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Garlic powder as squirrel repellent?

I finally got my garlic planted yesterday and along with that I plant tulips between and around the various garlic types. Last year I went well overboard; so this year I cut back to a couple of bulbs each of 8 types of garlic. I hope next year to have settled on three or four permanent ones.

I have a problem with cats and squirrels digging in new beds; so I sprinkled garlic powder over the top once the beds were planted and watered in. Having my tomatoes inside the garlic beds last summer seemed to protect them from the squirrels until after I harvested the garlics; so I thought I would try an experiment with the garlic powder. I wouldn't think the powder would have any effect on what I planted.

Nothing dug into the new beds overnight, which I would otherwise have expected; so day 1 seems to be successful...

Comments (8)

  • 9 years ago

    I think they'll just like the seasoning. I had squirrels digging and eating garlic.

  • 9 years ago

    The squirrels have left my alliums alone to this point, my peppers too, oddly enough. I haven't lost an Anaheim or a sweet banana either yellow/green nor red to the squirrels. I have lost both butternut squashes and tomatoes, though. Next year chicken wire cages and tunnels, I think. We shall see.

  • 9 years ago

    There has been a bit of digging but not much. Not much of a deterrent though.

  • 9 years ago

    Is it true jalapenos are more of a deterrent? I have tried grinding one up in the blender with water and using it as a spray. That's kept cats out of my yard, but it also takes constant spraying.

  • 9 years ago

    I have live trap and a pellet rifle that work well as a squirrel and crow repellent. I try to keep the population at a level where the squirrels take only their fair share. I have persimmons, cherries, peaches, figs, pears, and berries. The crows were taking more than their allotment, so I shot a couple. The others gathered about and I beieve I understood what they were crowing about. Probably saying something like, "Look! What happened to Ed? Oh my God! Look, Harry is flopping about!" And then they all flew away from my yard. After that they avoided my yard for a couple of months. Probably have to renew the warning this spring.

    Squirrels are a different matter. I negotiated a deal with the squirrels to only take their fair share of my fruit. At first they kept their promise and life was good; I ate persimmons, peaches, tomatoes, cherries, strawberries and pears. Then they got greedy and broke their agreement, taking most of the fruit. I told my wife, "I'll show these squirrels who is boss here." She smirked! I bought a live trap and caught and relocated 13 squirrels in one year. The squirrels snitched on me and the local police told me it was unlawful to relocate squirrels even to a new beautiful woods. My wife smirked! I caught 7 more and drowned them in a garbage can; I smirked at the ones that got away. The squirrels obviously negotiated a deal with the crows and ground squirrels because they started taking more fruit. I bought a pellet rifle. I told my wife, "I'll show these squirrels who is the smarter!" My wife said, "That ship has sailed." What did she mean by that?

    This post was edited by CharlieBoring on Mon, Jan 26, 15 at 8:56

  • 9 years ago

    Don't you know that just about everything tastes better with garlic!!!

  • 9 years ago

    I suppose a squirrel in a slow cooker with some garlic, maybe a couple of tomatoes could end up being pretty tasty. Sure as can be though, if I end up liking it, the squirrels will make themselves scarce. Win win...