour in your big garden!
There is such thing as colour trepehy and i have nothing aginst colours !NO.
Infact i once painted one room each wall in diffrent colour and it was a guss bedroom.So i did get feed backs all the time.
Before putting theses colours together i had to read on what colour plays and works with what part of our emotions.But i did make sure that there were not too many items in the room.Like things on the wall ,on the floor ...........................!
I mean look at the way Mexicans ues colours....................!
Wish you happy life in your home!
Liked the joke about the DOG LOL!
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Noni Sullivan
I am shocked by some of the comments! If you can't say something nice, why say anything at all? And some people get downright nasty. Not your taste? Move on to a house that is. Frankly, this house inspired me to paint my family room red and add lots of color and I love it! If I see a house that I don't like, I just say, to myself, that's not to my taste and viva la difference!
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Yes, people are nasty. It's natural for them. That's why the world is the way it is. They've been making comments on this place for quite a while now. It's a nice place and it really effects people. They did a good job because so many people are reacting and it's lasting so long. Just because so many of the comments are nasty doesn't mean the place isn't nice. It's quite the place and the nasty comments only mean they did a good job to make an effect on people. I'm glad they make nasty people unhappy. I know I liked the place and they made me feel happpy, which is a nice way to feel.
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Claudia Albertson
I agree that people have the right to express their opinions, but it just seems anymore that they think their right to do so weighs more so than the Golden Rule, which is damn near gone these days. I do not know why this particular home has people reveling in saying such derogatory things. It isn't their home. If they don't like it damn just don't comment, move on with life....too many haters in this world.....if haters have nothing to do but unleash negativity on others it breeds more negativity!
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I know I posted here before but I just love this little house!It is just bursting with so much fun!
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sharon king
It is such a fun house!
We really could do without the insulting comments on houzz.
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Actually I think the magazine welcomes both +ve and -ve comments because it helps them understand their readership. There are so many big and small ideas in this home decor--it's amazing--and it exemplifies the confidence of the owners to do what they love
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FUN, HAPPY, INDIVIDUAL, UNIQUE - You don't have to like it--you don't live there--but what a treat to see something so daring. So many people go beige or white , not because they 'love' it, but because they're afraid someone else will criticize it--or them (and people do!!!) But come on, three cheers for creating 'your own thing' with such panache. Art is meant to insight comment - to make us think - to inspire. This home is their live in art piece, and it's got everyone chattering up a storm. Fantastic! (And I'll say it again--I LOVE IT!)
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sharon king
crypticartist - polite negative comments, OK, but some are downright insulting and belittling.
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I don't care what anybody says!U just adore this house ad my bag R packed and ready 2 move N!These people have inspired me soooooooo much!U can't wait until I get my own home!
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Ya, unfortunately there are rude people everywhere--especially when they can be rude anonymously. Some people call it bullying (be like me or I'll beat you up-verbally or otherwise). Sad.
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sharon king
They have no place on this site of beauty and imagination.
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I've always believed that beauty was in the eye of the beholder--wouldn't life be boring if we all liked the same stuff--same flowers; same music;same people; same colours;same TV shows (yikes!); same houses. Nice thing about a magazine is that you can always close it and give it away, or recycle it.
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This home invites happiness and comfort - it's like a hug from an adored aunt. I can't make out the doodles on the clawfoot tub, but I'd love to see that completely covered with illustration. Her freehand wall painting reminds me of the animation of Yellow Submarine.
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I really love everything about this house and these baskets would fit right in, excuse the bad photo I am not a pro :)
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sharon king
They would fit in well !
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To all you who have commented negatively about this house. Let me say this. Do you know who Rufus Porter is or Moses Eaton? If not look them up. Two very important wall artist in New England History. People back in the 1800's thought then they were Eclectic. Kristin Nicholas, is not just anyone. If you the "know it all's" had looked her up, you would have found out that she herself is not only an artist, but has been on TV, One you will know, " Martha Stewart", others (PBS) with up coming shows to be on, also a Famous knitter, with several books published, several paintings sold (I own one). With that said I would love to own her home, But I bet we could not afford it, The art work alone would be worth more than the house....Her house has been featured in the Boston Globe, Country Living Magazine....So Please....If you know so much about Art, are you making a living doing what you love to do?..SHE IS... And I am.... Art comes in many forms.....So wake up you jealous people, stop being whiners, put some color in your life....Go to a store and buy yourself a bright colored pillow and throw it on your sofa.....I DARE YOU...do it! Just maybe that dark cloud following you will be lifted and the sun can shine in !!!!!!!
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I left a comment on this house about a month ago and just showed it to my daughter, we laughed as we remembered what her bedroom was like when she was a teen. It was simular to this house. While I couldn't live in it because I would be just too nervous from all the color I still enjoy looking at it. My daughter loved it, she picked it apart looking at every crook and nanny she could see...she is totally in love with it but admits she couldn't live with all the color either. Still we had a very good time together because Kristin shared her home! Some ideas came out of it to pop color in our homes. But mostly it was a wonderful mother daughter time shared enjoying this house! I'ld like to say thank-you to Kristen for sharing this fun and bright home!
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Marla Meridith
Love this DREAM house ~ and the AMAZING photos shot by the super talented Rikki!
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Agree completely that there isn't a peaceful or serene corner of this house. Also agree that these owners have vastly decreased the value and potential sale-ability of the property in the future. Not my taste, nor would anyone I know be comfortable in such a busy, crowded LOUD space.
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Should they ever decide to sell, they only need one other person to love their home. What a pity if one decorated, then lived in a home that was bland just so they dIdn't offend a buyer, SOMEWHERE DOWN THE ROAD --Their house--their colour scheme and furnishings--all good. Everyone doesn't like spicy food, but those that do should ENJOY! Our differences make us beautiful and interesting. I find it sad that there are people who 'take offence', when others don't agree with them, especially in something as simple as paint colour.
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Love the colors but not the clutter! The wallpaper designs are enough for wall decoration without adding more.
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I think that is what I need.
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I commented early on (that this family knows how to "LIVE life." ) Perhaps one other thought might help. If I visited a home as a guest, unless I was asked I would never make disparaging comments about the home's color scheme, furniture, design, etc. . Generally speaking, to do so would be rude and insensitive. This kind family has let us all enjoy their personal space in a very public forum. They may have expected some negative comments because their home is far from the norm for current decorating trends (greige, beige, white, muted soft colors). However, I doubt that they expected all the negativity they received. I sympathize with them after all the comments. A couple of things seem clear about the family that enjoys living in this home: 1. they are happy people, 2. they are confident in their choices, 3. they are very creative, 4. they don't care what others think about their decor, 5. they live their life without fretting over the next buyer, and 6. they are a very productive and motivated family. For all those reasons, and others I don't know, they deserve respectful comments...as does every home featured on houzz...according to the Golden Rule. Thanks.
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@kennedytarheel. I too commented on this a few weeks ago. What you've said, though, is EXACTLY what was in my head but couldn't quite articulate when I came to type! Well said!
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lovely--well said--do onto others--we have a HUGE bullying awareness campaign happening in Canada right now and it all comes down to that "DO UNTO OTHERS..." Why is that so hard to remember? And I keep revisiting this site because it's such an artisitc resource--for quilting/designing/colour combinations--for an artist, it's a blessing.
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sharon king
kennedytarheel - I also commented earlier on the negative comments. You have expressed my thoughts perfectly ! Thank you.
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Loved the courage I see to make all these colorful choices. It would try my ADD tendencies but still so interesting to look at!
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Susan Mills Design
This home makes me happy. Once my designs were based on form and function, now the emotional well being of the client is my first priortiy. This home is such an expression of joy, I love that there is not a thought in the world for resale. I love that she painted her cherished family members antiques instead of selling them because "they don't match" "they are not my taste, they were my relatives" . I love that the bathtub has drawings on it. I wondered if her child drew on it and she saved it because she knew that one day the child would be gone but the tub would always be there. How many times did I scrub off a precious drawing from a would be artist and now I have a clean wall but the child is grown.

When did we start caring more about what the walls look like instead of what the walls contain? This home contains some amazing people, and a whole lotta love. Funny too how it is the beige lovers who have the intense reactions to the colours used and the ones who love it or it makes happy, have posted such kind and happy remarks.

