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Okra is this year's favorite WS ornamental

15 years ago

I've always grown okra in a tradtional vegetable garden. This year I planted it in multiple places amongst other "talls": Amaranthus Intense Purple, Amaranthus Orange Giant, Zinnia Cactus Giant, assorted Cosmos, hibiscus, etc. The effect was pleasing and expanded my veggie yield. Over the summer I asked different friends and neighbors to keep the okra cut and producing when I was out of town. I always had to give them a tour to point out where the patches of okra were. Each time they were surprised, claiming they never knew I had vegetables hidden in the "flower beds". The point is, they were pretty enough to be ornamentals.

Comments (7)

  • 15 years ago

    Okra is a very pretty plant. I bet it looks great in your garden.

    Eggplant is also particularly pretty - a nice addition if you need some purple flowers in your garden bed next year.


  • 15 years ago

    I work at a farm down the street, and one morning I was walking through the field and stopped short. In front of me was a beautiful plant I had never seen before, either there or anywhere. It had gorgeous foliage, and a lovely flower that reminded me of a Rose of Sharon. It was very beautiful.

    The funny thing is, having never seen okra in my entire life, I wondered if that was an okra plant, and after asking the farmer it turns out I was right. I still dont know how or why I knew what it was, but I decided right then and there to grow some next year. If I get up the nerve to try it, (I'm a very UN-adventurous eater!) it will be the first time I've ever eaten it. Still don't know what the fruit looks like since I haven't seen one yet, but the plant is just wonderful.


  • 15 years ago

    Dee, I'll get a picture posted tomorrow, tell you how to fry it, then send you seeds if you like.

    We are a relatively civilized lot, but my brother has been known to stab my hand with a fork when I reached for the last of the okra. Worth every puncture wound! MMMMMMMmmmmmmmmm.

    And by the way, it is in the same family as hibiscus and Rose of Sharon.

  • 15 years ago

    Which okra did you grow, Seedmama? Diane's Flower Seeds has one called 'Burgandy' that looks very pretty. I'm not sure I have room in my perennials beds to grow vegetables, but I may have to try to squeeze that one in.

    I grew up in the south, so every cafeteria served fried okra, and it was very common in gumbos/stews too, but I've never grown it, or cooked it myself.


    Here is a link that might be useful: Okra 'Burgandy'

  • 15 years ago

    Dee, So sorry, I have tried all weekend to get photos posted. It seems that since photobucket did their recent upgrade I no longer can use it. I have outdated hardware, so it's probably just me. If you like, I can email you some photos.

    Bonnie, I grew Emerald and Clemson Spineless. Emerald is dwarf, tasty and prolific. Clemson Spineless is tastier, taller and almost as prolific. Production on both can be boosted by incorporating composted manure into the planting bed.

    I'll look for other routes on the photos....

  • 15 years ago

    Never seen okra growing, but if it's pretty at least it has some redeeming value. That slimy stuff is nasty to actually eat.


  • 15 years ago

    LOL, Karen, you're not making me any more adventurous!

    Seedmama, that's okay - don't knock yourself out on the photos. If you can get them posted, that would be great, but don't go to *too* much trouble!

