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Baxton Studio Derwent Modern TV Stand With Drawers
Baxton Studio Derwent Modern TV Stand With Drawers
Baxton Studio Derwent Modern TV Stand With Drawers
Baxton Studio Derwent Modern TV Stand With Drawers
Baxton Studio Derwent Modern TV Stand With Drawers
Baxton Studio Derwent Modern TV Stand With Drawers
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Simple, contemporary, and free of unnecessary bells and whistles, the functional Derwent TV Stand has the essentials for displaying and storing your television, sound system, and peripherals. The table's size accommodates either flat panel or older, larger tube television sets with equal finesse. Store accompanying DVD players and accessories in the two drawers and two open shelves below your television. The unit is made of dark brown wood effect veneered lapped chipboard with silver tone drawer pulls and legs. The Derwent TV stand can also function as a coffee table. To clean, wipe the unit with a damp cloth. Assembly is required.

Baxton Studio Derwent Modern TV Stand With Drawers
29 Reviews
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    • Product Description
    • Product Specifications
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    Simple, contemporary, and free of unnecessary bells and whistles, the functional Derwent TV Stand has the essentials for displaying and storing your television, sound system, and peripherals. The table's size accommodates either flat panel or older, larger tube television sets with equal finesse. Store accompanying DVD players and accessories in the two drawers and two open shelves below your television. The unit is made of dark brown wood effect veneered lapped chipboard with silver tone drawer pulls and legs. The Derwent TV stand can also function as a coffee table. To clean, wipe the unit with a damp cloth. Assembly is required.

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