Thank you for sharing your home and inspiring others to live joyously Kristen and Mark!
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I was entranced with the house, and wondering if this artist knows Kristin Nickolas I didn't realize it was her. Kristin is one of my favorite colorists in art. I am using her teaching studio as inspiration for my new fiber-painting studio.in New Orleans. Her whole house would fit right in here in artistic N.O.
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Love the color explosion...even though my home has lots of bright colors on walls, I've been inspired to add even more pattern and texture. Thanks for sharing.
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Amy Martin Landscape Design
I LOVE all your fun colors! its great how you brought them out to the garden with the furniture. You could go even more colorful outside with masses of colorful plantings, maybe ladies mantle to go with the chartreuse and magenta geraniums, Geum is a plant with a strong orange bloom that comes back in the fall. Maybe even some knock out roses, with that strong hot pink.
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Sandra Belle
Bold and fantastic!
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Sandra Belle
Bold and fantastic!
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Love, love, love your house. It takes a lot of courage to decorate with such bold colours and patterns. This is warm, cozy and very creative! I'm inviting myself for a virtual cup of tea. :-)
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Wow, what a place. The people who live here are very happy and the couple has a great love life. That's from my knowledge of psychology. I guess some people are very envious.
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Nicky Mccall
you could be nothing but happy in this house! just gorgeous.
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The cats are gorgeous, the rest of the house is too crazy, too much color, too much clutter. In a word...awful.
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This has been a very interesting read, so many people absolutely in love with colour and wanting to use colour, yet over and over again the ugly word "resale" keeps coming up. Why does everything have to be bland safe colours to sell, when it is obvious that many people do like colour. Every ideas book that features daring colour has readers drooling while ideas books that feature the 'resale' colours seem to get more negativity because of the lack of colour. It seems to me we are being brainwashed.
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LOVE LOVE LOVE this. I am slightly doing the same to our house with glass what Kristin has done with paint. We have only been here a little over 4 years but give me time. A friend sent me this link and I am enchanted with your work Kristin. I think we could become very good friends. We think alike.

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I love this place! another I could step right into comfortably! I have gotten similar comments over the years about resale value etc. I just say someone will like it just as it is, or they can paint over it. I love Kristin's home, art, blog, & books! I am trying to knit sweaters from her book "dogs in sheep's clothing"for early spring kidding season here on my goat farm . I say trying because I haven't knitted for quite some time, but it is coming back to me.
I get the same comments to about painting family antiques, but, oh, well, my cousins don't have to paint the ones they inherited!
I don't have anything against neutral color & minimalist decor, but I wouldn't want to live in that surrounding.
I am an artist, a farmer, color consultant, & other "hats" fit too. Life is too short to fear living it your way. Home is a haven, should never have been touted as a financial investment. the real investment in a house is time, energy, & love making it a hub of living!
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Wow! One cannot copy or fake this decor, it comes from the soul that has so much life and creativity, it bursts out in unrestrained color and pattern. I can feel her energy through the screen of my computer . She must be a wonderful person that carries sunshine with her wherever she goes.
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Casart Coverings
Congratulations to Kristin and RIkki for making one of Houzz's 25 Most Bookmarked House Tours and Colorful Homes Ideabooks of 2012!
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Would love to find her Blog . Do you have a link for it.

I also agree on resale. We flipped houses for 25 years.This is the first time we have had a house I do not care about resale and I am making it mine. The house and everything in it goes to Best Friends Animal Rescue in Utah. Let them deal with it. And I do not think people will paint over my glass but it is totally their choice if they feel the need to. Every one that comes in here say they love it. We are the ones that live here not Mr.. & Mrs Resale.

Thinking I will be painting some more furniture if I do not mosaic it first.. LOL

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This is Kristin's blog site, http://getting-stitched-on-the-farm.blogspot.com/?m=1
Yes, anything here is in danger of either paint or being mosaiced too!

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Thank you so much. Will look into it in awhile. I want to go break some glass.I am having a vision. LOL Would love to see your stuff. do you also have a blog? I do not.:^( just flicker. http://www.flickr.com/photos/50185661@N03/

Thanks Again Chris
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I started a farm blog, but every time I thought I would post, something would interupt me- usually a farm emergency or my studio would beckon me. I am the farmer so even though my husband is supportive & helpful when he isn't at work, it falls to me, 24/7. I may join Flickr, it seems it would be a good fit for my sporadic on line time. I have been on today between goatie pedicures. My hands get tired after trimming 2 = 8 hooves & not all are cooperative!
Of the few pics of your work I peeked at so far, I love the deer! It could almost be a goat!
sorry to send so personal a reply via Houzz.
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Artzi you can email me at shades_of_idaho at yahoo.com. LOL See how much spam this will bring me.

I used to have goats cows horses mules. I understand the trimming thing. My hands are aching just from a few minutes slicing glass.I ruined them milking for years. :^(

Nap time.

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This home is utterly sublime. It is the most creative and fabulously coloured home I have ever seen. Every last tiny corner of it is upliftingly glorious - thank you for sharing it!
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sharon king
serenawynn - Definitely agree !
eharley - don't be rude.
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Thank heaven for folks who decorate their own homes with such joyous colour. I am weary of architect-designed sterile white and grey boxes that show nothing of the personality of the owners. Well done, and thank you for sharing this obviously happy home.
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I love a colorful, fun house! I have owned many homes and the colorful homes,, reflecting my personal style, have always sold the fastest .The nice thing about paint is that the next owner can change it easily if they so desire.
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Kristin Nicholas Designs
Hi Everyone!

I am Kristin, the homeowner of this colorful home. It is located in Franklin County, Massachusetts which is in western Mass - not Cape Cod. It is a "cape style" home built in 1751. I thank everyone for their comments - both complimentary and those thinking I am a bit of a nut job. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion.

For those of you who were worried about my sanity, thanks for your concerns. I am about the most normal, stable person you could ever meet. I do have a passion for color and decoration as many textile lovers also do. Our life may be a bit non-traditional, living on a sheep farm and selling our lamb at farmers markets but once again, everyone is entitled to their own choice in professions.

For those of you worried about the resale of our farmhouse, my family and I do not plan on ever moving from our house. I have never decorated worrying about resale. My feeling is whoever buys a home changes it to make it their own. I live in a home and make it happy and joyous.

Thanks to many of you, our home was # 6 in popularity in all of 2012 on this Houzz website.

I have some big news for all of you. If you were in love with my dining room mural, you can have it in your own home. I have partnered with Casart Wall Coverings and painted a mural called Garden of Family Farm Life. You can now purchase my mural as removable wallpaper for your own home. It is available with 10 different background colors. If you want your own background color, Casart can customize the mural with your own choice of background colors.

Here is the link to their website:

Have a colorful day everyone!
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Casart Coverings
Kristin is so talented (and so sane!) and we are very excited about Kristin's Garden of Family Life mural for Casart. Because it is designed in a 3 panel format, the panels can be used singularly as an individual art piece or in sequence as a larger piece. Because they can be easily removed you can reconfigure the arrangement whenever you like. Welcome aboard, Kristin!
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Casart Coverings
We would be remiss if we didn't say a special "thank you" to Rikki whose ideabook for Houzz about Kristin's house was the start of our collaboration with Kristin. It would be interesting to learn how many other Houzzers have enjoyed a similar experience.
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I come back to these photos for inspiration again and again. I hope to decorate as fearlessly in my own home. This house represents the heart and spirit of what I want to express creatively in my own home! Love, love, love! Thanks Kristin!
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Kenneth Whitfield
Wow! Inspiration by majolica, mckenzie childs and magic carpets!

I like to dream, yes, yes
Right between the sound machine
On a cloud of sound I drift in the night
Any place it goes is right
Goes far, flies near
To the stars away from here

Well, you don't know what
We can find
Why don't you come with me little girl
On a magic carpet ride

Well, you don't know what
We can see
Why don't you tell your dreams to me
Fantasy will set you free
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Fantasy will set you free
Close your eyes girl
Look inside girl
Let the sound take you away
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Thank you, Kristin, for sharing your inspiring home. I love color! No patterns on the walls - but everywhere else. I'm thinking your wallcovering would make a great area rug too! :)
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Jan Carlson
Thank you so much Kristin for the inspiration your creativity continues to bring. If Rikki's idea book of your house were a book, it's pages would be worn out by now from my looking at it! I follow the comments like a soap opera! As I said in an earlier post, I don't usually comment on pictures on Houzz. If I am inspired by a picture, I pop it into one of my idea books; if not, I just keep on browsing. When I saw yours, I just had to comment on it - it made my heart sing. Then when the crowd turned nasty, I felt like a mother trying to teach her kids to be polite to each other!

