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Oriental SuzaniHand-Knotted Rug, 9'x18'1"
Oriental SuzaniHand-Knotted Rug, 9'x18'1"
Oriental SuzaniHand-Knotted Rug, 9'x18'1"
Oriental SuzaniHand-Knotted Rug, 9'x18'1"
Oriental SuzaniHand-Knotted Rug, 9'x18'1"
Oriental SuzaniHand-Knotted Rug, 9'x18'1"
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The design of Suzani is a type of embroidered, or fabric covering rooting back to the early 15th century in Central Asia. Suzani rugs were created based on one's history and sometimes required a family to complete, each designing their piece of material in their own color, or shape. A traditional Suzani rug consists of various materials such as cotton, linen and silk and have an abundance of designs including the sun, the moon, flowers, leaves & vines, fruits and occasionally fish and birds.

Oriental SuzaniHand-Knotted Rug, 9'x18'1"
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    • Product Description
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    • Shipping and Returns
    The design of Suzani is a type of embroidered, or fabric covering rooting back to the early 15th century in Central Asia. Suzani rugs were created based on one's history and sometimes required a family to complete, each designing their piece of material in their own color, or shape. A traditional Suzani rug consists of various materials such as cotton, linen and silk and have an abundance of designs including the sun, the moon, flowers, leaves & vines, fruits and occasionally fish and birds.

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