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BURRATA TV Stand for TVs up to 88 inches, White
BURRATA TV Stand for TVs up to 88 inches, White
BURRATA TV Stand for TVs up to 88 inches, White
BURRATA TV Stand for TVs up to 88 inches, White
BURRATA TV Stand for TVs up to 88 inches, White
BURRATA TV Stand for TVs up to 88 inches, White
  • Product Description
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The Burrata TV stand is constructed in a rectangular shape and is more of a minimalistic product. Your television set sits on top of the base easily, and the product accommodates television sets of all sizes despite their width. It can also accommodate newer curved selections without difficulty or overhang. The bottom of the television stand provides two large drawers which are exceptional for storing items you need each day such as video games and DVDs. The top base also accommodates decorative accents such as large vases, statuary, and framed pictures of your loved ones. The product is manufactured with particleboard and has a superior italian quality.

BURRATA TV Stand for TVs up to 88 inches, White
By Furniture Agency
Free Shipping
Est. Delivery: May. 29 - Jun. 3 (to )
    Qty: 1

    • Product Description
    • Product Specifications
    • Shipping and Returns
    The Burrata TV stand is constructed in a rectangular shape and is more of a minimalistic product. Your television set sits on top of the base easily, and the product accommodates television sets of all sizes despite their width. It can also accommodate newer curved selections without difficulty or overhang. The bottom of the television stand provides two large drawers which are exceptional for storing items you need each day such as video games and DVDs. The top base also accommodates decorative accents such as large vases, statuary, and framed pictures of your loved ones. The product is manufactured with particleboard and has a superior italian quality.

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    At Houzz we want you to shop for Furniture Agency BURRATA TV Stand for TVs up to 88 inches, White with confidence. You can read real customer reviews for this or any other product and even ask questions and get answers from us or straight from the brand. When you buy Furniture Agency BURRATA TV Stand for TVs up to 88 inches, White or any product product online from us, you become part of the Houzz family and can expect exceptional customer service every step of the way. If you have questions about Furniture Agency or any other product for sale, our customer service team is eager to help.