Although I'm not as fearless as you in decorating my home, my friends still think I'm out there when it comes to my use of color! I just purchased these wonderful prints of local Maryland icons from artist Joe Barsin (barsinart.com) which were a perfect addition to my quite red kitchen walls. Congrats to you, Rikki, and Casart Coverings for making such a "splash" on Houzz. And thank you Houzz for providing us with such a valuable and enjoyable resource.
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Ban the beige! I say let's start a group of colorful house lovers! Spoken by a women who just did this to her fridge in a vacation rental!
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I love the painted fridge! Is this a fridge with texture or smooth? And what kind of paint did you use? I'd love to do something like this! :)
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Yes, Brightens my mood every time I scroll through...
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I used exterior latex house paint on the fridge and acrylic polyurethane in gloss finish. It does have a pebble finish. I recommend priming first with Zinnsser shellac based varnish...very messy, but every paint adheres to it.
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I felt inspired by your art. Your home seems like a very happy place. I myself find that decorating for resale is boring and hiring a decorator to do that for you is a waste. I have decorators thrilled to work with me because I am willing to go with bold choices and not making design decisions that I plan on keeping forever. I was original and interesting mixed with traditional, it's more fun. Resale has come up a lot in this discussion, check out the idea book on forever homes. I live at the beach and most homes are custom, so most buyers will be buying into someone else's style anyway. Again thanks for the inspiration, not a detailed map on how to copy you.
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Congratulations, Kristin, I love the mural panels! I hope your collaboration with Casart will be ongoing! I wish there was a book too, not just of your house ,but your farm as well.
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Esther Hershcovich
What a great expression of color!
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Dorian P
On another note, I work in a children's hospital and it is painted all colours of the rainbow, with giant watermelons covering an entire wall to flowers and animals curving their way up thr flights of stairs. There are also giant colorful fish tanks installed in various places throughout the hospital, like living works of art. There is a new children's hospital currently being built. An army of psychologists, interior designers and architects were employed in this project and guess what? The plans show that it is even more colorful than the existing hospital. So according to some of the comments here, as an institution we are obviously hellbent on disturbing the mental health of the sick and sometimes terminally ill children who access our services. *sigh*
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I enjoy "visiting" the various featured Houzz homes. This is the first one I've loved so much, I felt I had to comment. Just looking at the photos lifted my spirits.
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Samiha Sanwar
i just love your house, your pets are adorable, i have been looking for ideas for decorating my bedroom your is been a big help. i m from south east Asia, here we have beautiful crafts in fabrics, i wanted to use it, now i got a lot of idea how to:) thanks.
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Sandra Barrera
What a happy home.
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My girlfriend sent me this article on your colorful house after I showed her one of my favorite matchboxes (see attached photo) and said, "I wanna live here!" Quite similar in happy colors!
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Kristin Nicholas Designs
Very pretty matchbox. Love that paisley rug.
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Jos Brölmann Art
As an illustrator of bright colored nosy birds I was positively suprise to see the article. It made my eyes happy! I like to compliment Rikki and hope she will find more color-like articles with bright and creative details.
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I'm in awe of this home.

Just the other day in the comments section of a Houzz poll, I described my dream home as a quirky farmhouse that didn't follow the rules and low and behold I come across Kristin and her sister Laurie's Houzz tour. This certainly fits this description I would say. One caveat being I would have never thought to use this much bold color and pattern, but this is sublime; not simply because of the colors but because it's so personal and was a real labor of love, which is what truly makes this home something to be admired and cheered on.

Hopefully this will inspire others to really make their home a reflection of them, whatever that may be. When/If God willing I'm able to get my farmhouse one day, may this encourage me to create a home of my true desires, not living in fear of what others will say or the "resale".

One last thing. I wanted to comment on how blessed these owners are to have so many precious family belongings passed down to them. Thanks to Kristin and her family for allowing us into her home via Houzz.
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Kristin Nicholas Designs
For all of you who enjoyed the photos of our old home, you can see my sister and her family's home on Houzz. Here is the link.

https://st.hzcdn.com/simgs/pictures/family-rooms/my-houzz-accessibility-with-personality-in-an-1870-home-rikki-snyder-img~f221439c02096e80_9-0939-1-230b4c6.jpg" src=" https://st.hzcdn.com/fimgs/pictures/family-rooms/my-houzz-accessibility-with-personality-in-an-1870-home-rikki-snyder-img~f221439c02096e80_0939-1-230b4c6-w240-h165-b0-p0.jpg" data-pin-no-hover="true" width="240" height="165" onmousedown="preventImageDrag(event)" ondragstart="return false" onselectstart="return false" oncontextmenu="PhotoContextMenu.show(event,5187261);return false;"/>
Ideabook: My Houzz: Accessibility With Personality in an 1870 Home · See Ideabook

Hers is as colorful as ours is but different. Lots of hand painted walls and beautiful textiles.

The really interesting thing about their home is it was bought with their disabled daughter Elloise in mind. Everything they fixed up (and I saw it from the beginning and it was a complete mess) had in mind Elloise's safety and needs. Check it out. A very interesting and beautiful family home full of love.
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Ann Smitt
Fearless Decorating - that's the title I would give this hands-on, colorful, folksy, art filled home. Love it.
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Mina Brinkey
Wow! Beautiful and so much fun! Love it!
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Ayelet Designs
wow. all these colors make my soul dance :)
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I love the fact that this homeowner decorated for her soul. She did what makes her family happy, and isn't that one of the more important reasons to decorate...to make it personal makes it a home, going beyond the basic need of simply providing shelter. What these pictures communicate to me is that this is a home that is welcoming, warm, joyful, and filled with love. I think if the actual sound of children's laughter could be captured in a picture, that picture would be this home...just my two cents. Thank you, Kristin, for sharing your home with us.
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Each time I go back and look at this house, I love it more and more.
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I love the painted lampshades. I want to paint a couple for a friend.What kind of material works for the shade, where do you get them and what kind of paint works best . Thanks for any help or suggestions
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Patricia Evans
This house is so beautiful and fun! I wish I had the confidence to paint on my walls like that, or the money to hire someone to do it for me. Really, so great!!
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There are some folks on here that seem Really wound-up and Disturbed by Kristen's choices, and yet, it seems that these people live in beige and white homes. What does that Mean?
By the way, I am literally thrilled with this house. It is Joyful.
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Lisa Teague Upcoast Design
Hi Kristen, I visited your home several years ago with Liz McCabe--I loved it then and I love it now...brilliant and happy...
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My home looks nothing like it, but I love this house. I worry about folks who are so disturbed about colorful, bohemianesque decor that they define it as psychologically "unhealthy," simply because they are chromophobic. I am referring to the comment made by a therapist, who I imagine is busily trying to "fix" any of her clients whose "loud" accessories and clothing are upsetting to her; in fact, beige, white, gray, institutional neutrals can actually deepen a depression. Bright color, on the other hand, can heal. It just depends on the person. Based on the comments, I'd say many, many people experienced this article and its photos as happy-making.
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Kristin, you are incredibly gifted. The hand-painted wallpaper is bold and beautiful!!! While the home has an eclectic design, each item has perfectly whimsical placement :) Job well done!
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Nancy Forster
What a beautiful happy home!
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Hyperkinetic...could barely get through the pictures
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Don't try this at home.
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@Jan Carlson, if a person or company puts their design out there, and people comment in a negative way ~about the design~ it is not personal. Also, there is a huge difference between the use of color, and, this frenetic hodgepodge explosion that assaults the eye. Now I just said that, let it be clear that I am not personally attacking the homeowner. Please stop calling people "beige people". I am not a "beige person", there is a middle ground.
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Dana Veach
@Olivias...are you aware that Kristin Nicholas is a long respected designer and artist who is much valued for exactly the kind of densely saturated color combinations that you find a "frenetic hodgepodge explosion that assaults the eye"? Her work may not be to your personal taste...which you are certainly entitled to hold and express...but please realize that there are those...both professional and "lay" population...who find her use of color delightful and happy and "innocent" in the same way of a child who explores color before they are taught rules and constraints. When I was a child, for example, my favorite "outfit" was an emerald green T-shirt with vivid scarlet shorts, red and white tennis shoes, and parma violet socks. It drove my own artist mother batty...and I'd not wear the same combination in quite the same proportional distribution of color today...but she let me wear that "frenetic" combination and develop my own highly individual sense of color...which remains a hallmark of my own artwork...just as Ms. Nicholas's color is a distinctive mark of hers.
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Just for the record I was not dissing Kristin's work. I love her work. I was just LOLing at Don't try this at home. Since this is exactly what I am doing here in our home.. Trying it all over the place.
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The happiest house on Houzz. Kristen you are a true artist. I feel bad for the beige people.
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Bisi Okusami
Oh! I need a migraine pill. It's inspirational as all the colours under the sun are in that house. However, I wonder how many of these 'happy' people can live with all these colours permanently on a daily basis. I'm dizzy right now. Anyway, I've spotted one or two colours that I can use for my mum's apartment.
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Linda Martin
This home is definitely not for everyone. But it definitely makes my heart sing! I LOVE the designer's sophisticated use of colors and pattern. For instance, the yellows, greens and blues in the reading nook are all within the same value. It's not so much a diversity of color in this space as it is a diversity of pattern. The seating area with the wicker furniture is just a perfect design.
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@Dana Veach I am well aware of who Kristin Nicholas is and her work. While it may not be my taste you missed my point. I object to the people in this string who are not jumping on this design with enthusiasm being labeled "beige people", or "white walls people". Obviously Ms. Nicholas's work evokes discussion which includes both positive and negative emotion. People commenting on the design concept is one thing, but there was no need for poster's to start name calling the fellow poster's who found the design overwhelming.
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Linda Martin I am so with you on color making my heart sing too. I experience that little tingle of Joy when I look in my rooms that are sparked with color. Even just a glance brings on my smile. I agree this flavor of decorating is not for every one. I am so happy to have a house I can do this to. Not so much in paint like Kristin but with my mosaics. It is all close to the same. I find it very interesting when people walk into our house either they gasp in Joy for all the glass on my walls or they do not even notice it.. I wonder what special bit of personality within us allows us to experience the joy?
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Kristin Nicholas Designs
I've put a blog post up about how I painted our farmhouse stairs.

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I need this.
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Maybe the rests of us are cowards? Celebrate what you love!
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Celia Coates
Too much for me. I like it tranquil.
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Kristin. You are an amazing woman. This house oozes life and joy. Funny how many boring beige people there are in this world, including designers. A reflection of their lives?
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Kristin can you please put a blog post on how you painted the orange room. That room is going to be the inspiration for one of the rooms in my house. What are the wall colors.
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Kristin Nicholas Designs
Hi Neluki - Good news - I have a new book coming out called Crafting a Colorful Home (Roost - January 2015) and that is one of the chapters. You will have to wait until then though. I hope you can wait! Thanks for your kind comments
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Absolutely gorgeous from both outside and inside! Some happy people live there..
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Chartreuse is such a beautiful color! This house kinda reminds me of the house in Nanny McPhee!
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@kristinnicholas---I'm chiming in late here to applaud your courage, charm, and talent. Congrats on your artistic successes.
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Love it! This place has history - and SOUL. You can just feel it.
The colors support the folk life of the area. I love it 120%!
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Espectacular! Best of all, is the love and dedication given to the place you live. And the many ways you applied your artistry to it. For sure, you are not lazy people.
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Kristin Nicholas Designs
Hello everyone. A quick note to let you know that this article has morphed into a new book called Crafting a Colorful Home: A Room-by-Room Guide to Personalize Your Space with Color. It is being published by Roost Books on January 20, 2015. You can purchase it on my website here: http://kristinnicholas.com/ProductDetail.cfm?index=128
Buy from me for $27.95 and I will sign it. Also offering free shipping and a gouache painted bookplate.

I thank everyone who was so passionate about our home and my colorful style of decoration. Who would have imagined that an on-line article on Houzz.com would morph into a book in print. Without all your comments - both good and bad, Crafting a Colorful Home would not have happened. Spread the word! if you will.

I was able to get the photographer Rikki Snyder who took these Houzz photos the job of photographing the book too. Another bit of serendipity!

Colorfully yours,
Kristin Nicholas (Homeowner)
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Debi Ford
So refreshing to see color and imperfection! A very happy space!
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Best houzz article ever.

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Pamela Fisk

I absolutely adore this house! Kristin Nicholas is very talented as a designer and is endearingly self-deprecating. I love lots of color in interior design and have a similar self-styled way of decorating with layers. I love pattern, art, design and color way more than beige or white interiors. I believe in breaking molds and infusing myself into our interiors. My husband always says he loves how I feather our nest.

Our plan for the kitchen redesign is Ikea birch cabinetry, white quartz countertops and existing bamboo flooring adding the va-va-voom factor with iridescent cobalt blue backsplashes accented by vivid teal; while ceiling and wall paint will be a vibrant teal and a shelf over the windows will have a few blue and white porcelain jars/bottles. We'll probably reupholster the chair cushions to reflect these colors. We also need pendant lighting but haven't found any that echoes those colors, so we're going to create our own! What kind of saw cuts through glass? Does anyone know?

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Love, love, love!!! This house makes me smile.

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I just love color myself, not necessarily the ones chosen here, but the exuberance is exciting. I have a lot of color in my home. People who are artists are different from most people (great writings about this in Rollo May's books). His idea is (loosely) that artists are the only people who understand the right now/zeitgeist and see the immediate future. That is what they express in their art. The artists need the excitement and stimulation. They forecast the next big thing.

We are all so different. Frequently, people who have demanding, stressful jobs truly need the white, beige, and minimal.

I am no artist, but cannot stand white walls. I have a lot of traditional furniture, but go bold and intense with paint on the walls and Persian carpets everywhere. To me, it's the easiest and least expensive decorating change to make. Some cans of paint, new pillows, maybe new window treatments...and you have a different room.

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many of us are a Kristin Nicholas suffocated by the kmart beige that surrounds us! many kudos to her husband who cannot relate but who loves enough to offer his wife the freedom to be who she is!!!! thank you houzz...

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Casart Coverings

Kristin, after all this time and the business relationship we formed when Rikki's article first came out to offer your designs on our reusable wallcovering, it is so wonderful to see the video Houzz has produced! It is beautifully done and adds extra life and energy to your work that we so admire. Kudos to all involved!

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What a beautiful family!!!! Love their down home life & attitude,,wish I lived next door!!!!

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Lovely story! I wish I had an aunt Kristy. Her personality shows through in that beautiful house. I love it!

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scarbowcow - great handle there ..

the issue the last time this was posted wasn't whether it was okay to say if you liked it or not or why. The issue went so far as to have people question the sanity of someone who would enjoy living with this much color, and others who were petty in their criticisms. Others said - not my taste, but I appreciate the artistry. That approach was perfectly welcome and engendered no concern.

Again, this is not a design dilemma. Of course you may express your opinion, but the posters above were pointing out that discussing the relative merits of the psychological well being of the artist had probably gone too far beyond the purpose of a design discussion.

Art is subjective. Beauty in the eye of the beholder . .. the question of the naked emperor was a different question . .. does someone have so much power that no one will speak . .

Folk art is a long tradition and this house is a home to a folk artist of our time. She did it for her own family. They live there, she inspires a lot of people who do like this, and she makes a living from art and teaching others some crafts. A creative life alone is a pretty enviable thing these days.

There is no emperor to that . . so you would have to be saying that this isn't art. You can say that this art isn't your cup of tea - clearly, this is a unique home that most do not emulate - however, to say that it isn't art, which is the only analogy I can take away from "naked emperor" is subjective and therefore, beyond a discussion of likes and dislikes, descending into mean spirited.

just like if i closed up with . . . .mooo

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This video is so lovely all around! I love your art!

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What other article has this many comments? People want color!
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Kim Jensen
Delightful!!! This home is fun, warm and cozy!! I love lots of color, too!!
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I love it! There have been so many dull, drab, boring gray themed rooms pictured on Houzz lately. I love the colors and designs in this house. As others have commented, it is happy, interesting, and has soul. Watching the video, though, I tuned out for a bit worrying about the fate of Pinky the pig. I love her painting, but where is Pinky?

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Gibby Small

I love color! Their house is amazing. I love the Pinky painting. Its too sweet!

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Dan Rathje

Enough about the house, already! It's Kristy that I'm love with. She's inspired and she's a steam roller. I love her fierce inhibitions, and her neo-liberal-impressionism!! No, I take that back. She is a great example of totalism in its prime. The house is the effect, not the cause!

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Why do the "design police" dictate to us what our homes should look like? When I first bought my house in the late 1990's, everything was white with a bit of taupe to make houses look empty and BIG. I was starved for color, and used wallpaper in the entry, and dared to use light green in the entry way and peach in one bedroom and very subtle, pale purple in another. Pretty soon everyone was starved for color in the early 2000's, and my "experiment" paled by comparison. Now, once again everything is white, cream, and grey, grey, grey, and when I sell my house, I will be pressured by realtors to sterilize it. Why is everyone forced to conform to the tyranny of the drab, dull, and sterile? And why do we all go along with it? Obviously, it's about profits so that millions of Americans will rip out their "dated" natural cherry cabinets and replace them with cheap-looking white kitchens that all look the same.

Congratulations to Kristin for resisting the "design police"--if more people followed her example, the "design police" wouldn't have so much power!

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Kevin James

There's nothing bad to say about this house,I love it.

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I think you're doing something very important with this website. Thanks so very much.

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Linda Ashe-Ford

I love the colors in this house and like this house ours does not have a white wall in it. My kitchen is mocha. even the ceilings have color. Here in Maine the winters are very long and gray so color gives our house life

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Nadia Fisher
This is my first comment after daily visits to Houzz for the past two years. I loved this piece, I love this house. The owners could design and sell their "wallpaper". Previous writers are right: it's a burst of warm colors, happiness, originality, and fresh air in one of the most beautiful places on earth. Thank you so much for sharing. Wish I had the creativity to create even half the party of colors and patterns in my home.
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Aside from the subject of color, which looks great, your way of living is beautiful! I love the home and green pastures with farm animals. Your very lucky!!

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Thank you, thank you, thank you. I am not crazy....we are kindred spirits.

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Wow - this explosion of color woke me up this morning! I'm getting ready to buy a house that's done in shades of browns = really! I shall find Kristy's book for the inspiration I need . . . Thanks!

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You and your home are SO charming. I envy your talent and determination-

from your Beige Admirer

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A beautiful presentation of an inspiring family and home. Creativity is the expression of the soul. It delights me to see "real people" in "real homes". Followers of this website are from a wide geographic, cultural and socioeconomic ban. We come here for inspiration. Some homes are far beyond what many could ever reach or achieve and yet we are still inspired, taking away fragments of ideas that could possibly fit our lives and homes. I have lived in different areas of the country, both urban and rural. My roots are primarily rural and agricultural. I can't express how filled with awe I was by this woman, her home, and family. Not everyone gets to see rural life. Not everyone understands how it is to have nothing and reach into ones self and make "life happen" and truly appreciate their life and creation. This woman embraces it and shines her light on all !!! She is blessed and has blessed us all by sharing her world with the rest of the world. Thank you !! Loretta, Geneva, NY

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so pretty....love everything about it!....I would love to have those wool pom pom strands! :)

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What a lovely story :-) Thank you for sharing.

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Karen Martin

I'll come for Thanksgiving! What a lovely piece.

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The paintings are brilliant. Happy feelings come out of the canvas :)

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would love to study painting with you! you guys are awesome and your house expresses just that! in this crazy world that is so geared to new new new, you hold fast to the beauty that came before us and embellish it in ways that reflect your soul!

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peggy butler
What a lovely family! I would love to have Thanksgiving in her beautiful home!
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Shirley Hawkins
Love this
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Love it. I visited someone's and she had clay colored walls and I was smitten. I knew my husband wouldn't go for it so when he went to work one morning I painted the room clay that day and did a perfect job. Made valence etc. with a black background with man eating flowers. Ralph Lauren sheets. I will never forget the look on my husband's face when he walked in that night. lol. Well that was ten years ago. We are still married and the room is still clay and love it.

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My name is Estelle Bruwer and I live in Cape Town, South Africa. I just love your colourfull house and enjoyed watching the video. I love colours too and can never live without it in my life.

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Wow, love your creativity and boldness....this is ART!!!! I use all my antiques in my home....and you live in your ART!!!....love it...thanks for sharing , I am inspired!!!

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thank you for sharing !

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K Allen

Thanks for sharing your fantastic home with us but, most of all, thanks for sharing your beautiful outlook on life.

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McHenry Architecture

Wonderful. This house has so much charm and character. Don't be afraid of color! You are my hero Kristen!

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Bette P

Congrats Kristin for creating a home over the years with passion that you enjoy. I love people who don't bow down to the decorating trends and have the confidence to do their own thing. You are very talented. Your extended family will surely have great Thanksgiving memories and I have no doubt you have influenced the young family members creativity. You should open your home to school tours for all ages.

Your daughter is a lucky girl and she knows it. What a great way to grow up with thoughtful parents and a beautiful homestead. I truly enjoyed this video, well done.

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Patricia Hall

You're my sister's REAL sister, not me. You're sisters by another mister. She'd love everything about your house; I like that you've kept everything in balance and harmony....

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What a fun, inviting, and inspiring home! Loved this story.
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I admire and appreciate your connection to family/ friends, bold sense of color in your home, and your spirit & strength to share it w everyone. It has given me the drive to paint some furniture that is wonderful in style but ugly/ drab brown. A friend had given these pieces to me knowing that I would save them in some way, so now I will have some fun and paint away, I might even have some friends over to paint some of their own furniture as well as we've had this discussion. Thank you sharing your wonderful space !!!

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Rivkah Bergman

You are brilliant, Kristen! You are also a very modest person. I don't know you but I like you a lot!

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Leila Ross

I love your home. I like colors too, I lived in Guatemala and my home is colorful too. My sister went to visit me (her home was always white), you should see it now....she painted different colors too.

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I adore this home, it's very much like my own - rather nondescript white Cape Cod style home on the outside, a bright and colorful "art party" inside!!

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I absolutely love this! Thank you for the inspiration.

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Diana V. McLean

So wonderful to listen to you and the joy you exude.
Love your home. No one could ever enter your home without smiling. You didn't just dream you executed!!!!!!!!

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Absolutely love this house. What a happy place to come home to!

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nogafisher: "I think you're doing something very important with this website. Thanks so very much."

I totally agree. The value of Houzz is so much more than house design. It's about people, about life, about love.

For example, this video with Kristin made me tear up.... and I'm not even sure why .... :-)

Thanks, Houzz team!

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LeAnn Kurtz

I would love to live in this home. What a great eye you have for color and design. It works wonderfully and is so warm and inviting. I'm inspired!

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Wow! I so enjoyed this story. Keep coloring.

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Camille Cunningham

What a creative force this woman is! I've seen the photos on Houzz before, but I loved seeing and hearing the details from her on the video. She's not pretentious, like so many of today's designers. Thank you for sharing, and for the inspiration.

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I Love your skills and ability to live in the moment .thank you for the encouragement . through Color. I wish I had you close to me . I am right now in a stage of change . I needed your video .our home is 54 years young . and Pray I will do justice to his /her face lift. Sincerely Joyce . In Christ Love .

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Studio NOO Design

Love this woman, love her art...absolutely love her joyful house !

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Hunter Hampton

Make Pinky, the pig, into a giclee so we can all have her on our walls.... you place is fabulous..... and your dogs are too.

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Congratulations Kristin & Mark! What a beautiful HOME!! Living life at it's fullest with nature..I'm so in love with your style and all the beautiful old things you have preserved. Thank you and the Houzz team for sharing such a BEAUTY!!

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Best Houzz Video and story EVER! I love Kristin Nicholas! I've knit several of her patterns, I have a bunch of her yarn, and I think I own all of her books. She is inspiring in every way, and her house makes me SO happy! Thank you for repeating this story, since I wasn't around the first time.

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Patricia Parrish

What a great story. Beautiful family story and beautiful home. Great art and color.

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OMG! I'm in love with this place! It's busy and there is a lot to dust, but it would be worth it to have all those beautiful colours everywhere. So entirely cheerful! I adore it!

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Ladd Suydam Contracting, LLC

So wonderful to see so many good things and creative endeavors come out of your passion for color and design. Love the old home and the layers of life within it. The idea of snow and a sheep farm sounds amazing as well. What a wonderful life. Good on ya for being yourself and letting the world see it. Color is slowly making its way more and more into our own house as well. Very inspiring.

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a kindred soul .... LOVE - LOVE -LOVE!

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LOVE the color in your house. I have a lot of color in my house but not even close to this. Inspires me to keep going with other rooms! Thanks so much for sharing!!!

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Have you people who are disturbed by this home ever seen a Matisse? A Gauguin? A Van Gogh? You know, those little-known artists whose use of color make them so unpopular????
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I have always loved this house with it's happy and fun bright colors. It has been saved in my Favorites for a long time. It is a great inspiration to ''go for it'' when I choose colors for my own home. Life is SO much more fun with color! I live in a mid century home and went super modern/monochromatic for several years. While it was beautiful, it was ''lifeless'' So, now all those mid century and modern furniture pieces are surrounded by lots of prints and colors... and it looks awesome. I get lots of compliments on the interior now. People should never be afraid to surround themselves with colors that make them happy. It's just paint! Every time I have encouraged someone to do something a bit wild for them, they have been thrilled with the results. So, go for it! Have fun! HAPPY decorating!

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Laurie Romanaggi

This was awesome. I am so bored by the white and beige and bring that color on. I am not quite as brave as Kristin with color, but she rocks it in a great way. Embrace what you love and live it. (p.s. I often refer to my house decorated in Easter egg colors...so perfectly my style.)

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Best HOUZZ ever! What a happy house! Loved everything about it. 2 years ago I painted my kitchen a bright lime green (BEHR Beach Grass) and have never looked back. Everything looks great on the walls. It's the happiest room in my house.

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Joanne Taylor

I love the lamp shades!

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More colour, more colour please. I wonder how I lost the nerve to put colour up on my walls. We need to see more homes done with colour done right. My rooms are off white but the art work is bold.

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KV Interiors

It's so refreshing to see a home not afraid of color. It's beautiful and inspiring! Thank you for sharing.

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New Hope Seattle

I grew up in a predominately Mexican community, and have lived in Mexico for awhile. I fell in love with the bold and fearless way that people would colorize their homes, their offices, even the most mundane building structures would be painted in shades of purple or orange. It definitely shaped how I like to have my home look, especially now that I live in the Pacific northwest, where every color has some gray in it. I happened upon this video and got so excited to see the bright pops of color and I can tell that a lot of love went into shaping your home. Thank you for sharing and inspiring..., now I want to leave work and start a color project somewhere in my house!

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I don't usually watch videos and this one took twice to load for me but it just about brought me to tears. Very beautifully done. Love the orange Hoosier cabinet and the lampshades. Thanks for bringing some color to our lives!

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Hope-Sutton Salvador

Great story and portrayal of life with love expressed in color.

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I want an Aunt Kristin!

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Farrells Art Glass

Lovely! I'm a stained glass artisan and absolutely love color. I usually try to have my clients use color, sometimes I succeed. Color makes me happy.

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I love color and this home thrills me!

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Signature Floors, Inc.

What a joy that was to watch! Thank you for bringing your imagination to life and allowing us a glimpse into your creative mind! I'm going to watch again right now!

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loved the whole vid, the wife and her courage to paint the way she feels, and she is a beautiful colorful person :), and I love her husband's attitude: "why would you ever want to do that?" lol then he just accepts that is who she is, so sweet! And having grown up on a farm myself, that little girl is exceptionally lucky! Awesome all the way around! Thank you for sharing :)

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Energy Plus Inc

Because I am so eclectic, this video just spoke to me. It gives me even more ideas on how to "color outside the lines". Love this video. Houzz has one of the best websites out there. Thank you.

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On a scale of one to ten: twenty five!
This is just the happiest place that I have ever visited on Houzz.... I could move in here in a heartbeat!
Thank you for this amazing visual feast.
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I believe it all starts in about Grade two. Kids and babies are naturally attracted to high contrast and colour, but when they get to school their spontaneity is frequently squelched by comparison to other kids drawings; by parents "what's that supposed to be?"; by teacher pre-requisites and (UN-intentioned) judgements. "oh Janie that's beautiful/ oh Bobby why did you make the sky red, shouldn't it be blue?" School boards and parents promote music instruction; which is great, but not many kids carry on with trombone after Grade 12. Few educators promote art training. The general belief SEEMS to be that drawing ability in innate; that Michelangelo was born with a paint brush in his little fist. Drawing and painting are skills that can be taught and are really much easier to acquire than musical skills. The wonderful thing is that you can draw anywhere--on a plane or a boat; you can colour anything -- a paper bag, a chair, a wall or a canvas and you can fill your life with a joy that is not only completely self generated, but also need not impact anyone else (like drumming or clarinet playing). How many older folks take up painting in community centers with 60 years of thinking "i can't draw" or I'm no good" behind them, only to discover that it is not only relaxing but also wonderfully fulfilling and my gosh: "I'm pretty good, I wish someone had showed me this years ago"; "who knew that the eyes were in the center of your face?" And on and on. This wonderful woman has danced to her own tune in her artistic expression of art and colour. She has acquired the confidence and self-possession to let her creativity explode into her home and world. it's fabulous!!! I wish we had the art programs in schools to develop the skills that would give free rein to all kids natural instincts. I think we'd have a happier world. Lecture over with love for pencil and brush

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A beautiful home that reflects the joy of the owners. A good reminder to embrace what makes you happy.

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Living Interiors

I LOVE THIS WOMAN and her loving and supportive family (especially her husband who won't stifle her creativity) ... what a joyous home - beautifully done. Congratulations!

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Best article ever!!! Love this lady and her bold approach to life and art. I am going to paint my old oak bookcases immediately...and people think I'm wild too!!! It's a good thing. How inspiring you are, my darling woman. Rock on!!!

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she is great, good for her

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i'm all about the color but when it makes sense it's a good thing some of the spaces are a little out there mainly a few of the rooms at top and there's just alot of stuff everywhere a little overwhelming to look at but i can tell this house is a fun environment

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Once again, soulful living. The orange Hoosier cabinet is my favorite too, not in part to the Hoosier reference as I am one of them.

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Jan Yatsko

A house after my own heart! But then again what artist isn't afraid of color! Lots of soul in the house...that's what I look for in art work. When we lived in PA, my walls were bright colors with brightly colored art work. But now that we have lived in Costa Rica for over 16 years, the bright colors and sunlight are outside and with us all year. Now my walls are white with the brightly colored art work.

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Beth Ward

I too love color!! Kristin I think we are long lost sisters.

I do pottery and want to make all sorts of architectural ceramics.

My hub and I have been married 31 years. Both of my kids grew up and left home.

We just bought a house that has been painted WHITE. The entire thing. Thanks for the inspiration, seriously.

Different colors on the walls... great idea! YAY I am all excited!!


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Loved visiting your beautiful home on Houzz. All the colors are so beautiful and bright , it makes your home come alive! Looks so comfortable and cozy- a place that you want to be. Now I want to go out and buy your book. I love the fact that you are a self taught artist. It makes all your art even that much more special. It comes from your heart!. I live in CT. in an old farm house and I like do paintings now and then too. I haven't in awhile unfortunetly. But after seeing this article and your video, I feel inspired again. I see that you teach classes. Can you possibly email me back and let me know your hours and how much they cost. I don't live that far from you and I would love to take a class? Thank you, Jan Grainger(Tess).....tess1919@yahoo.com

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Candy Newman

I love decorating with white but I have to admit there is a warmth to all that colour. Loved her home and love for life -- it made me happy.

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I absolutely think this family and their crazy mixed-up colored house is amazing. It reminds me of an antique shop I ventured into once that was filled with art glass, carnival glass and depression glass. The burst of color everywhere was awesome. Fearless with color, perfectly cool and they have a Great Pyrenees - love these folks!

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I am one of those people that's afraid of colour, but looking at her house, I just loved it. It's just so happy and full of life.

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Debbie Pepper Howard

I just shared this on my social media pages- LOVE this house and the people in it! I'm giving myself permission to be creative in my home and not care what anyone else thinks! I LOVE stories like this. Thanks for the inspiration! I wish you were my Aunt! :)

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Sarah Dancer
love the kitchen
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Loli Corzo . I absolutely loved the house, the owner's personality & creativity is fabulous. Color gives you happiness.

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fabulous ! I love colour and you have mastered the look without becoming tacky or cutesy. Your artistic abilities shine through. I completely relate for the need to have a jolt of colour in the long winter. Will be looking for your book! Keep doing what you do!!

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How wonderful your life is, To be surrounded by the beauty of nature, love of family and color is a blessing from God. Your positive creative spirit reaches out through your video. Thanks for being real.

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Love it, love it, love it
Enfin des couleurs!!!!
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I love it! And I love it more, because the owner loves it, not too many people are really happy with their home. I think an artist could live there.

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Sometimes goodness, kindness, integrity seep out of stories and articles about "just folks." I've watched Kristen on knitting shows and feel encouraged by her, inspired, good about myself in her enthusiasm. So it goes with this story about her home. Kudos, Kristen and Houzz, for presenting a home created by folks who invite us by the fire to enjoy the warmth of creating just what suits us with things at hand!

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Such a lovely story. I think you have a great talent, for painting.

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Candy Newman

That oil painting of Pinkie is awesome! And those painted lamp shades are pretty amazing too!

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This is an absolute inspiration!!! Just bought my first home - and would love if when I am done, it is as beautiful, happy, original, eclectic, joyous and personalized as this. I feel as though Kristin is my design soul mate <g>. Thank you for sharing a view into your masterpiece!!

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This house has a good vibe. I especially liked that it looks real and lived in. Would love to see more creative and comfy homes like this on Houzz.
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June Fortunato

Beautiful work! Excellent color matching. The paintings are well done. You've mastered the way to fill your home with color without feeling overwhelming. That's quite a feat.

Lovely video, too.

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My maiden name is also Duprey, and spelled the same. You don't usually see it spelled that way. It sure caught my attention. Wish I knew the connection.

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Watching this video and going through your house was like a 'Wow'. A lovely house, a warm family and beautiful farm. Kudos. :)

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It's also nice to finally see a house that looks like real people live there, a place where you don't feel you need the decorator's permission to add a pillow or put your feet up. Many people craft and create things for their homes; it's great to finally see a home featured that actually reflects that.
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Lee Thomas-Renshaw

My home is very similar to Kristin's. I live in Costa Rica, and it is always interesting to see the reactions from the locals when they enter our home and see all the color and eclectic furnishings. Kristin's house is just beautiful, and has given me even more inspiration for my own!

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I really enjoyed this "article". What sweet people!!!! God bless you and your family Kristin! I really want to come for Thanksgiving! LOL! I love your farm!

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What an amazing woman with a wonderful outlook on life. I have no family other than my husband and I always thought I would love to have these experiences of large family gatherings. You three are SO lucky.

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Love the house and all the color! So warm and inviting. Hope I can be brave enough to use that much color in my home.

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Cheryl Korytoski

Totally love the piece about you, your family, and your fabulous house!! I used to beg my parents for a baby pet pig (who I had planned to name Pinky!!) I said I'd tie a pink ribbon on its neck and keep it very clean!! Never got the pig...but do get tons of inspiration from you and your colorful life!! I guess I'm living vicariously through you, Kristin...though I've been slowly changed my muted world to lots and lots of color!! Thank you so much!!! Cheryl

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Thank you for sharing your slice of life! What an inspiration and day brightener

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Alorya Art and Decoration

Absolutely so much beautifull that I am speechless!

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Delightful, sweet fun gal, creative unique fun, and in all the color, I see kindness, now that is art!

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Kristin, I love all the color and your spirit!

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great dear. designing ur home urself gives u the happiness that even a big professional designer cant give. well done.

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my style generally speaking is more or less monochromatic .... but i do think this lovely article has pushed me over the edge to paint my antique secretary/bookcase a "color" .... i may move out of my comfort zone and go bold(ish) .... thanks for the inspiration ... you have a warm and inviting home ...

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Thank you so much! What an inspiration!!

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Thanks for sharing your wonderful home and family with us. I love everything you've done, but love the history and hospitality behind it even more. You mentioned the paint you used on the lampshades (Jacquard?), but could you be more specific as they have multiple kinds of fabric paints. Thanks!

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Kristin Nicholas Designs

Hi Barbv - You want these paints:


They are not opaque. Make sure you order the colorless extender too. Do not add white to the paints or they become opaque and not good for lampshades.

I have directions in my book for painting the lampshades - Crafting a Colorful Home - Signed copies available on my website


I order mine from Dick Blick:


Good luck. Kristin

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Too much for me!
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This woman is fantastic....great attitude, great skill, so inspiring. Wonderful family. LOVE the house outside and in - and please put me on the list for buying Pinky :-)

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Kevin James

OK I watch it for the 3rd time, for some reason I really like them, real salt of the earth people.

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Kristin you have an amazing home and family. Living your dreams makes the warmth and glow. Beautiful and inspiring. Thank you for sharing

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Love your love of color! We could be from the same mold. I giggled at your husbands comment as that is what my husband goes through living with me almost daily. Our house is full of color like yours because I love color and I'm an artist as well. When we first moved in it was winter and your comment about everything white and the cold was exactly what I was thinking when I painted the kitchen an intense bright yellow! So everyday is sunny no matter what is happening outside. I always say "It's only Paint" if you don't like it try something else! No beige in my house either! I don't know why people are so afraid of color. I think you have inspired some to give it a whirl.

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cynthia kurk

Waverly could do a wallpaper book based on your designs, I would buy it for our 1833 house in a minute. Fame is comin your way, wow!

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What a creative artist you are! But even more so, such a family inspiration who knows exactly what is important to her and in life. I can imagine that your family looks forward to Thanksgiving at your home even when they can't be there. Thank you for a lovely story and for sharing it with all of us.

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Way to go Mark, Kristin, and Julia! I shed a few tears with the Thanksgiving section. You are doing what so many other people would love to do but fail to do and I salute you.

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wesley staples

I'm one of those people who is intimidated by color, but a wild fan of it. What makes Kristin a brilliant artist is that she has an unmistakable natural gift for not only color but design, an honest and distinctive style, elan. An amazing gift. Something worth great success.

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Tendr Place

I just feel 'joy'....

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Christy Majors

What a beautiful home. Not only is it filled with color, it is filled with love. A perfect combination!

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Love the colors. Bold, yet the feel is relaxing and homey. Love all the happy animals hanging around.
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Kristin, congratulations! Your home is so beautiful ~ filled with color & love. Just makes me happy :-)

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Bubbles McCain
I grew up in franklin county(Shelburne Falla) and now live in California. Your home is wonderful! I love the exterior shots. I miss the green so much, especially now with the drought. Happy to see western mass here on Houzz!
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Whether or not one is in love with this lady's taste, one cannot help but love this lady and be inspired by her warmth, creativity, spirit of generosity and love. Lady - and this comes from a conservative guy who has never written a comment on any website before - you rock! God's blessings!

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Amanda Carol Interiors

Simply steeped in color!

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I am a knitter and embroiderer and own every one of Kristin's books. Her ideas about color and design are just extraordinary--and apparently her farm house is extraordinary too!

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Henry Nader

Different strokes for different folks....literally. But definitely love certain elements in this home.

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After seeing so many people saying they like this color explosions I wonder why there are so few houses like this one??????
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What a happy place! Looking at your home from the outside you'd never guess there was such an explosion of color on the inside. It must make the New England winters so much more bearable. Thanks for sharing.

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HerStory Home

So wonderful to see love for your home expressed through the use of colour. That is really what you've done here, is love your home. Thank you so much for sharing your talents! All the best for a colourful future! http://herstoryhome.com

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Bayberry Cottage

Oh my! Beautiful!

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For those inspired to paint a piece of furniture, I found this site. I have an old bonnet dresser that is in need of a face lift. I haven't screwed up my courage to do anything yet, but if the results are as good as this chest of drawers, I have nothing to lose. Now, just need to make the time for it!


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I love color and your style and wish I could do something like this at my log cabin on the lake. I'm not that talented and am afraid it would end up looking too hodgepodge and clashing. I would have to get it right the first time to sell it to my conservative hubby. But I love your place and how homey it feels! Great job
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Just beautiful you three! I feel the love! <3

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A home full of color, love, talent and gratitude. What's not to like? Now to find some of Kristin's knitting patterns!

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Donald Krom Jr.
We all love the passion and honesty of your wonderful home and family. Congratulations to you and to Houzz for highlighting it so professionally.
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Love it all! Thank you Kristin for sharing your beautiful home, your creative talent and good taste. Life is short so congrats for living in the now! PLEASE can you put all the delicious photos and fabulous story in a coffee table book. There are many of us that would never tire of looking at it.
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Dear Kristin:

What a wonderful home with a true, brave, very alive heart and soul. Like you, I am a lover of colour, textiles, and curvilinear, organic-based patterns, just to name a few style elements with the ability to expand the mind and make the heart sing.

I am simultaneously deeply touched by your unbounding creativity, talent, and passion, and by your husband Mark's resounding support of your artistic sensibilities. What a man! Additionally, it is genuinely heartwarming to see just how much your daughter Julie appreciates her folks, and the home environment that nurtures and inspires each of you. What a breathtakingly special upbringing! No doubt your daughter is very creative and artistic (whether in the design and/or farming realms) in her own right.

Watching your Houzz video brought tears to my eyes. Quite a few, actually! The love and passion that characterize each of you and your uniquely imprinted home are nothing short of tremendous! I adored listening and watching you talk about your kitchen table, the reverence you have for its familial history. I thought I could "hear" the tears in your voice, which of course, encouraged me to become so moved that I cried, seemingly along with you. :)

Thank you for sharing, for being such an inspiration. In my work as an Interior Designer and Residential Builder (with long held aspirations to be a crafty, creative artisan!) I have typically witnessed people's deep fear of colour, of being bold. Sometimes you simply have to lend them some courage; akin giving them permission to express themselves! I laughed, when during the video you stated, "There is no beige in my house." Here, here! Colour is one of the ways in which we feed the soul.

I will definitely be buying your book in the future! I actually cannot wait to get it in my grubby little hands and experience what is surely a feast for the eyes!

Here's to life well spent. To thinking and doing outside the box. If your design sense is the path to psychosis, I am on it with you, sister!

Once again, thank you for the love, laughs, and life-affirming inspiration!

Wishing you and your vibrant family the very best always. :)


Sharon Black (Paradise Point, Repairs, Renovations and Design)

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Gail Berberich

Kristi I love what you'e done with all the color in your house. It looks warm, fun and happy. There is something to be said about living in the country and raising children, sheep and dogs. I too like to paint everything especially furniture so I appreciate your talent. Not only did your artistry get my attention so did your border collie and great pyrenese. We have a cross between the two breeds and he looked like a panda bear when he was a pup so hence the name Panda. We also live in the country and it certainly is inspiring. Thank-you for sharing.

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Kristin Nicholas Designs

Thank you everyone for the continuing interest in our colorful home. Being featured on Houzz has been one of the highlights of my creative life. Thank you for all the kind and honest comments that have come from your hearts.

I have listed some 4 new oil paintings and 5 new hand painted lampshades in my Etsy shop. A couple photos below.


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me through my website www.kristinnicholas.com

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Susan Babcock

Love it!!

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I know you from Knit and Crochet Now/Today and boy o boy you have more skills than colors exist. I LOVLOV YOUR HOUSE. What a fantastic display of love from you and yours. I am a bigger fan than before. WOW!

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Lisa Lenz
I love color. But I'm shy about using it. So shy that I can't bring myself to start with an accent piece. I'm aware it's my house and can do what I want, my husband would not say anything one way or the other. Money is an issue. Because if it doesn't work, it's be hard to replace. I like the idea of paint. But I'm afraid to devalue or ruin something. At 50 years old I shouldn't worry about such things. This colorful farmhouse video has inspired me. Thank you.
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This house makes me smile and inspires me to use more color and have fun w/decorating instead of worrying about making mistakes. Thank you for sharing this exuberant and cheery home!

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Noirin Mcbrien
Love! Love everything about this magnificent home.
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Maryjane Kapteyn
I love your self expression, bold creativity and warmth-lovely just like you. Your story and home made me smile.
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Ayelet Designs

love the colors!

love the way you were able to transform your furniture and house to come alive :)

your story is inspiring and i was moved and touched.

wish you many more years of creativity and creating family memories

Ayelet Mendelovich

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The most amazingly beautiful house in the U.S. Kristin would you please give the name of the pinkish orange color in the bedroom.

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Antonia Busby

You are a special beautiful woman inside and out! And your home has a lovely colorful soul! Thank you for sharing your creativity!

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L. B.

Organized, artistic, hoarding. GENIUS!

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Architectural Notice

It's a little too much color and stuff for my own personal taste but I always admire people who make their own home a vision of what they like.

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Wonderful...love to see someone who is NOT afraid of colour. Colour is such a blessing in our world, and I find the trend to grey and greige most distressing.
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Very colourful and bright. Nice to look at but not for me
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Becky Harris

I came home this evening completely exhausted, getting over traffic and the last bit of a horrid cold, and watching this video brought me so much joy and perked me up. I love the house, love the sheep, love the people, love the color and the attitude. I gotta get that book ASAP. Another great find by Rikki!

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Beautiful! You are living your best life. Love, love love it.
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Sabrina Alfin Interiors

Really, really fun and creative. I love the relaxed vibe and the homespun touches. Some of the rooms are a tad too cluttered for my taste, but the whole thing has such a fairy tale quality to it that I'm willing to overlook that. ;-) Great job!

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Paula Gassman

Love the colors, the dining room wall with the black wash furniture, reminds me of William Morris wall paper!

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Pat B.
Oh man, what a happy house!! There is just so much personality and joy contained (perhaps spilling out a bit!) within these walls. I would love to go visit.
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Jane JB

Absolutely LOVE all the color - every little bit of it! Love your artwork and creativity - what a gift!!

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Casart Coverings

Get Kristin's art for your walls! Kristin's art is available on high quality self-adhesive wall covering that goes up easily--

For more info

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Moulin Bleu

So whimsical, what fun!

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I love all the color esp. That granny smith green. It's a happy shade. The patterns on the walls are beautiful. Nothing cookie cutter about this house. Personally, if it had less clutter it would appeal more to me. But it is a very special place, inside and out.

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What a Wonderful Life!! Family!!!!! Beautiful!!!

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Finally! Someone who knows how to use color! For years I had what my sister in law called a skittle home, because every room in the house was a different bright color. It really works if you only use only one wall against the remaining white walls also. But we went full on, the whole room. People's faces really light up when they walk into a house that has happy colors!

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I absolutely love this house with all the color and all the creativity everywhere you look. Beautiful!

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Blue Wren

Kristin does know how to use colour and that is the key. What sets this house apart is the handmade touch and a lot of love. It is such a personal home that speaks to the family that inhabit it. What a lovely life they live.

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YOU GO, GIRL! Finally someone who doesn’t worship at the altar of neutrals! Not too crazy about some of the designs painted on the walls, but the colors! Those I love! It must be like living in a kaleidoscope!
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Gloria Bauer

Love the color in their home. I am an antique collector and would never paint any of them but I like what she did to hers.

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This home is not for me, too busy but I can say I love it. I love color and almost no one really uses it or uses it boldly. Color makes things alive versus afterlife white rooms that are popular. I applaud Kristen and her husband for making a home that is a statement of the people who live there. It is warm, alive and inviting.

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Diane Sargent

A happy colorful house. I love it!

Enough of minimalism, sleek, sharp shiny interior decorator houses.

i love stuff..personalized homes, fun homes.

great work to the family who made this happen !

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Charmaine Morris

Absolutely love this! It feels alive, happy and fun.

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Jeanne Young
I live on a former farm property with a little acreage so enjoyed this very much. While I could not live with all that color I loved it in her house. Too hard to keep clean, which is hard enough in an old house as it is. I really like these personal stories as well as the surprise redos.
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Love love love!!!!!

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Kristin and Mark, THANK YOU for sharing your home! I could look at these pictures all day! Franklin County is beautiful. I used to live in Sunderland 42 years ago! Your house made me nostalgic. It is so lived in and so tended with love. Beautiful!!!!

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Oh, this is a wonderful house and farm. I love, love bright colors as they are so uplifting. You remind me of Mary Engelbreit, Laurel Burch, and Mary Rose Young all of whom I love their work. I wish you would write an illustrated book with lots of pictures of your work.

Thanks for sharing. Hope to see more of your work.


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Dana Veach

@watsonleona...Kristin does indeed have several books out...check for them at your local bookstore or on Amazon. Her work is also featured in numerous magazines, particularly ones devoted to Fiber Arts. I've never been able to get enough of her delicious color and pattern work!

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Haha! I love it! All those color-phobic people out there must be cringing. Most homes on Houzz are white, beige or grey-yuck!!!! Mine is bright yellow. Very warm and sunny. When people have the nerve to call gray/grey warm, that's when I lose it. Seriously? Happy holidays to you!

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I was awestruck by this video - first time I've seen it. Had to watch it 3 times..... My eyes couldn't get enough of the whimsical, yet wonderful, lovable art everywhere. Although I don't think I could have my cottage in the woods done like your house, it will have colours on the walls done in a 1800s - early 1900s sorta way with texture (venetian plaster). None of my current lampshades are solid - some are metal and one is painted silk.

Your artistry plus some things I've seen on the internet has me thinking. If you were to paint a telephone/electric wood pole, what type of paints would you use. Yes, for my cottage in the woods (a 5 year project), I have to put some wee folk and flora on those ugly looking brown poles. Will your wallpaper stick to wood? :)

If not, maybe @Dana Veach can mosey on down to my neck of SE Texas and do some pole painting for the cottage in 2-3 years! :)

Merry Merry and Happy Happy ...................and to all a joyful Winter Solstice!

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love the pig painting and the orange cabinet!

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Designe Gallerie

Wow! Very beautiful and refreshing room.

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Fabiola Santana
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It's a lovely and loving home!

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Dana Veach

Keep me posted on progress, Celestina...I'd love being a part of your creation in some small way! Heck...I'm just looking forward to seeing what you do!! Have a wonderful upcoming year!

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Patricia Dowd

I LOVE your home, but most of all I LOVE your attitude! Color is my life, too. But I am not so talented as you. I love doing jigsaw puzzles and I mount them when I finish assembling them. They hang or are propped up all over my house. They're not your oil paintings, but they bring me joy, so in that we are alike. Thank you for sharing your home and your philisophy.

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Kristen, I saved this story when it came out years ago. It continues to give me a happy lift. Covid shut-ins? .....just crank up this video and you'll be fine. :-) Thank you so much for sharing your home.

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I see this article is about a decade old. I wonder if she still has that boring old black-and-white dog, or if she every got around to doing it up in neon colors.

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